Lemon Juice (as a drink)

305 Reviews

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January 13, 2012


Easy to use
Helps digestion
Cleanses liver/kidney


Sensitive teeth

I am in my late 20s and never had acne growing up. About 5 years ago, I started getting really bad acne on one side of my face, gradually spreading to my forehead. I tried so many topical creams, gels - both prescription and over-the-counter. I quit eating meat, drank more water, none of this helped. I finally started drinking one squeezed lemon in warm water every morning before work, so 5 times a week. This has almost completely cleared my acne in just on month. I still get occasional hormonal breakouts, but the lemon water has helped greatly. I also use a cleansing pad every morning and Clinique Dramatically Different moisturizer. This, combined with the lemon juice, has done wonders for my skin. The reason I think the lemon juice does so well is that it is cleansing of the liver and kidneys. Cleansing your liver is one of the best things you can do for your skin. If you want to go one giant step further, try Andreas Golitz Amazing Gall Bladder flush. I have yet to try this, but plan to very soon.
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December 30, 2011


This works!!!


Very bad for teeth so drink through a straw. This takes a lot of self discipline to do everyday, but it's worth it. I know my bottom line is long, but you have to read it! I took a nutrition class and acne isn't just an image thing, it's a sign your body isn't functioning properly!

In nutrition I learned about how the liver processes so many hormones(major job) and toxins, not just it's normal job, but it also processes stuff left over from the colon and kidney. If the liver can't process it all, then it goes 2 your skin(2nd major excretion organ)!I learned all these excess hormones and toxins do come from what we consume and our environment(polution), this stuff is acidic to our body(meats, milk, junkfood), and lemons are the *ONLY* thing that can alkalize your body. This is important because your body doesn't function properly when it is acidic which means more toxins and hormones are accumulating. Cleansing your body daily is so important, this is what I do: Boil water(has to be distilled) and then I add green tea(antioxidants), a whole squeezed lemon(cleanses liver), a few shakes of cayenne pepper(cleanses the intestines), and two spoonfuls of local honey(has local microbial agents). I drink this every morning and wait thirty minutes so my body can cleanse itself. This doesn't just help with acne, it helps with so much stuff I can't even list it all. To further this cleansing of course drink water, but make sure to do it after an hour of eating so your stomach juices can properly digest your food(drinking with meals dilutes stomach acids). Then after an hour of drinking water eat a fruit high in vit c(major antioxidant cleanser) like kiwi( its vit c content is higher than an orange) or an orange. Snacking on vit c fruits throughout the day will further help keep your body cleansed. It's important to snack on them between meals so your body has a while to absorb nutrients before cleansing. Of course try to avoid foods that make you breakout because it's a sign your body doesn't do such a great job at digesting those foods, these are mainly foods that spike your insulin. Insulin is the master hormone so if it spikes you can bet your testerone hormones are spiking too(more acne). Also make sure to consume protein daily, it's vital to
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December 12, 2011


Clears your skin and makes it appear more bright within days...



I`ll begin by saying that I suffered from acne for a very long time and after years of abusing my skin with over the counter products etc, I ended up with a more oily, sensitive, red, acne prone skin so I decided to do my own research and figure out a natural solution. So here it is...First, I cleanse my skin with extra virgin olive oil (cold pressed) mixed with salt. This is the scrub I use once a day in the morning, Next, If I`m at home during the day I put on a mask which is taking a raw potato (russet potato) and cut thin slices and smear all that good stuff on my face (yes even underneath your eyes..u can see whatever lines u have dissapear) and leave it for at least an hour, you will feel the tightness and watch your acne scars disapear with regular use. The potatoes contain vitamin C so its good for all things including brightening your skin, reducing wrinkles, heals acne scars and most of all it clears ur skin. if u already have pimples it shrinks them. Also smearing a banana on ur face is beneficial for both wrinkles and acne. (sorry off track)So after I rinse my face with warm water I take a cotton pad and dab some rose water and smear it on my skin (also underneath ur eyes) then add 2 drops of jojoba oil mixed with 2 drops of avocado oil in the palm of my hands and rub so both oils get mixed and apply. The first few times I done this my skin was left a bit shiny and oily looking but after a week or so I noticed the shine was reduced and my skin started to become even softer and had less breakouts.At night I cleanse my skin with just the olive oil then apply the tea tree oil wait a few min then apply the jojoba and avocado oil. As for the lemon water it works great, keeps your skin clear, prevents breakouts also, the oilyness is reduced,I saw the results almost immedately. for 700 ml i squeeze half a fresh lemon and add a bit honey to it forsome flavor aside from that I also take a teaspoon of omega 3 fatty fish oil daily, ur skin will improve dramatically
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October 13, 2011


Tasted good
Settles stomach
Clears minor acne
Refreshes breath after meal


Thins enamel on teeth
Messes with sinuses

The drink is for those with a palate for sour foods/ drinks, minor acne, and upset stomachs. It is potent, organic and refreshing. Not only that but it is rather cheap.
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October 6, 2011


cheap, tastes great, balances pH, detoxes liver, tons of pros



Lemon juice not only changes from acidic to alkaline in the digestive tract, that transformance actually brings our body's pH level back to more normal (especially if we eat a lot of acidic foods like meat, etc)... helps our bodies (liver) regulate themselves, digest better, detoxes by helping the kidneys flush out toxins. Although not a true "con", lemon juice is also a diuretic, so be sure to drink a lot of water to keep hydrated. The water we are drinking will help flush out all the toxins in our system, and the water keeps us hydrated. Try to use either distilled water or filtered water to mix your freshly squeezed lemons for the best effect. Tap water just doesn't do it, so the results may be disappointing. Be prepared to pee like crazy for the first few days, even at night...once our body has gotten used to the lemon juice (I drink it every morning, and sometimes evening), we don't feel the need to pee as often. Small price to pay to feel fabulous, look even fabulouser (lol) and stay healthy. A slightly alkaline body is very healthy...makes our bodies inhospitable for bacteria & viruses, and the benefits are so overwhelmingly positive!
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September 11, 2011


Tasts good.
Works fast.
Excellent health benefits to boot.


None so far.

I am 30 and suffer pretty bad hormonal breakouts. Came across the lemon juice thing and thought that it wouldn't hurt to try. AMAZING!!!!!! I started to see improvement in less than 24 hours. Besides having the acne itself I also pick at it too. Sometimes pretty badly. Within a day my skin was much more calm and was actually glowing. I would also like to add that I have started taking chelated zinc 2x a day to balance my hormones and Kyolic garlic capsules 3x a day which is antibacterial. Both are also anti-inflammatory. Lemon juice helps to detox the liver. Great combination. 4 days later no visible acne on my face.
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August 28, 2011


glowing complexion
little to no breakouts
kills acne
leaves me feeling energized


hard to drink at times (suggest drinking with water)

OK so here's the deal. I STRONGLY RECOMMEND drinking lemon juice. I have been using it for just under a week now and I am already seeing a noticeable difference. This treatment really is a godsend for me. I have had acne since 6th grade and am now entering my 2nd year of college. Toward the end of high school and the beginning of my freshmen year of college my acne started to progressively get worse, which surprised me because I thought the older I got the less I would have. I have been going to a dermatologist for more than a year and have been prescribed everything short of accutane. About 2 weeks ago now I broke out pretty badly. I started to look up natural remedies and this one seemed easiest and most surprising to me. I began drinking the lemon juice without anything and saw results instantly, my acne on my forehead all but disappeared over night and the other acne on my face and body began to dry up and heal. A week later my face looks the best it has in years and I have no noticeable acne with a few small but healing marks where acne used to be. Hopefully the treatment keeps up, I will post another review in about a month. - side note: I am a very healthy person. I workout almost every day, diet and drink tons of water. I also take vitamins and use my prescription medicine at the same time but after all this did not work to fight my acne the lemon juice did. I recommend this for everyone, even those with less severe acne. USE THIS AND GOOD LUCK. :)
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August 19, 2011


Clears skin
Prevents breakouts
Has other health benefits


Continuous drinking can cause acid erosion on teeth, destroys enamel so drink through a straw, rinse mouth with water and wait at least 30 minutes before brushing your teeth.

I would definitely recommend drinking lemon juice, it is a a major contributor to clearing my skin and keeping my skin clear. I also feel like it helps to prevent future breaks outs. In addition I apply it topically and leave it on my face for a few hours, but be careful when applying to your face as it may sting and irritate your skin so I think drinking it is safer for those with sensitive skin or who are worried about applying it directly to their skin. Because I think it's a hassle to squeeze fresh lemons, I use 100% concentrate Lemon Juice and mix it with warm water because I think it's easier to drink when it's warm while I also drink through a straw to protect my enamel from eroding. I drink this twice a day. Definitely check it out and even if it doesn't work for you there are still many health benefits and it feels very cleansing to the body.
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August 10, 2011


Less facial redness
Breakouts minimized
More energy
Fresh complexion


Teeth can become sensitive (better to drink through straw)

This is a great remedy for acne. I tried this one night when I was breaking out pretty badly and then the next day the inflamed bumps went down and my skin was soft and dewy. Of course if you want this to really work you also have to change your diet. Remove sugars and simple carbs like breads and cookies, and eat lots of salads and other yummy veggies (try to cut down on starchy veggies like potatoes). Also stay away from processed foods. Canned food always gets me, the day after I eat anything canned and that has a lot of sodium in it makes my face irritated with more breakouts. It best to stick to all natural foods. And remember drink lots of water and take your vitamins :-)
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July 27, 2011


good for your body


did not see much of a difference

Drinking lemon water may help for some people but i started drinking jush plane water and saw a difference over night. You mush drink ALOT though.