Jojoba Oil

487 Reviews

The list of ingredients above is provided for informational purposes only. Always check the actual product label in your possession for the most accurate ingredient information due to product changes or upgrades that may not yet be reflected on our web site.


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June 4, 2008


its ok to use on your body.


clogged my pores (NO i didnt use too much, 2-3 drops after cleansing my face) and didnt help with redness at all

wow with how many people had success, I thought it'd help fade red marks from accutane.. I was damn wrong. Not only did it seem to clog my pores, but it DIDNT even help with red marks. Aveeno ultra calming moisturizer did a waaaay better job with redness.
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August 12, 2007




Result: 2 large cysts, one smaller cyst

I have been on Retin-A for a couple of years, and I decided about 4 months ago that I no longer wanted to rely on prescription medication for my acne. I began using essential oils and everything has been going well. I have since been using diluted tea tree oil each night all over my face, and I take a multi-vitamin, and a b-complex that has 20 mg of zinc. Then, three days ago, I tried jojoba oil, but just on my chin to test the results. I used it for three days, and then 3 cysts formed (I haven't had a cyst in quite a while). Since, it is the only change in my regimen, it has to be the culprit. Jojoba oil seemed to clog my pores.
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July 28, 2007


None - maybe moisturizing, but not worth the side effects...


Broke me out horribly - slowly, but surely more and more

Okay, so I was enticed by all the reviews and research I did on this stuff to somehow miraculously hydrate as well as combat blemishes. Woeeee...I gave it a good try - about a month and a half. Long enough, right to see if this stuff works? I was purging horribly w/plugs that never seemed to stop and developed some extra stuff, too, like continual whiteheads and other full-blown pimps - everywhere. Yuck. I finally couldn't take it anymore when I realized it just wasn't working, and now I'm going back to what worked for me a year ago to achieve perfect skin: -Thoroughly Clean Face Wash w/Extra-Gentle BufPuf -Baking Soda Paste w/h2o (in shower 2-3xwk, as needed) -Proactiv Toner, Lotion Hope this helps some of you to decide whether to try it or not - try new things slowly, do a test patch first!
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