Diane-35 : Oral Contraceptive

912 Reviews

Active Ingredients:
Cyproterone acetate 2 mg and Ethinyl estradiol 0.035 mg.

Inactive Ingredients:
Cornstarch, Lactose, Magnesium Stearate, Povidone, and Talc.

Tablet Coating:
Calcium Carbonate, Ferric Oxide Yellow, Glycerol, Polyethylene Glycol, Povidone, Sucrose, Talc, Titanium Dioxide, and Wax.

The list of ingredients above is provided for informational purposes only. Always check the actual product label in your possession for the most accurate ingredient information due to product changes or upgrades that may not yet be reflected on our web site.


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August 22, 2015
I am currently on Diane 35 for my skin. My acne was never severe or cystic but I did have continuous pimples and zits all over my cheeks and chin for about 5 years. I have been on the pill for just over a week now and my face is getting a lot better but I don't know if this is because of the pill or if it is because of my current skin care routine. I am wondering, if I should go off the pill after I finish the first months dose and continue with my skin care routine, or if I should stay on the pill. I want to know if acne comes back once the skin is clear and you get off the pill? Please help. I want to get off the pill but I want my skin to be clear.
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August 24, 2015
Its cones back after you get off the pill
June 18, 2016
You can't because the ingredient has something that alters your testosterone levels.
July 24, 2015
I just want clear skin NOW because I feel so fugly...
I've just recently started taking Chelsea-35 (generic brand) this month due to my PCOS. I've tried everything to cure my cystic acne around my chin and jaw line. I'm a vegan who eats very clean, I've tried so many over the counter products as well as antibiotics. I've been trying to cure this naturally but there is no hope when it comes to dealing with hormones. My doctor said I should take accutane but I'm so against taking it. It seems to be a short term cure rather than a long term one. Diane-35 was prescribed and the first week, my acne seemed the die down. Now, on my third week, my face has completely exploded. I avoid mirrors in public and really don't like looking at myself in the mirror at any point in time. I seriously can't bare how my face looks. From what I've read, this OCP seems to take an average of 4 months to kick in but I just want a fast solution! I feel so awful about myself but I think (and hope) this is the right solution and I just need to be patient. Any advice or similar situations?
July 24, 2015
I've heard vitex is also a good supplement for women with PCOS to take but should I combine so many pills at once?
July 24, 2015
Thank you so much! I'll definitely check them out!
July 10, 2015
Perfect for my Skin
Diane 35 worked amazingly for my skin, after about the third month my skin was amazing, I rarely got a spot and my scars had faded. I barely needed to even wear foundation anymore (a big thing coming from someone who normally didn't go out without lathering on my makeup). HOWEVER, on Diane I experienced seriously weight gain and put on about 10kgs in 5 months and struggled to lose the weight until I went off the pill. Would definitely still be on it if I didn't put on heaps of weight though.
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August 22, 2015
When you came off the pill did you find your skin problems came back??
November 20, 2014
I just completed my first month of Diane-35 and I've decided to stop this treatment. The first night I was up until 5 in the morning vomiting. The second and third days I stayed home from school with extreme stomach pains. Throughout the month the pain has come and gone, but I've experienced strange cramps on an hourly basis. I haven't seen any worsening or improvement with my acne, although the small whiteheads on my forehead have seemed to disappear, but I believe that was due to my topical treatment. So in conclusion, I've decided to go with natural remedies and not risk my body becoming dependent on a treatment that harms me.
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September 15, 2014
great for skin that's it!
I've been on Diane for 3 months now and was on it about a year ago for the same amount of time. I'm now choosing to go off It after 3 months because last time I did this my skin was amazing for almost 6 months. The side effects of this drug are horrible for me. I'm so moody I almost cant handle it and my poor boyfriend. Sometimes I don't know who I am my moods are so weird. Its making my IC (interstitial cystitis ) worse and so I cant sleep at night so I'm beyond tired. I crave everything under the sun and have gained 5 pounds. My boobs have gone up 2 sizes a plus for some people but they are super sore most of the time. Hopefully after I go off this drug that my face will be clear like it did last time. I have a cleaning regiment for my face that is working great so going to keep that up. It's not good to stay on this drug for too long also as the long term side effects can really effect your body.
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January 24, 2014
Not so Bad


Clear Skin
bigger boobs
not getting Pregant


Acne comes back if you stop taking it
dry Vagina

Lets see, I'm 23 years old. I've been taking Diane 35 for a year and a half now.. I think. Can't keep track because I've tried others too. I wanted a birth control pill that would help me out with not getting pregnant because Condoms Suck. So uncomfortable!! I also really needed something to help with my Acne. I stress out so much that my acne would attack my forehead and my chin. (little of my cheeks though.) So I tried Diane 35. It took about 2-3months before my face was finally clear and it stayed clear!! with only a random 1-2 pimples after my period probably due to the fact that once you finish the pack and go on your period, your not on the pill for 6-7days. So I would say Diane 35 worth the money. But I just recently (2months going on 3) stopped taking it, and my face has broken out and keeps on breaking out. (Forehead and chin) again. Great. I liked Diane 35 since, it stopped my acne,(back, ass, face, chest.) helped not get me pregnant, made my boobs bigger i use to be a C cup.(I dont really like bigger boobs. now I'm a D cup or a DD cup depending on stupid bras/stores), it also helped my mood swings a bit, I wasn't so Insane with my S.O. that's about it. the cons Acne came back full force once I stopped. the cost was why I stopped and I also stopped because my vagina was dry. (wasn't super dye) just dry enough that sex was really short.(My advice use lube, helps alot). I would get headache about 3-4 days before my period. I gained about 10pounds but I've come realize this is suppose to be my ideal weight at 23.(134) pounds if your wondering. before I went on the pill I was (121) um.... all in all this pill was great compared to the others I've tried.
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December 25, 2013
It works, but too many side effects


Reduced period pain & other symptoms
Clearer skin


Moodiness, brain fog, feeling vague

I took a generic form of Diane-35 for about 18 months due to endometriosis. I bought it cheap through working at a pharmacy, so it worked out to be about $12 AUD, but at other places it's generally at least $20. It helped a lot with reducing cramps and improved my skin, as a bonus. It made it really smooth, got rid of most acne, and reduced oiliness. This made it a lot easier to put on makeup, and I didn't have to blot my nose as frequently to remove shine. I did notice that I felt more vague and a little moody on it. Just not quite myself. Eventually I had to change pills because of migraines - they started very gradually and slowly got worse, and I had no idea they were caused by the pill! Changing to Norimin-28 has mostly got rid of the migraines, but now my skin isn't nice anymore :(
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June 28, 2013
Check out the risks before you start taking Diane 35


Cleared skin


Acne comes back when you stop, hair fell out too
Side effects (depression, headaches)
Increased risk of breast cancer

It would be a lie to say that this contraceptive pill doesn't work. It worked perfectly for me for 5 years. I had beautiful clear skin, people commented on how lovely it was and I smiled, pretending it must just be good genes! Then, after 5 years and at 28, I found a lump in my breast. I knew that taking the birth control pill could increase my risk of breast cancer. Luckily the tumor was benign but I still had to have surgery to have it removed and the type of lump it was means there's a chance it can come back, and that it could become cancerous. Anyway, while I can't say for sure whether the lump was part caused by taking Diane 35, the experience did make me start to look into the side effects of taking this pill. I've always had problems with depression, but noticed the longer I was on this pill, the more depressed I was becoming. This pill is banned in France because it has direct connections to a small number of reported suicides (although experts say there could be more that go unreported). When I came off the pill cold turkey I broke out massively, also my hair began to fall out and I lost about 50% of my hair I believe. At the end of the day, all this pill is doing is masking your problems. As soon as you stop taking it, unless the underlying problem has been corrected, you will get your acne back. The main ingredient in this pill is cyproterone acetate, an addictive substance that is also used to chemically castrate. As soon as you stop taking it your body is likely to react negatively. I am currently weaning off this pill to try and counteract some of the side effects of getting off it. Really research this pill before you decide to go on it. Yes, if you stay on it, your skin will probably be clear, but the effects will wear off as soon as you stop taking it. And you will have to stop taking it eventually!
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December 24, 2012


cleared acne
reduced oil production
regulated period


Acne came back worse than ever after I stopped using Diane due to mood problems

Diane did the job when it came to reducing acne and oil production however the trade-off is that I constantly felt uneasy, anxious, paranoid when I used to be a generally a cheery and passive person. In hindsight, I would not have taken Diane in the first place because I'd rather have bad skin than being an emotional wreck all the time. On top of that, now that I am off the pill my acne came back even worse than before, it's even on my chest and back where I never had a problem with before.
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July 26, 2012


-Clears your acne completely
-Miracle drug
-Don't have to worry about diet, exercise, skin care AT ALL while on it.


-Acne comes back as soon as you get off
-Hormonal fluctuations and extremely irregular menstrual cycles once you stop it.

I have very severe acne and nothing seemed to be helping. Tried the regimen, several rounds of antibiotics, but no luck. I knew I had hormonal acne and so my derm prescribed Diane 35 which cleared my acne completely in 7-8 months. I took it for 14 months and now, 2 months after stopping it, the acne's creeping back with 2 cysts on my chin :( It can differ from person to person depending on their hormonal balance once they stop the pill.