Yasmin : Oral Contraceptive

1145 Reviews

21 yellow tablets
Active Ingredients:
3 mg drosperinone and 0.03 mg ethinyl estradiol.

Inactive ingredients:
lactose monohydrate NF, corn starch NF, pregelatinized starch NF, povidone 25000 NF, magnesium stearate NF, hypromellose USP, macrogol 6000 NF, titanium dioxide USP, talc USP, and ferric oxide pigment, yellow NF. The white inert film-coated tablets contain lactose monohydrate NF, microcrystalline cellulose, magnesium stearate NF, hypromellose USP, talc USP, and titanium dioxide USP.

7 white inert film-coated tablets
Inactive Ingredients:
Lactose monohydrate NF, corn starch NF, povidone 25000 NF, magnesium stearate NF, hypromellose USP, talc USP, and titanium dioxide USP.

The list of ingredients above is provided for informational purposes only. Always check the actual product label in your possession for the most accurate ingredient information due to product changes or upgrades that may not yet be reflected on our web site.


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November 28, 2007


Effective pregnancy prevention, regular short peroids, light rare spotting.


Ance hasn't cleared, weight gain

Doesn't clear my acne or help with weight, but helps with periods.
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November 24, 2007


no pain, dont feel sick during period and acne improved heaps.


headaches, weight gain.

i have been using yasmin for about 2 months now. my body has coped with it well, had no pain or vomiting during my period which i usually do get. my acne has improved right from the first pack i was taking. it has worked great for me. so happy iv finally found something thats works for me.
November 16, 2007


No Pregnancy


After a while I started getting cramps again, slight acne, heavy period

For the first year or so I loved it, now i get cramps really bad, and i get acne (which i never had before) right before and after periods. and my periods are a LOT heavier and longer. I havent gotten pregnant though!
November 15, 2007


no mood swings, no cramps, bigger boobs!


have to take it every day, same hour

this is my first time on the pill yasmine and so far its going great. before i got really sick during my periods, but now i feel like i dont even have it! i did notice my boobs getting bigger. but for me thats not bad at all!
November 11, 2007


Creates only tiny mood change, reduces acne (tho I still need antibiotics) & is anti-androgenic. I have tried several combined pills (marvelon, mercilon ++) and they made me depressed/spotty/fat. No weight gain (but bigger boobs) with Yasmin.


Occasional spotting if you run several packs together to avoid having periods, (probably) slightly higher risk of SERIOUS side effects (blood clots, lung problems) so be sure you're super healthy before using this one. I've read plenty of research...

The best I have tried by miles, as doesn't create as bad mood swings as other pills (for me). As with all pills, you MUST give it 2-3 months for your body to get used to it. Your body will revolt at first, which is normal. I've been on it for years. People in the UK beware: this drug is one of the more expensive brands, thus your doctor will be reluctant to prescribe it as it'll cost them, but of course this could also be cos you're particularly prone to the risks I mentioned in the cons. No harm in asking why the doc is saying no! It's the most popular pill in many northern European countries where the pill is not free, which says something. You'll probably only fully appreciate Yasmin if you've been on other pills before that did not agree with you.
October 30, 2007


Within two months has cleared up my skin, but am seeking dermatological help as well.


I think weight gain and I cry at the drop of a hat. Having some focusing issues. Don't know if this is Yasmine.

I'm going to use it for one more month until I see the Dermatologist again. My face is definetly clearer but my boyfriend and friends cannot take my mood swings...I'm tired of crying all the time! Will see if I continue or switch to something else.
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October 25, 2007


I have no idea how well it works. I am starting my pack tomorrow.



I was on Ortho Tri Cyclen. I gain about 20 pounds. Which is not good since I am only 4'11". I just swith to Yasmin. I am hoping that I don't gain any weight and that I don't get any acne. I have clear skin, I want to keep it that way.
October 21, 2007


I've had bad acne forever. Yasmin is the only thing that ever helped it. Also shorter and more regular periods, less bleeding and sometimes less cramps.


Unfortunately I developed pretty bad irritable bowel syndrome from the pill.

I went off the pill 4 months ago - my irritable bowel has gotten a lot better, but my face is breaking out worse than ever. My friend switched to Yasmin a few months ago and is getting crazy yeast infections. Bottom line is everyone is different and you have to keep trying until you find the best pill for your body.
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October 19, 2007


No babies, less acne, shorter periods


Just started getting moody, last few months

I have been on yasmin for almost 4 years i love it! so peoples bodys might not like it, Mine seems too! But the past couple of months i have been really moody from the pill its the only thing i take and my hair is getting thinner which is a bummer.
October 18, 2007


Prevents Pregnancy


Major Breakouts, Very Moody, Crampy heavier periods

Overall I hate it! I have always had perfect clear skin, I have been on it four months now and i have horrible acne...I also notice I am sensitive and moody over stupid things. My period is heavier and crampy, However it did regulate them and I always know when I will have them now....I am definetly switching pills.