Lavender Oil

63 Reviews

The list of ingredients above is provided for informational purposes only. Always check the actual product label in your possession for the most accurate ingredient information due to product changes or upgrades that may not yet be reflected on our web site.


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December 28, 2011


it might have made skin a little smoother


Haven't seen any improvement yet
haven't see any fading of scars and marks
haven't seen any improvement of acne

:( I read so many great things about this! But I got it (only) a few days ago so i don't realy expect to see results yet, but i didn't expect it to burn! I put it on the first night and it burned a little and made my eyes water. the next morning didn't feel so bad and i mixed it with Ponds cream and waited for it to soak in and then put my makeup over it. It looked fine, better then usual! so i was getting excited about it! But then tonight I put some on a cotton ball and put it on again and it burrrnnneedddd so to try to soothe my skin i put Ponds over it. That made it horribly worse. so i hurriedly went a washed it off. but my skin was all red and gross so i put more Ponds cream on to sooth it a little and then put a tiny tiny bit of lavender oil over it. it doesn't burn... i don't what's up with this. maybe don't mix it with stuff??? I dunno! ANYWAYS bottom line it burned my skin. and so far haven't seen any improvement but i'll keep doing it by putting cream on first and then later putting the lavender over it. hopefully i'll have perfect skin in a few weeks :P doubt it. PLLEASE WORK. (: I put yes to recommend, because i have so much hope for it to work. but i'll write another review in a few weeks...
March 23, 2011


Smells good, and goes on smooth


made my skin breakout

Seriously guys make sure that you try this on your jawbone or somewhere that isn't as noticeable first, instead of your cheeks or forehead. I tried Lavender Oil mixed with Olive Oil (on my jawbone) and it made a bunch of little bumps come up, I immediately washed it off with cold water and put Aloe Vera Gel on it. It went away shortly after. Since everyone's skin is different, I do not think it is a good idea to try Lavender Oil without testing on your skin first to see how it reacts.
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January 23, 2010


Helped fade marks


Pimples popped up like there was no tomorrow.

I had been doing fantastic with my skin. I had a few whiteheads and leftover scars, but I could deal with that. After reading these reviews, I got really excited and bought some to mix with my extra virgin coconut oil. Coconut oil is amazing, Lavender? Not so much. I'm not going to rip this product cause everyones skin is different and my skin hates just about everything.
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July 10, 2009


Smells good


Does not work

I tried lavender oil after reading the wonderful reviews here and am very disappointed. It seems to work at first but I soon realized it wasn't doing anything for my acne, just making my bumps go away and as soon as I wash the stuff off my face, my zits pop back up and my skin is bumpy again. It did nothing to reduce redness in my face either.
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