Isotrex : Topical Isotretinoin Gel (0.05%)

6 Reviews

Active Ingredient:
Isotretinoin (0.05%).

The list of ingredients above is provided for informational purposes only. Always check the actual product label in your possession for the most accurate ingredient information due to product changes or upgrades that may not yet be reflected on our web site.


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May 12, 2016
It does work if you know how to use it
Hi there. I had reasonably severe acne since my early teens due to really, really oily skin. I tried the usual to get around it: tried every prescription gel and tablets from the doctor but eventually ended up on Roaccutane, which worked but caused some quite severe side effects. As loads of people who've used it say, about 2 years later my oil started returning (queue a multitude of panic attacks), but you couldn't pay me to go back on Roaccutane. Isotrex gel is now available, which is basically the same active ingredient (isotretnoin), but as a topical gel instead of a pill, so it doesn't ruin your insides. At first it might sting, and may make your face red. However it is well worth persevering. Whatever you do, don't put it straight onto your face without cream on first! I made the mistake of doing this initially and basically gave myself chemical burns. Cleanse your face morning and evening, apply a THIN layer of THICK cream (I use sudocream - this reduces redness very quickly), and THEN apply Isotrex - a very thin layer. If you put too much on, you will see little bits of it peeling off, so really it's not good under makeup. It takes about 2 months for real results, but by that time my entire face was smooth. It took a few months longer for the marks from previous acne to go down, but now I only get the occasional small pimple, avoiding the fear of waking up to an entire faceful of whiteheads each morning. It won't fix scars, just treats active acne. I think it's a 'forever' product, so if you stop using it your acne will eventually come back. On the other hand, it's still the most effective treatment out there apart from Roaccutane, which many people choose not to use because of some really quite scary side effects. I would say definitely give it a try for at least 3 months, just be careful to avoid putting it straight onto your face! p.s - don't put the tube too near to your nose either - it smells like straight vodka
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