: Organic Jojoba Oil

206 Reviews

Jojoba Oil (100% Organic).

The list of ingredients above is provided for informational purposes only. Always check the actual product label in your possession for the most accurate ingredient information due to product changes or upgrades that may not yet be reflected on our web site.


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July 2, 2008


I like Dan jojoba oil because its affordable and it can last a long time. Its really light and I didnt break out from it..


I have oily skin, so putting jojoba over oily skin makes it super oily, especially in the day in the sun..

I usually use it only in the mourning as a stand alone moisturizer without adding any drop to a normal moisturizer since my skin is already oily. I just put 3 drop to my palm and massage my face evenly...
June 26, 2008


most fabulous makeup remover!! does not irritate my eyes or cause breakouts in the eyebrow area.


the bottle does leak.

i got this to try as a makeup remover. i have super oily skin and oily scalp too. i have used it a few times as a moisturizer for my lips and on the side creases of my nose. it does a good job but i get a bit too oily. doen not cause breakouts though so thats a definite plus. i would recommend this for people who get very dry from the BP.
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June 4, 2008


Huge bottle, cheap, great for flakey skin


Leaves skin looking shiney and feeling oily

It's a good product. Although i wouldn't use is a my main mositeriser it does the job well. However at the end of the day it is an oil and it left my skin looking oily and feeling oily. The real plus about this is that only a few drops are required. I used it soidly for 3 weeks and barely took anything out of the bottle. However it had a strange effect around my nose area. It peels away the dead sink on my nose leaving me to having to gently picking them off. My nose is probaby the most dry place on my face and it flakes bad so maybe that has something to do with it? All in all a good product but i would much rather a proper moisteriser. I am looking forward to trying the alpha hydroxy moisteriser when it is finished. I am hoping this can give me the results i used to get with the Eucerin AHA moisteriser.
May 28, 2008


Only used it for 3 days and already the crusty buildup on my scalp is mostly gone. Nizoral and other shampoos only made my scalp itchy but this totally cleansed my scalp and it doesnt itch as much anymore!


I havent encountered any yet

EXCELLENT way to remove crusty scalp buildup and hardened sebum deposits! Nothing else has worked so well! Using basic and natural products is the way to go! GREAT SCALP CLEANSER
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