Lemon Juice (as a drink)

305 Reviews

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September 11, 2011


Tasts good.
Works fast.
Excellent health benefits to boot.


None so far.

I am 30 and suffer pretty bad hormonal breakouts. Came across the lemon juice thing and thought that it wouldn't hurt to try. AMAZING!!!!!! I started to see improvement in less than 24 hours. Besides having the acne itself I also pick at it too. Sometimes pretty badly. Within a day my skin was much more calm and was actually glowing. I would also like to add that I have started taking chelated zinc 2x a day to balance my hormones and Kyolic garlic capsules 3x a day which is antibacterial. Both are also anti-inflammatory. Lemon juice helps to detox the liver. Great combination. 4 days later no visible acne on my face.
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September 9, 2011


Helps fight breakouts
Hydrating for skin and body

I apply lemon juice topically to the acne scars that I have on my face as well. For the past three months I have transitioned to drinking only water ( I do sneak a soda-every once in a while) However for the past couple of weeks I have added lemon to it. It is great! With every sip I smile because I know its working on my skin from the inside out and I like to feel that when the lemon juice isn't applied topically I'm still getting the benefits of it all day. I also take vitamins daily to help with my acne. I truly believe that by drinking the lemon water it is speeding up the process! I love the results that I am getting! Makes me wish I would have started this a long time ago!
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August 28, 2011


glowing complexion
little to no breakouts
kills acne
leaves me feeling energized


hard to drink at times (suggest drinking with water)

OK so here's the deal. I STRONGLY RECOMMEND drinking lemon juice. I have been using it for just under a week now and I am already seeing a noticeable difference. This treatment really is a godsend for me. I have had acne since 6th grade and am now entering my 2nd year of college. Toward the end of high school and the beginning of my freshmen year of college my acne started to progressively get worse, which surprised me because I thought the older I got the less I would have. I have been going to a dermatologist for more than a year and have been prescribed everything short of accutane. About 2 weeks ago now I broke out pretty badly. I started to look up natural remedies and this one seemed easiest and most surprising to me. I began drinking the lemon juice without anything and saw results instantly, my acne on my forehead all but disappeared over night and the other acne on my face and body began to dry up and heal. A week later my face looks the best it has in years and I have no noticeable acne with a few small but healing marks where acne used to be. Hopefully the treatment keeps up, I will post another review in about a month. - side note: I am a very healthy person. I workout almost every day, diet and drink tons of water. I also take vitamins and use my prescription medicine at the same time but after all this did not work to fight my acne the lemon juice did. I recommend this for everyone, even those with less severe acne. USE THIS AND GOOD LUCK. :)
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August 19, 2011


Clears skin
Prevents breakouts
Has other health benefits


Continuous drinking can cause acid erosion on teeth, destroys enamel so drink through a straw, rinse mouth with water and wait at least 30 minutes before brushing your teeth.

I would definitely recommend drinking lemon juice, it is a a major contributor to clearing my skin and keeping my skin clear. I also feel like it helps to prevent future breaks outs. In addition I apply it topically and leave it on my face for a few hours, but be careful when applying to your face as it may sting and irritate your skin so I think drinking it is safer for those with sensitive skin or who are worried about applying it directly to their skin. Because I think it's a hassle to squeeze fresh lemons, I use 100% concentrate Lemon Juice and mix it with warm water because I think it's easier to drink when it's warm while I also drink through a straw to protect my enamel from eroding. I drink this twice a day. Definitely check it out and even if it doesn't work for you there are still many health benefits and it feels very cleansing to the body.
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August 10, 2011


Less facial redness
Breakouts minimized
More energy
Fresh complexion


Teeth can become sensitive (better to drink through straw)

This is a great remedy for acne. I tried this one night when I was breaking out pretty badly and then the next day the inflamed bumps went down and my skin was soft and dewy. Of course if you want this to really work you also have to change your diet. Remove sugars and simple carbs like breads and cookies, and eat lots of salads and other yummy veggies (try to cut down on starchy veggies like potatoes). Also stay away from processed foods. Canned food always gets me, the day after I eat anything canned and that has a lot of sodium in it makes my face irritated with more breakouts. It best to stick to all natural foods. And remember drink lots of water and take your vitamins :-)
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August 7, 2011


Reduces acne.
Reduces scarring.


Erodes tooth enamel.

I freshly squeezed one lemon a day (in the afternoon) and added enough warm water to fill the cup and forced myself to drink it with a straw (just to be safe from tooth damage) and what can i say! I saw an improvement within a week! Although I would like to stress that this isn't the only thing I did. I also cleaned up my diet a little by reducing carbohydrates as much as possible and eating more fruits. But i definitely recommend this as the fast way to reduce your acne. Good luck :)
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July 27, 2011


good for your body


did not see much of a difference

Drinking lemon water may help for some people but i started drinking jush plane water and saw a difference over night. You mush drink ALOT though.
July 26, 2011


cheap, easy, tastes great, getting bodies ph back in sync


harsh on teeth

I am now more and more a believer that acne is derived from how much we have deviated from our ancestral path. In the western diet, many things cause individuals to go acidotic, believed to be a contributor to acne. By bringing your bodies ph back in line, your body can then begin to fix itself. Big advocate. Some great reviews detailing how acidic metabolizes to go alkalitic.
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June 24, 2011


-Clears acne on face & body
-Fast results


-Bad for teeth

I love this. Okay so I'll just tell you my story. In the end of 7th grade I would get the ocasional pimple here or there. Then 8th grade began. it was fine in the beginning of the year but by the end I hated my face. I had like 5 pimples on my forehead but then 1 night I had cheer for 5 hours & 2 of those hours we worked out the whole time, so obviously I sweat a lot. The next morning, I couldn't even see one part of my skin in the middle of my forehead cause the acne was so bad. So I decided to try this out. I started it last wednesday. On Thuresday, I didn't really see any results, on Friday, it was starting to clear up a little(: Then I went camping until sunday. That means not washing my face or body for 2 whole days. I didn't even drink any lemon water those days but it still worked. I get home & my parents even saw a difference! The redness had gone down & I could see a lot more clear skin. So I've been using it since then & I've loved it. I drink it in the AM & PM when I don't have an empty stomach (cause I think it can do damage). I take a cup & put 2 spoons of water (the big spoons the ones you use for soup) & then I add 2 tea spoons of the lemon juice (not from concentrate) I put it in the microwave for 20 seconds (because your body absorbs the nutrients faster when it's warm) & then I take a straw & drink. You get used to the taste so it isn't as bad later. I brush my teeth 30-40 minutes later because I read somewhere you shouldn't brush them directly after & I wash out my mouth with water. I loved this & I think I will actually have perfect skin for Freshman year which I would never had gotten if it wans't for lemon juice. Well, I hope I helped!(:
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April 15, 2011


Brightens skin
No breakouts!


Well except teeth

Wow all I have to say is wow! I love drinking pure lemon juice. I hate adding it to water cause it tasted disgusting so I just drink straight lemon juice. Make sure you don't drink it cold or else your stomach has to make it warm before it absorbs! I've gotten used to the taste (I didn't think I would at first but I guess fruit juice and anything that's very sour no longer bothers me. You just gotta tell yourself 'Not sour not sour not sour' and be confident about it! It just takes a few times and you get amazing results. I recommend it! As for the bad teeth just drink water immediately after drinking the juice and you won't have to worry. Thank you lemon juice! I shall respect you!
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