
756 Reviews

The list of ingredients above is provided for informational purposes only. Always check the actual product label in your possession for the most accurate ingredient information due to product changes or upgrades that may not yet be reflected on our web site.


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June 8, 2013
do not use toothpaste!




harmful to my skin
made my skin red and irritated

this made my breakouts bigger and irritated. It did not dry out any pimples but instead made them bigger and redder.
September 10, 2012


- Great Gets Rid of spots over night
-Easy to use
-Cheap as it all ready in your house


-Makes your eyes water and burns a little it but its not really sore

Works really well, i dont have many spots but for the few i do have it works almost over night, very good and easy to get rid of them, just put a tiny bit on the top of the spot at night, Leave overnigh and it will have go down by the morning.
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August 12, 2012


-works as a quick fix


-hard to remove
-whitens your skin
-stops working over time

I used this products for almost a year I would recommend this as a SPOT TREATMENT only once in a while, this product stops working over time. but if you just have a the odd pimple on your face for sure give this a go!
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August 8, 2012


works for some people
worth a try


its not a real acne treatment so dont get your hopes up, visit a derm for better results :)

its rather cheap so its worth a try.
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July 23, 2012


-Drys out pimple
-Always on hand
-Quick drying
-Overnight spot treatment
-Emergency use
-Post-popped-zit pain relief


-Only put a little on. Glob it on and you'll have white spots on your pillows
-White spots on your face (use when no one will see you)

I've been using this for years but yesterday I was stuck in traffic when I felt a nasty whitehead on my jawline finally bust. I hate the feeling of the pus oozing out but didn't want to get in more infected by wiping it. Then I remembered all the travel toothpastes the dentist gives me in my glove box. I dabbed in on the zit quickly (in traffic) and the pain and icky feeling stopped immediately. I was so relieved! I rushed home and cleaned the area to see that the redness was gone and the pimple was much flatter. Good thing because it probably would have spread the infection if I didn't treat it asap. Thank you dentist!
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July 1, 2012


Clears acne VERY FAST
didn't dry out skin
great for small or large acne spots


stings a little

Perfect overnight spot treatment. Leave it on for 30 min to and hour, wash it off, and what I like to do for added treatment is take some ice, wrap it in a cloth or paper towel and place it on your acne mark or spot and leave it on for 30 sec. This helps as well!
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June 22, 2012


It works a little


It BURNS! Usually leaves a little red spot with no head (see scar) if you pop it first.

Neroli Oil does the same thing, but won't leave you with a scar like toothpaste and other foreign materials can. Google; "Neroli oil for healing acne scar damage" if you made the same mistake I did. Don't pop zits unless they are ready and do it right!
May 20, 2012


Reduces redness
Dries out acne


Watery eyes..

This is just great! My acne is slowly but surely disappearing. I leave it on for about 15-20 mins and then wash it off with warm water. It's a bit hard to get off, but it works, :) MOISTURIZE AFTERWARDS!!!!
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May 10, 2012


Helps a lot
Leaves face feeling fresh and tighter


Burns a ton when putting on.
Leaves minor burns.

This helps a lot but it is not permanent. The results sometimes vary but overall, its good. Do NOT leave it on while sleeping. I've had this on for only about 20 minutes and my face is a little burned.
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April 11, 2012


Cheap and effective
Dries out acne


It may feel tingly
Your eyes will water
It's kinda hard to get off after it dries, but be gentle!

It really works if you need a quick fix for your acne. It's not magic and will not make your acne disappear, but it does help relieve the redness and soreness of the pimple. It's more for if you have a big event the next day and you need to reduce the redness of your acne. I recommend washing it off with a bit of warm water so it's easier to get off. Don't be afraid to try it out because you've heard about a lot of people getting scared. Test a tiny area. If it works, then try spreading a thin layer over your acne. It's best to leave it on for about one-two hours. Good luck! :)
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