Jojoba Oil

487 Reviews

The list of ingredients above is provided for informational purposes only. Always check the actual product label in your possession for the most accurate ingredient information due to product changes or upgrades that may not yet be reflected on our web site.


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February 8, 2007
This stuff works great! The reason it is never prescribed is because doctors never prescribe natural stuff. Their job is to get you to order THEIR prescriptions. Otherwise how else would they make money? There are some doctors, however, that use natural methods for healthy, acne-free skin that are not covered by insurance
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February 6, 2007


This stuff is great. it completely takes care of flakes and drying. It even seems to help prevent acne and heal existing acne/red marks. I mix 3 drops in my moisturizer once a day because that application method works best for me.


Makes my skin very oily, so I can only use it at night and have to sleep on a soft towel. It's well worth it, though.

This stuff is great. I use it only at night, and since using it, even my morning shave has been affected. My shave is now closer, smoother, and faster. This is truly the missing ingredient in an already great regimen. It was kinda expensive for a one ounce bottle, but it lasts a long time.
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February 5, 2007


all natural, great for hair and body


I didn't love this for my face

I have extremely dry skin and I've tried every moisturizer in the world for my face with out really loving any of them. I heard about jojoba oil thru and I tried it. I really wanted to love this but it just didn't work very well for me, didn't moisturize well enough. But I found an oil that works fantastic for me %100 pure SWEET ALMOND OIL. I use the NOW brand and it was only 4 dollars. I put about 6 or 7 drops in my palm after cleansing and patting my face dry but the skin is still a little moist, rub it in my hands and apply it gently to my face. This has made a HUGE difference in my skin, its supple, more even toned and looking more beautiful everyday, also this did not cause any breakouts, it fact I beleve its clearing up my skin. Jojoba oil was definently not a complete disappointment, I put a few drops of it in with my shampoo and body wash and my hair and body are so soft and nice.
February 1, 2007


-Absorbed by the skin, Does NOT cause acne,-Helps heal scarring/active acne, Natural, Non-irritating, Multi-use (hair,skin,nails) Is not greasy, Does not melt my makeup, BEST MOISTURIZER EVER!!

This product is fabulous! It has given me the softest smoothest skin. It is so different from any other moisturizer, because my skin actually absorbs it, I only need a couple drops, and it gets rid of flakes and dryness. I can be confident that it will not break me out, and that is most important to me. I will never use another moisturizer!
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January 25, 2007


Doesn't block pores, leaves skin soft and never oily. Lasts for ages as only a couple of drops required.



Been using this for some months. I rarely ever get a blemish on my face now, whereas i would often get a breakout monthly previously. Use a drop or two of this with aloe vera gel as your daily moisturiser.
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January 11, 2007


I absolutely love this stuff and use it daily. It makes all skin redness (rosacea, eczema, general sensitive skin) calm down, and seems to make my skin less oily overall.


Because it's oily, it's better to use at bedtime only.

Love it. I apply directly to red areas first, then mix 50/50 with my regular moisturizer. My skin is calmer, less redness, less oily and is pleasantly soft in the morning. The bottle will last forever.
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January 5, 2007


If you find jojoba has been too oily for you, try the Heather Lorraine organic/filtered jojoba oil (it's clear). It works great and absorbs much faster!



I stumbled upon this solution to my skin problems while in the health food store one day. I was having trouble with lots of little blemishs on my very oily forhead. Jojoba oil has really helped get my oil production under control and has made extraction of the last of the breakout much easier.
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December 27, 2006


Fools your face into thinking it has already produced enough sebum. Great trick!


None so far. For people with acne, it feels weird to put oil on an already oily face.

I have had acne for 14 years. I am now in my 30s and still waiting to "grow out of it". Wow am I sick of hearing THAT will happen. WELL, I wash with Proactiv Solution (I've used it for years and it's doing an "okay" job), and just recently started to add a few drops of Jojoba oil to my oil-free moisturizer. PRESTO CHANGO--the zits are gone. I'm shocked shocked shocked. I have only been doing this for a week, so I hope this isn't something my face will just get used to and go back to being its old acne-ridden self. But after one week, I have no new bumps and no new blackheads. My skin is really smooth. If you've tried everything else (and I have--incuding 4 courses of Accutane), why not give this a shot? I will update this posting if the long-term affects are not as positive as the short-term affects I have experienced. Good luck!
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December 18, 2006


Small 4oz container lasts forever! Completetly gets rid of flakes! No greasy face, even at the end of a long day! Actually made my skin healthier.


Due to it's runnier-than-lotion consistensy it's a bit more difficult to spread evenly, but after a few days of practice it's no problem.

I've tried Neutrogena Oil-Free Moisture (didn't help with flakes)and Lac-Hydrin 5 (too harsh, turned skin red) and mixing a bit of Jojoba Oil with each but still either had flakes, redness, or a heavy, greasy feeling on my face. One day I was looking for Complex 15 locally but couldn't find it. I knew I had to do something because the redness and flakes had to stop. I decided until I ordered Complex 15 online and received it I'd try Jojoba Oil by itself. I was a little concerned about it being pure oil and putting it on my face, which was already getting too oily by the end of the day, but holy cow... ...incredible. I now use this solely (no moisturizer) about 10 minutes after applying BP, twice a day, morning and night. Only 2-3 drops covers the lower half of my face (my problem area). After a full day of work when I get home my face isn't heavy, greasy, and/or red; it looks and feels normal! My skin is visibly getting softer and smoother with each passing day.
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December 9, 2006


the perfect compliment to dan's regimen.


a small initial purge, but nothing major.

I take about two squirts of dan's soap with a squirt of jojoba oil (about a nickel-sized blob) and mix it all in my hand until it makes a thick lather and gently massage that into my face. after letting it sit for a few moments, I wash it off with warm water and then proceed with the rest of dan's regimen. in about a month's time, it's really improved the look of my skin and the severity of my acne. I think perhaps putting a ton of BP on your face twice a day for a long time can wear out your skin and the jojoba helps balance things out.
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