Jojoba Oil

487 Reviews

The list of ingredients above is provided for informational purposes only. Always check the actual product label in your possession for the most accurate ingredient information due to product changes or upgrades that may not yet be reflected on our web site.


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December 8, 2006
This stuff is just absolutely amazing! I would have never put a product on my face with the name "oil" in it. After just one use I noticed my skin was so much softer and I didn't experience anymore flakiness after using Benzoyl Peroxide. I add 3-4 drops of Jojoba Oil to my moisturizer at night. I've also found other great uses for this stuff. I add it to my shampoo once a week, add it with fine sugar for a great at home exfoliator and I also add it to my body moisturizer too. Highly recommend this stuff!!!!
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December 5, 2006


all natural, helped keep my oily skin under control,healed my acne scars, you only need a small amount no side affects


not really a con but it has a temporary light greasy feel until the skin absorbs it.

I have oily skin. After an hour at work I take a break to dot my face with a paper towel & I keep some stashed at my desk for the rest of the day. I have bad acne scars & break-outs. My friend had the same problem as me but started using jojoba oil cause she heard about it from another friend. It didn't make sense to me to put more oil on my oily face but I've tried a lot a products & had side affects & my friends face looked great. I went online to look for the product she was using. I LOVE IT. It really stopped my shiney face blues & healed my acne scars. I'm self conscious so I still check my mirror every hour & still no greasy face. I love this stuff. I bought a 2 oz bottle a few months ago & still have over a half bottle left. I put 5-6 drops on a cotton ball. My friend turned me on to Komaza herbal infused jojoba oil. I order online. I think that's what aided the jojoba to clear my scars & acne. They also can tailor an herbal jojoba for you. It took 2 weeks to see change.
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November 6, 2006





Hey just wanted let yall know you can get some at gnc(overpriced though), vitaminshoppe(more affordable and probably same thing) and I also saw it on amazon too for like maybe a 16oz and its not so much considering it lasts a long time apparently. I am still trying to get it so hopefully I will this week and hope it helps me. I have extremely oily skin and moderate acne just a few pimples here and there but I am hoping more so that it will help with the oiliness. PRAY FOR ME!! hehe
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November 3, 2006


Unbelievable product. Works as a moisturizer and cleanser with no side effects. Also, my forehead wrinkles are gone after a week of use. These wrinkles were from the CSR, which was not as effective as Jojoba oil.


Don't forget that you will most likely experience an initial purge, as with BP Gel and other acne products.

Just to clarify, Jojoba oil is actually a wax (an ester). It is remarkably similar to the sebum our own body produces. I use 100% Now Jojoba Oil from GNC stores and it has worked like no other acne product. After a week, my face is glowing and is clearer than it ever has been.
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October 21, 2006


All natural moisturizer that helps control natural oil production and in turn helps with acne. It's really affordable since you only need a few drop of oil a day. This oil has many other uses for the body also and makes skin feel very soft.


I experienced an initial breakout when I first started. Not the nasty red sensative pimples that I usually get but tiny white bumps that cleared up right after the break out. Can make your skin look greasy until the oil is absorbed.

This oil (it's actually a wax ester) really smoothed out my skin and actually made my skin less oily (ironic huh?). Jojoba is almost like sebum so when you continuously put it on your skin, it decreases your natural oil production. Drying out your skin with face washes and all that other stuff just made my skin oily. This is all I use on my skin now and it has really helped my acne. At night before bed and after showers, I get a cotton round and place 4 to 8 drops. I then rub it on my face. I had perfect skin this summer but when school started I started getting a few pimples because I haven't been getting enough sleep. Nothing nearly as bad as before. Jojoba oil works even better when tea tree oil is mixed in. It's been about 6 monthes and I still have my first small bottle.
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October 16, 2006


Best product i have ever used! Period. Too bad i descovered it so late, at 29. I have terribly oily skin and this balances it nicely and OH MAN, it really makes my skin look smooth and clear!I had BAD excema to and this is the ONLY product thatworked



Again, best product. I CANNOT BELIEVE DERMS DO NOT PUSH THIS ONTO THEIR CLIENTS. THAT IS AN ABSOLUTE SHAME AND VERY IGNORANT OF THEM. Not only is this a product that works better than any i have used before it, but it also has NO side effects. Just amazing. I am not sure it would have worked as well to clear my acne when it was at its worst (age 20 to 26) but it was still at an unacceptable state to me 4 months ago, and ever since using this product, i am happy with how my skin is improving on a daily basis. By the way, Cetaphil cleanser is also my number one choice.... better than spectro jel.
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October 9, 2006


I have tried TONS of acne products and moisturizers, and this is the first treatment that really seems to work for my skin. I have sensitive combination skin, and the Jojoba Oil has balanced my oily areas and made my skin glow!


None. Affordable, non-irritating and easy!

Try it! Buy some pure Jojoba Oil, apply a thin layer after cleansing and toning, let it sit for a minute and then gently rinse (just a little) with lukewarm water and pat dry. I was skeptical at first, and I thought it would make my skin shiny, but it leaves your skin soft and glowing all day long. I use it day and night and couldn't be happier! Thanks to this site, I've found my perfect and affordable moisturizer!
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