Lemon Juice (as a drink)

305 Reviews

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February 3, 2010


Works wonders


Nothing so far

I have been on it for a couple days and i can see the difference. I did not break out at all today and i feel it is def due to lemon juice. My acne size has reduced. I will wait longer to see the promising results and review again. But I just want other people to know that it is worth a try. I drink 3 teaspoon in a shot glass with straw in the morning and at night. Good luck guys, hope it works for you.
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December 28, 2009


My forehead acne is gone and my overall complexion is glowing! This hasn't happened for me in at least two years.


Over time lemon juice is supposed to wear down the enamel on your teeth. To prevent this I just use a straw and rinse my mouth with water immediately after I drink the lemon juice.

I have had pretty bad acne on my forehead for the past year and no topical treatments have helped. I have been wanting to try a treatment that would cure me from the inside out. I would definitely try drinking lemon juice for at least a week if nothing else has helped your acne (it can't hurt)! I saw noticeable improvement within two days (my forehead acne is completely gone and my complexion looks great!). I drink one cup of warm water mixed with half a fresh squeezed lemon first thing in the morning on an empty stomach. I wait a half hour before eating or drinking anything else. I like to use fresh lemon, but if I don't have any at home, I use a few tablespoons of organic lemon juice from the fridge.
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December 23, 2009


Has cleared me up so much! Honestly my skin has never been clear but through high school it was okay now that I've actually graduated college it has started to break out and nothing seemed to work that I could afford. This however has helped stop any new zits from forming but I will mention I drink this AND do dan's Method also. I don't drink a full lemon a day though, I drink about half a lemon a day and after a week I skip ONE day so my body doesnt become tolerant to the lemons.


Can be bad for teeth, but I just use straws.

This plus Dan's Method has really stopped any new zits from forming which for me is a miracle. I do still have red marks that are fading (SLOWLY) but it's very cheap and keeps me drinking more water than I used to, so I say give it a shot. I warm the water a bit too sometimes since I've read that is usually more effective. Good luck!
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November 29, 2009


A great way to treat white heads, scars and red pimples.

This is a great way to help control acne and other kinds of pimples. Make hot green tea and add one peppermint leaf and take lemon juice and squeeze in on your peppermind green tea, it WORKS GREAT! green tea contains lots of antioxidents and lemons are great for fighting bacteria. try it :)
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October 17, 2009


IT WORKS, I drink 3 lemons at nite before i go to bed, and then 2 first thing in the morning, before breakfast.



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October 13, 2009


Overall improvement in skin.



I put lemon in anything that i drink. I drink water most of the time but every now and then i'll have a sprite or a glass of Kool-aid. Basically i only drink things without caffeine. Caffeine most certainly contributes to acne and anyone that tells you different is a liar. Lemon water has completely changed my life and my skin. I always knew that water was necessary to clear skin but i think adding the lemon only made it better. I have had acne for so long and drinking lemon water has completely changed my life. I am more confident and i even cut my long hair short since my skin has improved so much. I may only get one or two bumps a month, which is better than a whole bunch of them crowding on my cheeks. I have been drinking lemon water for only a few months and none of the medicines i have taken can compare to the results this has done for me.
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October 8, 2009


Clears up acne, great detox for your body, affordable, easy to make.


None that I can think of!

This works. I squeeze half a lemon (or sometimes a full lemon) into a cup of hot water. I also add a little honey for some taste. I drink this in the morning right when I wake up. It helps to control my acne and redness. Give it a try! It's easy and affordable!
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August 30, 2009


Good source of vitamin C contains antioxidants which are good for you obviously.... Helps the liver get rid of its toxicity levels.. Increases energy... Plus alot more benefits just look it up



Drink 1 or 2 Bottles a day it will help you get healthier plus in tern it will help clear up your acne
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August 17, 2009


Lemon juice is awesome! Very, very effective at clearing my acne (90%). Requires less than 2min a day to take (I used bottled juice). Cheap.


I had to take Omega-3 cod live oil while on the lemon juice or it doesn't work very well. Both were required to clear me up, individually they only sorta worked.

Try it! I wish I had tried this months ago. DOSAGE: ~ 1 oz, twice a day NOTE: I recommend 1 spoonful of omega-3, twice a day, and 1 (8oz) glass of green tea, twice a day.
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August 17, 2009


Definately clears skin, is good for body and imune system, and makes you feel great


sore throat

Most teens get acne because their livers' have a hard time cleaning out their body of impurities like puss and all the junk. Lemon juice has been proven to help detoxify your body and liver. Great for health and apperance. (Work great even better if you also apply the lemon juice to your face)
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