
282 Reviews

Benzoic acid (6%), Salicylic acid (2.5%), Precipitated sulfur (4.6%).

The list of ingredients above is provided for informational purposes only. Always check the actual product label in your possession for the most accurate ingredient information due to product changes or upgrades that may not yet be reflected on our web site.


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December 9, 2015
Good item
My skin is easy to have acne. After use this product, u will be surprised to see what it can do for your pimples and skin.
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August 25, 2017
do you think it works on post acne red marks? i have them all over my cheeks where i used to have my acne
October 3, 2012


This is the only thing actually works on cystic acnes. The next best thing would be the Buffering Lotion from Mario Badescu which works much slower. It doesn't erase the big pimple overnight but makes it significantly smaller, flatter and less red and sore. The smell is ok, the tingling is bearable(just think about the psychological and physical pain caused by your pimple!). It comes off easily but I only use it at night, the only trouble is having to wash sheets and covers more often!


My skin always gets flaky, even if only a tiny amount is used. My skin doesn't feel dry or anything, it's just literarily flaky, kinda like sunburn but doesn't hurt. When this happens I just gently rub it off then apply a rich layer of Healing Cream from Mario Badescu and off I go.

A miracle at its price. Why buy a box of chocolate/fried chicken which may cause you pimples when you can buy a pot of this which may save your face?
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February 19, 2012


works for chafe, works for "senior pimple" if you are up in age, worked on severe breakout of Acne Vulgaris, works quickly if not 'gobbed" on approx 2 days, allows sparing use so it will be in medicine cabinet longer-wont have to re buy, use sparingly


slight burning sensation if you have delicate skin

product works well and quickly overall, approx 2 days for good results.
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September 4, 2010


evens skin tone, good for red scarring after spots, dries out spots, gets rid of blackheads.


stings a bit-- but atleast you can feel its working.

theres no product that can completley cure spots.
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August 15, 2010


clears really good for oliy skin
smells OK


stings, may not work well with whiteheads

I use this product for my nose, for blackheads it's really a good use
April 21, 2010


Nixoderm has worked magic for me, I have very oily out of control skin which breaks out severely when it comes and stays for ages. I used nixoderm at night after cleansing my face, there was an improvement in the redness overnight, continued to use it for the last couple of weeks and the smaller pimples have gone and the larger ones minimised and definately not as aggressive as before, they aren't as sore either. This product works wonders for the scarring too. I am impressed!


Doesn't smell too great.

Burns and tingles, the more you use, the worse it burns and tingles.

Tin is awkward to open- it's got a screw top not like a vaseline tin that lifts off.

Don't use after applying prescribed creams as I made this mistake, both together burnt my skin, it looked as though I had sunburn then my skin became flaky. (I've been using an oil free exfoliating facial scrub in the morning for this then an oil free moisturiser which seems to be working for me

I am impressed with this product. I am still using it, despite my little mistake of using it straight after applying the prescribed cream in the beginning. I now use my prescribed cream in the morning after washing off the nixoderm. Most definately not together. Be sure to wash it off as it leaves a white residue on your skin (which also rubs off on to bed covers etc) I bought mine off ebay thinking it was worth a try after stumbling across it searching for 'acne treatments' it was cheap and definately worth that try...
February 28, 2010


i use it for discoloration and irritated skin on my face, not acne it works very well, use at night


burns and tingles

it is worth trying, you do have to be sure to wash it off in the morning
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January 17, 2010


dries up puss-filled pimples. reduces redness/inflammation. doesn't smell


wipes off easily.

I wouldn't say it's a miracle worker like others have said, but it definately does work. I ordered mine on ebay for only 99 cents and figured if it didn't work it wasn't a waste of money. My money was well spent. The stuff i ordered was from singapore and i'm not sure it was the strongest stuff you can buy but it worked for me. From what other reviews say, it sound like the nixoderm from Malaysia may be stronger.
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November 30, 2009


kills bacteria fast and reduces reness over night


can cause hyperpicmentation

it works
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November 14, 2009


clears face, actually works


needs to be in a tube not can. smells badly. white thing is always on my bedsheets at night. hurts! but its worth it use tissue to wash offf

Ok here's my story i was a fresh faced 15 yr old now im a pimple/zit faced 16 yr old eww..My mom got this from a friend that went to africa and i started using it. The africa kind really does hurt.if u use it morning and night for like a week then yea it will totally work. but acne is always here to stay right? Oh yea Proactive does not work . my frnd used it and now she has more pimples than before. Just freakin use it!
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