Not Washing or Water Only

172 Reviews

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November 12, 2018
Two days in!
I never write reviews ever but I feel obligated to do this one if it can benefit any other acne sufferers. Long story short I have had acne since I was 14 very mild in the beginning (im sure it was from puberty because it was only on my forhead and very mild) I started buying every over the counter drug to try to solve it and in return It just got worse(cystic acne on my cheeks and couldnt even sleep)! Finally at age 18 I went on accutane and one year later I was clean and clear(everyday since then I stayed to my cerVe face wash that was recommended by my derm). My skin has got so dependent on my face wash that when I wake up its extremely oily!!! That was until 2years later my cheeks are starting to have moderate break outs again and I cannot even imagine starting from square one! So I sat and thought is this face wash making my skin oily?? This is my second day of using the water only method ( letting water run down your face not touching your skin, pat dry with paper towel) and my skin hasnt been oily once! I honestly think my skin got dependent on the face wash. Honestly so far so good! I will be leaving updates!!
August 4, 2018
Just started and need help
I started about 2 weeks ago. I have cystic acne (I didn't have any before I started this though), normal zits and just crazy amount of blocked pores which includes blackheads, whiteheads, and those tiny little bumps. I also have a lot of hyperpigmentation. The first week everything seemed really great I splashed my face with water in the morning and in evening used a face cloth. Now the second week my face was so oily and I got a really big chin and jawline breakout, the pimples were not cystic but they hurt. I do wear eyemakeup and I workout during which I sweat quite a bit. I'm wondering if I should just completely stop washing my face or just at night with a facecloth or without? I just find my skin gets so flaky and crumby feeling if I don't use a facecloth? Does that eventually go away? Please help
September 2, 2017
ITs working
Ok I've been doing this water only regimen for one month now, only showering at night without letting letting the water touch my face until the end of the shower where I just splash my face with cold water using my hands. I have to tell you that my skin is still oily but my acne practically almost gone. I only have 2 big pimples at the moment and the rest is mostly scarring but I can see that they will fade away. It's crazy that I've been messing my face up with all these acne fighing cleansers and medications. For now I will continue to just use water
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December 17, 2016
So far so good- and don't judge until your at the 6th week mark
Hey guys, TOO EARLY TO REVIEW yet, I've actually just started doing this about 6 days ago now for my acne. I will update in future when I have a good review of how it treated my skin. I just want to mention something though, I notice a few people saying this "broke me out", "doesn't work" etc... and that may be true however PLEASE keep in mind you cannot judge how your skin is reacting to something until at least 6 weeks into something. Reason being is the natural length of average cell cycle from what I've been told is 4-5 weeks... so technically, it is expected to see some sort of a "purging" as dead skin sheds and clogged pores from underneath finally come to a head. So far, this regimen is working so well for me. PROS: facial redness is better by at least 85 percent if not 90, no new breakouts.... only thing I am noticing is some really tiny hard bumps in certain areas and I'm 100 percent sure this is the skin pushing blackheads out. I also notice how GREATLY reduced my oiliness is. like wow. my forehead used to be shiny within the hour after washing with cleansers, now its maintains itself with hardly any oil for the whole day, and my face doesn't feel tight either. CONS: I won't lie, it will seriously feel like your face is unclean when you wash once a day with water. here's the key though... It might feel incredibly dirty or oily but keep the water splash to a minimum. I made the mistake of rinsing my face with water more than a couple times when i was in the shower last night with really warm water. Total mistake, you get out and as soon as you pat your face dry you suddenly realize how much oil came off and its too dry. SUCH a delicate balance as your skin adjusts to running its own show. So if your skin is dry- stick to cold water splashed a couple times. if you are noticing its really oily, slightly warmer will wash away most of the oil but again it doesn't need to be more than 5 secs worth of splashing. Sorry i know this is specific, its really about feeling your skin out. One last thing, I have a lot of tiny tiny clogged bumps on the left hand side of my mouth. They are only noticeable if I press my tongue in this area and look in dim lighting (so seriously not at all noticeable to ppl) but they've been there forever and annoy the heck out of me. I'm obviously expecting to see a big breakout by the 4th week mark when they finally cycle through to a head so like I said best not to judge until 1.5-2 months in. I know its a while but rome wasn't built in a day: your skin needs the time to balance itself, shed off its layers naturally and push whatever is in the skin out on its own. I am washing with cool water every evening once a day, and using a konjac sponge (natural very soft plant material, packed with vitamins) every 4-5 days to **lightly** aid the shedding. Ill be decreasing this to once a week soon and eventually working off to nothing. I'm only doing this because i used to exfoliate everyday with chemical exfoliants so my skin is seriously dependent on exfoliation. It would be a Freddy Kuger mess if I didn't slowly tapper off :P **Update day 14! Skin tone has returned to how it was pre acne, breakouts are only in area of my face that had clogged pores, everything else is clear and no new acne has formed in other areas since this regimen. Only complaint is that dead skin does build up fast so I'm still exfoliating lightly with Konjac every 3 days, 4 if I can push it. Due to dead skin skin does feel rougher but I'm anticipating this will disipate with time. Starting a blog on my journey so check it out if you want more daily type details of skin changes and stages
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December 4, 2016
It works for me..
Ive had moderate cystic acne on my face and back from the time I was about 13 until my 20's. I was put on doxcycline(which worked for awhile) but had side effects because I was on antibiotics for 4 years straight.. muirad made it worse and so did proactiv. I tried 'natures cure' and birth control to no avail and ended up going through every hypoallergenic/all natural/ medicated face scrubs and cleansers you could think of. Finally, over the past 6 months I have stopped. I, personally, allow the water to run over my face in the shower and pat dry with a towel. If my face seems dry (I have combination skin) I put a dab of hypo lotion on my face but nothing else. My face looks better now than it has in years and the pimples I do get are seldom and small. They clear up quickly. I think that it works so well for me because when I stopped 'treating' my face, it allowed my body to do what it had been trying to do all along which was to heal itself.
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October 10, 2016
Day 2 of using only lukewarm water and a washcloth in the morning, evening and night and I must say I have seen drastic improvements !! I have oily blemished skin and my skin is not irritated by any kind of cleansers or chemicals..i just apply my sunscreen when I go out everyday and when i come back home I just wash it with lukewarm water again. SO HAPPY !! iTS WORTH A TRY !!
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August 26, 2016
Caveman routine, moisturize, mask & exfoliating
Hello guys, I have come across a lot of great reviews that actually are helping me in washing my face with water only. I usually breakout a lot on my forehead and the left side of my cheeks. I was a loyal avalon organics cleanser, toner and moisturizer n serum user but didn't really help on my acne. So for the past 2 weeks I decided to just wash my face twice a day with a face cloth and warm water and dry it with a towel but according to most reviews it's not good to towel dry; I'll change to that tomorrow and wash with cold water rather than hot n in the morning just use my hands no cloth. Well, sometime last week I started breaking out and am assuming it's because I was starting my menstrual cycle. I also love the feeling honey & brown sugar with lemon or olive oil leaves on the face for exfoliation but currently I'm. Otherwise doing this. Do you think one can do the Caveman routine and wear make up maybe once or twice a week and remove make up with olive oil? What about masking twice a week using turmeric and yoghurt? Responses will be appreciated 😊
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September 2, 2016
Sometimes I get tired of trying. And that's what I do, wash my fave with just water, and I see that it totally helps. You can wear make up, and by taking it off with olive oil, you're actually doing a "oil cleansing". So, I recommend that when you use olive oil to take the make up off, use a wet warm (better hot) towel, put it in your skin after the olive oil, and take the make up and dirt away.
August 1, 2016
Amazing regimen for face
I have suffered from acne since very long & tried various products to get rid of it but nothing worked . Then I came across caveman regimen & tried it. I wash my face with only water in the morning basically just let water running through my face . I have been doing this from more than a month. At beginning days,face got oily but slowly oil got balanced. It got little worse before getting fine so don't worry & drink lots of water & maintain healthy diet. Also not touch your face at all. So in between I got pimples like currently I have few because I used a homemade facial scrub which was my mistake . Other than that I have lots of acne scars. But I will continue washing my face with only water. Update 17-2-2017 So I have been continuously doing this regimen & it is working really well. I do get some pimples here & there but not as big as I got before doing this regimen. Plus point is they got heel within a day or two. The only change I made with this regimen is that I started washing my face twice with water instead of once in a day. One thing I would like to mention here is if you are reading this & wanna try this method is don't touch your face ever. When you have to wash your face with water, wash your hands first with soap properly. I'll continue doing this regimen in future also. Update 6 September 2017 I am still doing this regimen and it's still working. But now I wash my face with salted water. I don't use any facewash or soap on my face.
July 18, 2016
I have been struggling with acne for years I have sensitive skin so I can't use things with scent in them but I have tried every signal face wash u name it this acne needs to stop it's wrecking my confidence PLEASE HELP I heard using just water helps but I'm scared to try it what should I do ? !!
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December 13, 2016
nothing will answer your question until you try it for yourself
March 29, 2016
You don't need face wash!
If you're looking for a sign that you don't need face wash - THIS IS IT! Trust me! All those chemical-loaded products will only deteriorate your skin! Some background history: My acne is hormonal and genetic so basically I wake up everyday with a new pimple here and there. Recently, I decided to amp up my skin care regimen. I went from using Clean & Clear to Cetaphil to Dermalogica Clear Start. I also got a few facials. Looking back on it now, I should have known I was being too harsh, but I only realized when all HELL broke loose! Literally just last week my face was so horrible that people were constantly asking me "What's wrong with your face?" , "Are you having an allergic reaction to something?". I was so embarrassed that I would avoid human interaction as much as possible and hide myself away. It took a serious toll on my confidence and self-esteem. I've never felt worse about myself! Now: After complaining multiple times to my best friend (who has flawless skin), she urged me to quit face wash and just use water. After much research, contemplation and just being frustrated I decided to give it a try. Now it's been just over a week and I'm already seeing huge results. A lot of the redness has calmed down, my old pimples have dried up and my skin is a lot less oily. There's still a lot of pigmentation but I feel so relieved that this is working for me. I finally have hope! However, my skin is now really dry and flaky and sometimes I feel uncomfortable with not cleaning my face, so here's some other things I did this past week that you can also try: 1) Drink lots of water and green tea (definitely helps!) 2) Soak face in green tea - I soak napkins in warm green tea and rest them on my face for about ten minutes - softens up the skin and brights it up, also applies some antioxidants to the surface (great for preventing breakouts) 3) Exfoliate GENTLY with green tea leaves afterwards (I just burst open the tea bag) to remove dead skin cells 4) Soak face in milk (use method above) - moisturizes, reduces pigmentation etc. 5) Exercise - blot face with a clean rag to remove sweat 6) Wash face with very diluted Cetaphil or soap after workouts (not sure if this helped or made it worse so I won't do this anymore, still trying to figure out how to clean skin post-workout, help?) 7) Avoid sun (I had no classes for this past week so I've been able to stay home and avoid the sun, I believed this helped significantly) 8) Improve your diet - no carbs, sugar, dairy products, cut down on the hormone-filled chicken etc. 9) Use a sterilized needle to gently burst new white heads, then wash area with lukewarm water (google this method for more info) NB- I only used the green tea and milk about twice this past week to reduce the redness and give me some temporary relief. Overall, once you use your discretion and monitor your skin you should be fine. Play around with some natural remedies and figure out what works for you and DON'T GIVE UP! If you're suffering from acne and it's affecting your social life and confidence, just remember that you're not alone! I know what it feels like to be extremely insecure and self-conscious about my skin :( (I still am to an extent). I know this post went a bit further than just using water only but I really want to help and encourage someone who's in this same situation. I know how hopeless you can feel when your skin is at its worst. I would have given this method five stars if I saw perfect results but it is too soon to tell. It will probably take months before my skin clears up (I may come back to update). In this past week I've learnt to love myself despite my skin problems and not let acne hold me back. I hope you can do the same! Stay positive and don't give up the fight! :)
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April 2, 2016
Do you still use moisturizer (day and night)?