Dianette : Oral Contraceptive

777 Reviews

Active Ingredients:
Cyproterone acetate 2 mg, ethinylestradiol 35 micrograms.

Inactive Ingredients:
Lactose, maize starch, povidone, talc, magnesium stearate, sucrose, polyethylene glycol 6000, calcium carbonate, glycerol, montan glycol wax, titanium dioxide (E171), and yellow iron oxide (E172).

The list of ingredients above is provided for informational purposes only. Always check the actual product label in your possession for the most accurate ingredient information due to product changes or upgrades that may not yet be reflected on our web site.


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March 13, 2007


So far skin is less oily


Loss of libido

I have been taking Dianette for over a week now. I haven't given it enough time to see if my acne goes away, but let me tell you, I don't even feel like having sex with my new husband! Before taking this pill, I was the one pulling him into the bedroom and now it's the other way around. He's begging me to come off Dianette because it's truly affecting our sex life tremendously. It's a hard decision though because I really want my acne to go. I've tried Yasmin and it did nothing for my acne, but at least Yasmin didn't affect my sex life. Girls, this pill will ruin your sex life. Dianette would be great for nuns or virgins, but for girls who have had sex before or are having sex, you need to think twice about taking this pill. It's amazing because I've only been on it for a little over a week!
February 25, 2007


Works wonders for your acne and oily skin


Takes a while to kick in. Spots come back when you come off Dianette.

I have been on Dianette for about six/seven years. I haven't experienced any of the side effects that others have been talking about. No depression, no weight gain etc. Think I might have even lost a few pounds! Oily skin and hair clears up first then after a while spots become less and less until you only get a couple now and then. Doctors do say it's not as safe as other options and you shouldn't be on it long term. Over the years I have tried many alternatives (Yasmin, antibiotics, Cilest) and have even tried to go without any medication - spots always come back all over my chin. The only thing that works for me is Dianete. But I don't want to take it forever. Any recommendations of what I should try next? I'm 25 - surely acne doesn't last forever does it??
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February 14, 2007


Clearer skin, increased confidence.


weight gain

Have been using Dianette on and off for almost ten years, have taken my third 6 month break at the request of a doctor. This has resulted in Extreme mood swings, headaches and acne appearing on my face, back and neck. I have never experinced such servere feelings on stopping the tablets before.. Has anyone else experienced this before whilst withdrawing from Dianette? Im truly shocked to read about all the side-effects that people are having and worry that i have ruined my chances of ever having children in the future due to prolonged use of Dianette.
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February 8, 2007


Was on dianette for approx 13 years, age 15 to 27 for bad acne,oily skin.Had a couple of breaks to see if skin improved,but never did.Skin was clear.Moods,my moods were worse when i had acne,so pills helped my depression.


Put on a lot of weight,used to be slim,headaches,some very painful,water retention.Cannot stay on these pills forever.Last year doctor took me off them,saying possible risks of liver tumours if on them for long time.Bit worried as been on it a while.

Super results for very bad skin if on them for a couple of years.But if you are still prone to acne in your 20s to 30s the doctors may not let you stay on them long term.Doctor put me on Yasmin instead he said it was almost as good for skin problem as Dianette. Yasmin gave me headaches for a while but seemed to be working.I stopped taking any pills a couple of months ago and as predicted skin is oily and spots coming back.Don't think i will ever be free from skin problems.My doctor have never offered any alterative cause for acne and any mention of polycystic ovary and they aren't interested.
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December 28, 2006


After taking Dianette my skin was like babies. Completely smooth and free from spots. I could even pile moisturiser onto my face and not get a spot. Could not belive it, it shortened the time it took to get ready as there are no spots ot worry about


Extreme depression during the pill break every month. Extremely thick discharge. Took 3 months to begin working. Hot sweats. Extreme modd swings. Basically everything about this pill is extreme, including the results with your skin.

The bottom line is this; the pill has excellent results but cannot be used long term as research is inconclusive on possible problems. When I first when on it I felt like I was pregnant for about 6 months and wasted lots of pregnancy tests, it completely altered my body. I have been off of the pill for 2-3 weeks and have extremely greasy hair and spots all over my face which I am very upset about. I was falsely under the impression that your body wouldn't 'remember' how to make you all oily and spotty again! Wrong, the spots are back but it is to be expected as I have inhibited my natural hormones for 2 years. If your spots mane you depressed I would strongly recommend Dianette as your answer. If you get a few spots at your time of month that annoy but are not life threatening, dont bother with it as you'll only be more upset when you eventually have to come off of it. Use with caution and take properly as it is a strong pill.
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December 24, 2006


Skin completely cleared...only the ocassional spot around period


Not long lasting

I posted in august saying i was about to change dianette, well that happened and i changed to marvelon (doctors recommendation). The first few months were going great with only a few breakouts, but i had noticed a few more blackheads than usual, and my hair started to go greasy very quickly. Now it has been four months and my skin has deteriorated like mad, i now have acne just as bad as before i started dianette. I am devestated and going back to the doctors on friday to beg to go back on dianette. Hopefully i can go back on it soon and have clear skin once more!
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December 14, 2006


Cleared acne after 6mths


Put on half stone
spotting mid cycle

I was on Dianette for 5 years and came off it. It had cleared my skin up totally for that 5 years and i felt with reaching 30yrs, I would no longer get acne. All red marks had even gone from my face.However,after 6mths, I started to break out again. I waited a further 12mths and finally I had to go back on Dianette again. I'm taking it for a week now and my boobs are really tender. But after the first time i have total faith in it to clear my skin.
November 16, 2006


Cleared acne up face is much clearer and only get the ocassional spot now and then, also made me lose weight


when stopped taking it piled 2 stone on!!!

i used this pill for about a year within a few months of taking it it cleared up my acne, i didnt feel any different while taking it,and it was also in my opinion a good contraceptive.
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October 31, 2006


Cleared up spots



I have been on Diane 35 for the last 10 years and 6 weeks ago finally took the decision to come off it thinking that my spots surely wouldn't return. Well the good news was that my period came only 2 weeks late but the bad news is that my forehead is covered in pimples. I can't believe how oily my face has become in such a short space of time and my hair too. My self-confidence has bombed. I'm only hoping now that they don't spread. I really don't fancy going back on the Dianette so I'm going to wait a couple more months to see if my skin sorts its self out (if I can hold out that long!) and maybe try out Yasmin if all else fails. Looking at my skin now, I can't believe how good Dianette actually was - I totally took it for granted my great skin. I'm now spending an extra 10 mins in the bathroom trying to cover myself up!
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