Johnson's : Neosporin + Pain Relief

106 Reviews

Active Ingredient:
Bacitracin Zinc (Bacitracin Zinc), Neomycin Sulfate (Neomycin), Polymyxin B Sulfate (Polymyxin B), Pramoxine Hydrochloride (Pramoxine).

Inactive Ingredients:

The list of ingredients above is provided for informational purposes only. Always check the actual product label in your possession for the most accurate ingredient information due to product changes or upgrades that may not yet be reflected on our web site.


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January 30, 2011


-Cuts chance of infection when used on picked acne.

-Helps to reduce redness, pain, inflammation.

-Assists in the healing of an already infected pimple.

-Resistance highly unlikely when used correctly. SEE BOTTOM LINE.


-Doesn't do anything to unclog pores... it only helps with treating/preventing bacterial infections.

INFORMATION ABOUT RESISTANCE: It is possible for bacteria to become resistant to numerous medications, including Neosporin. However, you will see that Neosporin (at least the type I am using) uses three different antibiotics at once. For those of you who understand basic biology and prophylactic medicines (preventative medications), you will know that this GREATLY REDUCES THE CHANCE OF RESISTANCE. Bacteria must first have a mutation that enables them to resist the medication, and it's much easier to have a resistance against ONE medication than THREE. Hence, in order for bacteria to survive Neosporin, they must have a series of mutations that would enable them to survive all three of the active ingredients at once -- even if they're resistant to one or two, they will still be vulnerable to the third and thusly die completely or experience reduced viability, and the body will able to fight or prevent infection. IN CONCLUSION: use Neosporin properly and don't worry too much. The chances of bacteria becoming resistant to all three of its active antibacterial ingredients is extremely small. HOW TO USE: -Gently clean affected area with warm water and soap. -Pat dry with a clean towel. -Apply a small amount of Neosporin according to directions. -You may apply a sterile bandage if you wish. -Stop picking at your acne!
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April 20, 2011


heals quicker, prevents infection, helps stubborn open pimples come to a head


greasy, for me it only works for popped pimples/open pimples

for me when i pop a pimple i apply a good amount of neosporin on it and usually by the next day the pimple is reduced greatly and pretty much healed..just yesterday i had a pimple on my cheek that hurt alot and Benzoyl was not doing anything, i panicked and tried to pop it all i did was open it and just a lil bit of blood came out but nothing else, after that it got redder and hurt even more i decided to put neosporin to prevent infection, while i had it on i felt that area got ticklish, and after a few hours i go to the bathroom and after days of just a red spot a head had FINALLY appeared, i pop it and, everythig came out it was like an explosion all that was in there finally was out it was a big relief, i think neosporin actually pushes whatever is in there to the surface so it helps get rid of it, after i cleaned it and applied more neosporin and it is still helping greatly on the healing..
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September 8, 2011


helps heal popped pimples


can't use it when outside cuz its embarassing

I haven't used neosporin on unpopped pimples, but it's great to use it to heal the popped ones. Whenever I have a pimple that has come to a whitehead, I steam my face and then use two q-tips to pop the zit. Then I use an alcohol swab to quickly clean the popped pimple, only for like 3 seconds. Then I dab neosporin on another q-tip, and apply it on the wound. Put a bandaid over that, and the next morning, it's healed and basically gone. I only do this before I go to bed or I'm lounging around the house.
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July 4, 2014
I don't have full-blown acne, but I do get 1-4 hormonal cysts a month. They don't last very long, but they ALWAYS leave terrible hyper-pigmentation. I'm very pale, and my skin is slow to heal - the smallest cut will scar. My cysts don't even have to form whiteheads to scar; just the redness will turn brown and stay on my face for months. Even peels don't help. I used this a few weeks ago for the first time and was shocked that I hadn't tried it before' Neosporin works wonders on cuts for me; why hadn't I tried it on facial scars? After using too much BP on a cyst which left it red and scaly, I applied Neosporin to the spot overnight. The next day was amazing - the healing process had sped up ten-fold, and a dry piece of brown skin just slid off the spot, revealing a fresh layer of only slightly pigmented skin. I applied raw honey for the next few days - now, there's absolutely NO remaining pigmentation. Just fantastic.
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December 28, 2011


Heals popped and unpopped zits quickly
Reduces swelling
Leaves face soft



This works better than anything else that I use. I don't like BP because it irritates my extremely dry sensitive skin, even when I use it with a moisturizer. This dramatically reduces swelling when I apply it to a cyst within a few hours(I typically apply before bed). It speeds the healing process up, and I never have to pop the cyst, so there is no chance of scarring. It also works great on popped pimples and cysts to heal the aftermath. I typically just use the generic because it works as well as name brand triple anti-biotics. It does look disgusting, so you can't really wear it out in public.
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January 10, 2010


Great for if you absolutely have to pop a zit.


Leaves your skin looking oily where you apply it, unless you buy the cream "pain relief" kind. I usually just use the regular kind at night, and the cream kind if I'm going somewhere (since I think the regular kind stays on better).

I love putting this on the needle that I use to pop my zit, after I sanitize it, to avoid infection. I also keep it on the popped zit at all times until it heals completely. I popped a HUGE zit on Thursday. I thought it would be red and nasty for a week. Now it's Saturday, and just a tiny red dot is left where the zit was! If you zit is really ready to be popped- this is a great product to put on afterwards to speed up the healing process!
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August 23, 2009





I have been dealing with these horrible cystic scabs on my facce for over 2 weeks now...Looks like I'm getting over the Chiken Pocks!! I decided to start rubbing Neosporin Cream on the infected areas. These nasty things are almost completely gone now!! This will not help with any forming acne...But, if you popped one that is bleeding or scabbing then put this on it....then leave it alone!! Don't try picking at it more or touching it at all. Apply this daily and you will be amazed. Also will help with any scaring you may have done when picking and popping these things. Good Luck!!
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May 28, 2011


stops spots leaving scars
reduces spot size
heals spots double time


cant use all over face as your skin will build up resistance

I do not get many spots but when i do they are severe and leave scars. I noticed a very bad spot that i knew would leave a pit so i started to put nesporin on it. the spot came to a head but i did not pop it. i kept putting nesporin on. in two to three days the spot dried up and i was absaloutly amazed that the spot went down and never left a scar. for those who cant help picking..please stop because that is the main cause of scaring let your body heal it and also put nesporin on it. I have never seen a medication that works like this. I use mama lotion at night and after 20 mins i apply the nesporin on the individual spot. The mama lotion loosens the dead skin cells so the nesporin can work better.
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January 28, 2013


Reduces swelling
Helps heal cystic acne
Prevents infection
Doesn't dry out skin
Low risk of allergic reaction


Dose not bring pimples to a head or unclog pores. Only heals infection and prevents spreading/clusters.

A must have for when I am having hormonal cystic breakouts. I use it as my moisturizer for a few days and it heals my skin.
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May 1, 2012


-Skin felt soft after it was absorbed
-Diminished Redness of popped pimples or areas that were picked at
-Healed Broken skin and open wounds twice as fast
-Soothing on irritated skin
-Reduces the look of Acne scars


-Looks Greasy (just use it at home)

If your a picker, or you just can't help but to pop that ugly zit, this is for you!! I have good skin. I don't breakout, I don't have a ton of pimples, and my skin is literally as soft as a baby's bottom. But occasionally, I do get the odd pimple on my face. And when I do.. OH DAMN! I pick at it! I used to have clear, even skin, but now it's covered in scars! Neosporin sped up the healing time of the picked areas, and after ONE NIGHT I saw the minor scars disappear completely. It never broke me out at all and it was very moisturizing. Try it. You'll be amazed! :)
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