
282 Reviews

Benzoic acid (6%), Salicylic acid (2.5%), Precipitated sulfur (4.6%).

The list of ingredients above is provided for informational purposes only. Always check the actual product label in your possession for the most accurate ingredient information due to product changes or upgrades that may not yet be reflected on our web site.


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March 19, 2008


Simple packaging, affordable, effective


thick white paste makes so you can only use at night, not easily found in stores-must purchase online

While I don't necessarily promote quick fixes, this product is a great addition to healthy eating and exercise in order to keep your skin clear. The Malaysian version is easily washed off with a foaming cleanser, I have found. I started noticing my skin calming down after the first week. Strong tingling sensation when first applied, but dissipates after a few minutes. Skin can get dry-I use Nixoderm alone at night, then in the morning after I cleanse, apply a moisturizer. I would definitely give Nixoderm a try, but I would discontinue any previous (esp. harsh) skin care regime before you start with Nixoderm. Good luck!
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March 12, 2008


Nixoderm is the ONLY product that has worked on my back, shoulders and chest for acne. I have had acne in these areas since I was 10. I am 43 now. I started using the product a year ago. MY SKIN WAS PERFECTLY CLEARED UP. I used the Nigerian product.


My local beauty supply store that carried it ran out and is not reordering it. I only paid $2.99 a tin and can't find a comparable deal. It was a little harsh on my face, but worked MIRACLES on my chest and back.

This is the only product that worked as fast and as thoroughly on my problem areas. It took a while for the dark spots that came with the acne to fade, but this is the first time that my skin stayed blemish free long enough for the dark marks to fade. I MUST FIND MORE OF THIS PRODUCT!!!!!
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March 4, 2008


It works fast my skin is smooth and my dark spots are noticeably lighter after 1 week. My mom is from Trinidad and used nixoderm for years I always thought they burning sensation would burn my skin but it didnt.


Thick and smeels bad. Cannot be used during the day.

Great affordable product. A hidden treasure.
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February 29, 2008


Nixoderm is great! i love it. You dont even need to use alot for it to work. I like the tingling feeling it lets me know its working.


Its hard to just wash off, and if used too much it can burn your skin.

Its affordable and effective
February 27, 2008


It really works. A little daab will do ya.
I have been using this product for 3 days now. The huge pimples that I had gotten while using proactive would not go away. I put nixoderm on then day and night...they are almost gone.


It is a thick white paste. During the day it is difficult to hide. I put a little dab on my finger...dip my finger in powdered mineral foundation, then I dab it on my problem spots as a cover up...blend well.

This is great stuff. It is not going to work overnight but it will work!!! I am going to keep using it and review it again in about a month. talk to ya soon
February 9, 2008


very affective and rapidly starts reviving your face, can actually feel affect taking place.


if you have sensitive skin apply with potroleum jelly or it will totally mess up your face.

i deffinetly recomend it especially the one from africa nigeria, maybe becuase i have african black skin. and it's really cheap for great quality, pop into your local african beauty shop.
February 7, 2008


Works on dark spots well, inexpensive, and leaves face moisturized


Has a sulfer smell, and does not dissolve quickly

Used Nixoderm for a week now and I notice my dark spots lighten, and blackheads are starting to disappear.
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February 1, 2008


Smooths skin, gently removes white heads and other protusions; only need to use a small amount on affected areas; is cheap and lasts a long time!


Needs to be used sparingly or rubbed in very well or leaves your face looking white; leaves a smell.

Very cheap and lasts a long time. Improves the look of skin quickly but takes a while to completely remove acne.
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January 26, 2008
I have been using Nixoderm for over a year now. I love it and have been recommending it to my friends with great results. PLEASE, PLEASE do not use the Nixoderm from Nigeria Africa on your face. That Nixoderm will screw your face up ! The only one that I recommend for facial use and that I use is from Malaysia. Nixoderm does work and will work but you have to avoid the fake ones.
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January 21, 2008


Drys up bad spots and feels fresh, reduces redness of the skin and makes the skin look better over one night. It lasts a long time too!


A little harmless smell and I have to order on the internet which is still not expensive.

A great value, long lasting product! WORKS BETTER THAN ALL OTHERS I HAVE TRIED. Waited so long before for such a great, simple product.