Lemon Juice (as a drink)

305 Reviews

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September 29, 2014
Seemed kinda too good to be true. I thought maybe it was woorking for the first few days but I really don't think it was helping and it actually I think started to make it a bit worse so I stopped :(
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September 27, 2014
I have been considering adding lemon juice inside my water for a while now. I hear great things about it. However I wouldn't recommend anyone apply it directly on their face. I tried taking lemon juice and applying it on my face with a cotton swab for about a week. I had to stop because my face was becoming so red and irritated!!
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September 25, 2014
Acnes and oily skin
I've tried using lemon, my skin has acnes and is sensitive. So, when it gets dirty, it effect my face directly. I tried using it twice a week. I usually squash the fresh lemon so I get the juice mixed with a little bit of sugar and honey. I applied it to my face and let it be for around 10mins. Then, wash with warm water. After a month using it, people said that my face is cleaner and brighter. Probably because the oil is slowly removed too and it doesn't make your skin dry. You need to regularly do this, or else your face will be back to the normal one becos that's what happened to me now.
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July 7, 2014
I'm so glad that i used this instead of the "burning face mask". i found that almost impossible to make and it didn't even burn! i had taken a paper towel and ripped it to fit the curves of my face, then i poured lemon juice into a container and soaked my paper towels in the lemon juice. after, i drained the extra juice out of my paper towels by lightly squeezing them, and then placing them on my face. i keep them on my voce for about half an hour (or however long i feel like keeping them there). i can feel the places where i have scars and acne slightly burning! i then rinse off my face and rub ice cubes on for about 3-5 minutes. then i rinse my face with cool water and dab-dry. feels amazing and works great!
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January 19, 2014
It works!


Helps clear acne fast
Helps with digestion
Simple and easy


Bad for teeth (so drink through straw)
Acquired Taste

I have tried lots of acne and only one worked. But it didn't work very well and it was expensive. So I went searching for something cheap that would work. Well I found this. Luke warm lemon water in the morning and evening. It is an acquired taste, so if it is so unbearable it is okay to put a teaspoon of honey in it. I highly recommend this product!
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July 1, 2013
Used as a drink & applied directly on skin


Fades acne scars
Stops the growth of existing acne


Effects teeth when consuming warm lemon juice
Tinges when you apply the juice on your skin

I have a very sensitive skin. I drink lemon juice (half lemon) squeezed into lukewarm water with a teaspoon of honey on empty stomach early morning & at night before sleeping. Also, before sleeping, I dab fresh lemon juice directly on the acne & acne marks with an ear bud. I once applied lemon juice directly & let it on my skin overnight. I experienced new breakouts after 2 days. So, I apply lemon juice just on the effected area using an ear bud (so that it doesn't spread out on other areas) for around 30 minutes & wash it off with room temperature water. I could see my acne scars fading as well as the existing acne development stops. I have been doing this from past 2 weeks & I see good results. Note: It tinges a bit when you put on the lemon juice directly, due to citric acid. Try doing it for 3-4 days. If u see any improvement continue. But, stay away from leaving it on your skin overnight.
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June 28, 2013
Love lemon water.. but personally find citrus helps cystic acne formation


Tastes awesome


Possible Cystic Acne
Bad for teeth

I love it as a drink.. but I find citrus helps promote cystic acne.
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January 5, 2013


- Works great!
- Inexpensive!
- 100% Natural!
- Better than anything else I've tried!
- Quick and Easy!


- The lemon's acid can be quite strong for some.
- The sourness and taste will take time to get used to
- Bad for your teeth
- Causes diarrhea (although this depends on the individual)

Bottom line: It works. I have tried almost everything (except Accutane) and spent years of frustration and tons of money on products that didn't work. What I do is wash and cut one lemon in half, and squeeze half of it into a glass of water. Mix and then drink, one in the morning and one at night. For a couple days I had nasty, black diarrhea (prob the toxins coming out). My skin is clearing! I also lightly apply the lemon juice on my face at night every 2-3 days. Scars are fading too
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November 25, 2012


•Clears skin!
•Tastes good (atleast to me)


•Bad for teeth

It's amazing! I read about this just yesterday and I decided to drink some lemon juice before going to bed. I put 2 Tablespoons of lemon juice into a mug with warm water and a Tablespoon of honey to make it sweeter. When I woke up this morning, my skin was clear. So happy!
July 17, 2012




-Sensitive teeth

I've had acne since... freshman year of high school.... now I am 22. I have comedonal acne (chin, forehead) with the occasional pimples on my cheeks. I squeeze haIf a lemon in a cup of warm water and it has worked wonders!! my cheeks are completely clear and has been for 3 weeks which has never happened before and the bumps on my forehead and chin have gone down significantly. But what did the trick was the acne.org regimen and it is amazing!!! BUT it makes my skin extremely dry and a little red. the Benzoyl Peroxide Treatment is what really flattened my comedonal acne. but I've used the regimen before and never with results like this I am 100% sure that it was because of the lemon. I feel so happy and energized in the morning after drinking it and am so happy that I am using natural products for my body. This website talks more about the benefits of lemon water: [link removed] control (but made me nauseous & when you get off you break out again plus it's bad for your body in general) -lemon applied to face 2x a week -complex 15 cream -honey mask good luck everyone!!!!! [link edited out]
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