
282 Reviews

Benzoic acid (6%), Salicylic acid (2.5%), Precipitated sulfur (4.6%).

The list of ingredients above is provided for informational purposes only. Always check the actual product label in your possession for the most accurate ingredient information due to product changes or upgrades that may not yet be reflected on our web site.


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August 29, 2008


it really takes care of the pimples in its place.


its sticky and its very hard to come off

I like it but right now i need my face to be clear with =in 6 days i have School
August 27, 2008


This really does work!!! I have tried many things, most prescribed by my doctor but nothing has worked so quickly!! Only two days in and I am noticing a drastic change


A bit smelly but I can cope!

This really does seem to work and I am keeping my fingers crossed it continues to. God bless you Nixoderm xx
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July 21, 2008


Clears spots, blackheads, open pores, whiteheads, redness, presure spots...


It does sting but thats how you know its working! And i find that it can get a bit.... sweaty if you put too much on and it wont dry well.

I actually adore this product. I hadnt actually noticed my spots clearing up but theyve actually all disapeared within a week of using the stuff! I also had HUGE pores which were bigger than a pin head and loads of really visible black heads on my nose and its really helped them go down! Ive been plagued with bad skin since I was a kid and I only just found this bad boy now (18 years old) so sadly ive had to have spots throughout my school life but now im going into Uni and this stuff has cleared up my skin totally! I LOVE YOU NIXODERM! oh and i bought mine off ebay :)
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July 19, 2008


Exfoliates the skin so that pimples can escape faster and easier! It contains salicylic acid which most expensive brands make you pay for. It is safe and effective.


The stains on the pillows...but a small price to pay for a flawless complexion. The menthol soothes the initial burning.

A time tested product. Worked for my mom (bad acne) and it works for me!
July 3, 2008


Does work really well, I don't think it's an overnight fix... but over about a week my skin really cleared up. It worked well on red marks that were left behind after spots, not so much for spots. My spots and blemishes are mild to moderate though


Really stings when applied, leaves white flaky patches in the morning which are hard to get off.

It a really good product, it's not a miricle cure but it has reduced my spots and blemishes over the week I've used it.
May 5, 2008


Absolutely, hands down the best product I have used on my face. I have used every prescription product and nothing has worked as well as this has. Clears pimples up very quick, with few side effects.


If you have sensitive skin, using this product longer than 3 days in a row can absolutely tear apart your skin. Extreme drying out results...and the other minor con is the smell, but its not unbearable.

Definitely the best acne product out there, without a doubt. Just watch how long you do it for, some people I have talked to nothing happens to their face. But overall I am very pleased.
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April 10, 2008


works quickly. Cheap and easy to use.


smells and rubs off on the pillow.

Really impressed, works well, visible improvement in the morning. I put a towel on my pillow. Bit hard to wash off in the morning, but it is worth it.
April 6, 2008


Works almost immediately. I have been using this at night and noticed that blemishes had reduced significantly by the morning.


Tin a little small and fidily. Not available in shops.

Great product,highly recommended. I used the Nigerian formula. Very white so only recommmend using at night and with no other skin products. Usual cleansing routine in the morning and moisturise. Has worked really well on my back too. Can't believe the results so far in so little time. Will keep y'all posted. x
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March 24, 2008


It simply works and it works fast. Just a small amount of it on any pimple during the night is history the morning you wake up. It can be used for various skin problems such as Acne, Athlete's foot, Eczema, Rash and many other skin conditions.


Very thick cream. Not the best smell in the world but tolerable.

Nixoderm is the best product that you can get if you need fast results. There are products in the market far more expensive that don't ever dream the results of Nixoderm. I have the Nigerian made product which as far as i know is the strongest edition of the product. Highly Recommended!!!
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March 20, 2008


Is one of the best, certified, and proved solution for acne, BUT it also helps for ANY problem of skin, even in a genitally way, when skin problems appear, is the best solution for being confident of your skin.


The smell, and in some places, the smell is hard to take it off, and the white-colored-skin may appear if you don't clean up your face or wherever you used it

a complete skin solution