Honey Mask

709 Reviews

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December 27, 2007


This really works! And it is great to avoid using chemicals. Raw honey is a must. It even tastes good and doesn't leave you smelling like a drugstore. You smell like honey! My skin is very soft after using this. It's also very cheap!


Sticky. Sometimes, I want to lie down with it on, and if I move, it gets all over my pillow.

I wish I had known about this when I was thirteen. It is finally getting my acne under control. The only problem is that you must use it very often to get results.
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December 23, 2007


it makes your skin glow and reduces pimples. it hydrates and its good for skin thats been picked apart (which i always do)



disolve some uncoated aprin in your hand (about 5) and then dab some honey in your hand also and mix it together then wear it on your face as a mask. this works wonderfully, really try it
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December 22, 2007


Really works. Kills pimples overnight is a 3 in 1 product- cleanses, tones, and moisturizes. Leaves skin glowing and soft.


Sticky, but washes off easily.

I'd recommend this natural product to all. I use it every night as a mask and leave on for twenty minutes. It doesn't drip, so I can do other things during that time, like brush my teeth. Then I rinse it off and put spot the zits with honey and leave on overnight. These disappear in the morning. All I have to do in the mornings now is rinse with water and moisturize. This is the best stuff ever. I have stopped using man-made products. The honey must be unpasteurized or raw.
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November 19, 2007


make sure its Raw Honey!!! from a health shop. The supermarket honey does NOT work


a little annoying. need time in private to apply. drips all over the place too.

In the 12 years I've been battling acne. I have NEVER seen such a vast improvement. For the first time in a long time... I don't have one single pimple on my face!! I cannot believe all the time and money I have wasted on other methods when THIS is the one that truly works.
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November 16, 2007


calms skin. Makes it VERY soft. all natural. Inexpensive. Reduces acne flare ups.


clearly it is quite sticky, and so it is a little hard to put on, but you get used to it.

First off, My skin hasnt been this clear in over 2 years, literaly. I have extreemly sensitive skin that reacts to most chemicals that are in skin care products. I cant use BP or perscription creams. I also have very oily skin and started breaking out very bad after the birth of my second son. I started using all natural products on my skin and I have noticed a night and day difference in the appearance and clarity of my skin, and a almost total reduction in the number of acne flareups. I use cetaphil to wash my face and witch hazel to tone. I then use pure aloe vera to moisturize (no alchohol in it). Before I shower I put on the Raw honey mask (must be raw honey, I have found). If it isnt raw honey, that means that it has been cooked to 170 degrees to aid in pouring. This kills alot of the anibacterial properties in the honely. Purchase at health food stores. Must say RAW!. I am really amazed. Use every day to start, and then 2 times a week to maintain.
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November 7, 2007


Skin looks smoother, feels softer, and adds a nice nartual looking glow. It also tastes delicious! =)


It takes time to apply because it's sticky.

I used raw honey and I really do feel it made a noticeable difference in the complexion of my skin. I've only used it for a couple of days and I really like it! It made the redness that I had on the right side of my upper cheekbone almost completely go away! It's made some of my acne marks go away and also reduce the size of my pimples. Yay!
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November 5, 2007


Inexpensive! Readily available! Natural! Easy! Tastes and smells so good! Supports a LOCAL economy if you're buying local honey. You can leave a little on all day too. Honey can be used as a toner (mix 1-2 drops with water in your palm & apply)! wow


None so far

The best thing that I've ever tried. I hope that it also helps to prevent breakouts in the future. Such a versatile product! Treat your allergies, acne, and have some in your tea! Highly recommended!
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October 29, 2007


Heals acne in a matter of days which normally takes weeks for me. clears red blemishes from old acne. Tastes wonderful in green and chamomile tea


Nome yet

I have tried a lot of natural acne remedies and medications and I am finding incredible results with raw honey. This is the first time in a long time I have been acne free!! I bought a gallon & a half at a local bee farm for $20. This stuff tastes amazing!
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October 20, 2007


It is a very effective.


none for me

I find this method really works on my faulty acne. By the way, i do have a question. Will there be any side effect if i use honey mask many times in a day? For example, 3 times a day.
October 17, 2007


Leaves skin Glowy


None so far

Its yummy
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