Tea Tree Oil

983 Reviews

Tea tree oil is defined by international standard ISO 4730 (2004) (“Oil of Melaleuca, Terpinen-4-ol type”), which specifies levels of 15 components, which are needed to define the oil as “tea tree oil.”

Among over 98 compounds contained in the oil, terpinen-4-ol is responsible for most of the antimicrobial activity.

The list of ingredients above is provided for informational purposes only. Always check the actual product label in your possession for the most accurate ingredient information due to product changes or upgrades that may not yet be reflected on our web site.


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February 20, 2012


Only a small amount is needed
Feels fresh, feels good that yours using something organic and pure


Only worked for small blemished and spots
shouldn't be used for outright acne
Can sting, but it sometimes doesn't
Small bottle is expensive
Gets used quickly

It's good for small spots and blemishes if thats all you get, but apart from that it isn't really effective for general acne, the odd spot yeah, it may work for you, it worked for me when I used to get a spot or 2, but when I actually got 'acne' it just didnt work. At one point I was clear and had an event to go to the next day, I broke out a day before with large spots, around my T zone, mainly cheeks, tea tree oil didn't do anything and I applied a generous amount of it for 2 days.
February 19, 2012





Seen results almost immediately.
February 18, 2012


Only a small amount needs to be used,
Feels clean & fresh,
Fast results & it's all natural.


A small bottle can be a little expensive.

I am about 18 weeks pregnant. I have always had a problem with acne but it has gotten more severe with pregnancy. Your options are limited when your expecting so home remedies I have found are the best option for me. I have been doing a acne regimen of my own every night for about a week. First, I make a paste with baking soda & water. I scrub this on my face & let it dry (takes about 3 minutes) then, I rinse with lukewarm water. Next, I take a cotton ball with witch hazel on it & use it as an astringent (It doesn't sting or dry my face out like a normal astringent). I then moisturize my face with a oil-free moisturizer. Finally, I use the tea tree oil as a spot treatment. My husband & I have had wonderful results so far & I cannot wait to see what our results are a month from now! Good luck to everyone & I hope this review helps :)
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February 17, 2012


- has a nice herb smell
- results in a day or two
- has cooling and relaxing effect
- can be applied daily


- very oily and runny, so can get a bit messy

I would say this is so far the best natural treatment I've used to reduce my acne. It works quickly and feels natural. You can also find cheap ones with small concentrations of tea tree oil and it still works.
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February 16, 2012


Awesome results


First day u may see more redness but it is because it have started the process of healing.. next day morning ur face will look more clear

I had this bad acne on all my face... I followed the following process and believe me I have so happy ..wid almost no acne marks on face 1. Face wash- Body Shop Tea tree oil facial wash(Massage it for 30 secs and wash your face with cold water) 2. Moisuriser- Only when going out. Otherwise apply Body Shop Tea tree oil only on affected area. 3. Himalaya neem face pack(Need to be applied weekly) 4. Daily night apply honey/ Body Shop Tea tree oil on ur face and sleep tight ... U will definetly see the difference in a day .. I promise
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February 7, 2012


-fast working


-I guess the smell, but I kinda like it, it smells like eucalyptus.
-dries out skin

I have had bad cystic acne on my chin since I was about 15, I'm now 18, and havent found anything (other than expensive prescriptions) that would clear the break outs and keep them away. I then read about using tea tree oil and have been using it for about 3 days now and am amazed. The stuff totally dried up my pimples and they are now scabbed over and healing. I tried using a honey mask but I just found that it only kept the breakouts away it didn't heal the breakouts I already had. Once my face is healed I will go back to using the honey mask to keep them from coming back. I would not, however, recommend using tea tree oil all over your face as it does dry out skin. Only use it as a spot treatment.
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February 7, 2012


-good spot treatment
-works overnight
-reduces redness and swelling of pimples


-doesnt control the breakouts
-dries skin
-kind of expensive for a small amount

this stuff is amaziinngg. i have been using it for about 6 months. i use it every night all over my face before i go to sleep and in the morning most of my spots have shrunken and the redness is reduced.;) i suggest you use a moisterizer before you put it on as it can dry up your skin.
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February 5, 2012


-Cystic acne shrunk and less swollen


the smell... you get used to it after a while :)

I've only used it for spot treatment and so far so good!
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February 4, 2012


some how drys spots out asif by magic
easier to use than bp and doesn't burn
soothing smell


I'm waiting for a con..

It works fast buy take a gamble it wont irritate your skin and you have nothing to lose but everything to gain. I use it after i've washed and lightly moisturized un diluted.
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February 3, 2012


No more acne break outs!


can dry out your skin

This stuff is amazing! I have been trying a lot of natural cures for my cystic acne for the past couple of years and nothing has worked as well as Tea Tree Oil. I usually break out once every couple of weeks with a big painful bump but i havent had a single break out since i started using this. I only use this at night because it does dry out your skin and the smell can be a bit too much. After washing my face, I spread this directly onto my face with my fingertips (no diluting). Then i use a cotton pad saturated with witch hazel to take it off and apply moisturizer. I'm considering getting a life-time supply!
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