: Organic Jojoba Oil

206 Reviews

Jojoba Oil (100% Organic).

The list of ingredients above is provided for informational purposes only. Always check the actual product label in your possession for the most accurate ingredient information due to product changes or upgrades that may not yet be reflected on our web site.


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January 28, 2015
My skin does not like most of the products, but this is probably my favorite one. I prefer this to the moisturizer because it is simpler. It hydrates my skin without leaving a residue. You could probably get better quality jojoba oil with a nozzle that does not leak elsewhere, but this is pretty good.
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October 19, 2014
Like others before me, I've had the best experience possible with the product itself, but the nozzle leaks like nothing else. At first I thought it wouldn't be that much of a problem, but every time you turn the bottle upside-down to pour, a little bit leaks out of the bottom of the cap, making you lose a lot of oil and the bottle itself turns slippery. If you want to bring it anywhere, you have to put it in at least two plastic bags to make sure it doesn't leak on everything else in your bag. Please fix this! About the oil itself, it's one of my favorite products. I mix it with my moisturizer before going to bed and wash it off in the morning, my skin has never been smoother and less greasy! It's also great for chapped lips, and I'm confident this + my moisturizer will be sufficient for the dry winter air. Love it!
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August 29, 2014
Great for hair, face, burns, inflammation, massages, and more. My wife is pregnant and it reduce the inflammation from her hormonal acne. It's still too soon to give a good review of all the effects. My one complaint, and hopefully this is an easy fix, is that the nozzle in the cap is leaky. Please fix the leaky nozzle.
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January 21, 2014
It does what is supposed to do.
My husband suffers from very dry skin that occasionally peels or flakes. I bought this and told him to mix a few drops with his moisturizer, and it works great, no more flaking or extremely dry skin for him. He loves this stuff and we pack it in a travel-size container for the go. I use it as a non-comedogenic make up remover before washing my face.
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November 25, 2012


- Awesome on body after shower!
- A little goes a long way.
- Unscented.


- Did not work on my face; it broke me out when added to moisturizer.
- Gave weird bumps when I used around my eyes.

Love love love this as a body oil! The moisturizing effects last; it is great for elbows, knees, and after shaving. It does have a slight (and I do mean slight) odor at first straight out of the bottle, but it fades. It is a little pricey, but I only need a little bit so the bottle has lasted me several months so far- I still have a month's worth left.Good stuff! Gave it only a rating of 4 because it didn't work on my face at all.
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November 17, 2012


Feels light, will make me shiny. I use it as an eye makeup remover. Good for lips too.


Can make eye makeup run. I use glycerine on my eyes in the daytime to avoid this problem. Then Alpha Hydroxy Neutrogena day lotion (stings) then Acnomel in the daytime.

Great for eye makeup removal. Will help some. I think it is a good product to use to help with the drying effects of many products we use.
January 19, 2012


Excellent moisturizer for skin & hair; only need to use a few drops. Natural (better than using chemical moisturizers); Can be really good for sensitive/over-dried skin


Can cause break outs if not used correctly or smartly. Different results for different people.

I'm still not completely sold on the idea of using jojoba oil as my only cleanser or moisturizer. I do want to use more natural products-- I've had acne for 12 yrs now & my skin shows it. I think my skin wants a break from all the chemical/processed products I've put in/on my body/face. So I guess I really want this product to work, in whatever way is best. This is my 2nd attempt at using jojoba as a cleanser & moisturizer, and I've gotten about 4 cysts on my cheek in the last few days, which is rare for me. I'm not going to give up yet, though. The best advice I can offer is from something I read: jojoba is similar to sebum, so it can deep clean your pores; BUT this is a 2-way street: it can bring things IN your pores just as effectively. This is why I've chosen not to use it as a make-up remover, and to be very careful about using it when my face is at all dirty or or oozing. (Sorry to be graphic, but I think it is an important point many ppl are overlooking). Bottom line: only use when your face and hands are completely clean; don't use in excess-- be smart about it! It works wonders for flakey patches of dry skin on the face, elbows, feet, Also is an amazing hair conditioner. Sometimes I leave it in overnight and wash/condition as usual in the AM.
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August 25, 2011


-soothes my dry patches
-very cool bottle with the drop dispenser, a couple of drops goes a long way mixed with moisturizer
-skin is supple and soft after using it


-did not notice it controlling my oil
-looks greasy
-broke me out
-clogged my pores

I have mixed feelings about this product. I really wanted to love this product, but it sadly broke me out with really inflamed spots. I also noticed clogged whiteheads. Some might say it's because of purging, but once I stopped using it my skin got better. Although it's not suppose to be comedogenic, I would be cautious with using this if you have sensitive skin. It did however, make my dry patches of skin smoother when mixed in with my moisturizer, but made me look greasy so I only used it at night. The bottle is really big so it'll probably last forever. Instead of using it on my face now, I use it to remove eye makeup, clean and recondition my makeup brushes since jojoba has antibacterial properties. Overall, not recommended for sensitive skin, but it's multifunctional, so I guess if you try it on your skin and it doesn't work out, you can find another reason to use it so it's not wasted.
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June 7, 2011


Really helps with flaky areas, my skin is looking better and better with each use, this bottle holds a lot of oil and will last me a good long while


Can make your skin look very oily/greasy - need to use sparingly. Bottle is TERRIBLE - it had leaked all over the shipping box, and continues to leave oil rings everywhere on my counter. You can't take this on a trip unless you want oil everywhere. Packaging seriously needs to be changed.

Great product, really bad packaging. Start slow, with a drop or two and then move up if you need to. Daniel uses 6 drops, but that makes me look like an oil slick. I use more at night and less in the morning to make sure that I don't look oily during the day.
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May 12, 2011


-Lots of different uses
-Lasts for a long time
-I think it helps fade red marks
-Most importantly: does not clog pores


-The bottle is always covered in oil
-Shipping cost is a bit on the expensive side, but it's worth it

The best thing about jojoba oil is that it won't clog pores, so you can just rub it everywhere and see what works. Some of the things I use it for: -Hair conditioner -After shave -Moisturizer You don't have to use a lot of it, 6 drops should be enough for your entire face. It should last you over 5 months. The only beef I have with this is the cap. The cap allows you to dispense small drops, which is great. BUT after I used it for a few days, the whole bottle became covered in a thin layer of oil. It got to the point where I have to use the oil that leaked out of the bottle more than the oil inside the bottle. Hopefully they can fix the packaging because it's super irritating (at least to me) right now.
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