Honey Mask

709 Reviews

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August 15, 2011


makes your skin glow
reduces the size of pimples
lightens acne scars
leaves skin soft



I use the honey as a mask and leave it on for 15-20 minutes. I have tried the mask with raw honey and normal honey, and I think raw honey is better.
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August 13, 2011


Fades scars. Brings pimples to head so they can heal faster(and they do). Natural, with no chemicals.

I actually use this as a cleanser, but they don't have a section for that on here. I do try to leave it on for at least 5 min. though. This does wonders for my skin. It has faded my scars so fast and brings down the redness. If I get a pimple the honey brings it to a head by the next day and it goes away completely within 2 or 3 days. If you tried this and it didn't do much for your skin it's probably because your not using very good honey. When I first started using honey I was using a raw honey, but I got it at Kroger's for like $4, and it did nothing for my skin. It didn't prevent pimples but it wasn't breaking me out either. So I went to Whole Foods to get honey that might actually be worth my money. I got Really Raw Honey and it was $10 for 1lb. It has the pollen, propolis, live enzymes, and honeycomb in it so it really does great things for my skin and pollen is great for your skin.
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August 3, 2011


-Tasted good
-Smelled sweet


-Left skin even redder
-Did nothing for my scars or active breakouts

I did only use an at-home honey mask one time, so I may not be the best person to discuss it. However, the reason I used it only once was because my skin was left even redder than it already is from my acne scars. I do, though, have very sensitive skin, so that could be a contributing factor as to why it left my skin irritated. I have heard that it truly does work for many people, but it did not at all have the affect I was hoping for on me. If you have sensitive skin, I would not recommend this.
August 1, 2011


smells nice


sometimes melts

i used honey with baking soda and cinnamon (: the baking soda made my face feel tingly(which i liked) when i was washing it off the cinnamon exfoliated my face! i left it on as a mask for about 45 mins, after i washed it off my skin felt fresh and was glowy
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July 27, 2011


softer and glow skin
lighten spots dan scars
reduce redness
moisture skin
reduce existing acne size
prevent acne
smells sweet


sticky and drippy

Before honey mask, i used egg whites + apple cider vinegar mask and baking soda spot treatment too.. egg whites works fine on me and makes my pore tightens but doesn't do anything much for my acne... baking soda makes my acne just even more reddish and stingy too.. then i try the honey mask + cinnamon powder, i mix it all together then just spread it evenly all over my face, wait for an hour, then rinse with cold water.. and the results were AMAZING ! definitely will do it everyday now, to get rid of my old scars and acnes.. totally recomended !!!
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July 25, 2011


a good moisturizer
makes skin much softer and smoother



it washes off easily
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July 25, 2011


Noticeable difference after only a couple days
Easy to apply and rinse off
Works really efficiently
Works fast!
Tastes not bad either :)


A bit messy, but not really a big deal

This really surprised me. It's too easy! I've tried soooo many things and have barely seen any difference in my skin. I've suffered from MODERATE acne since I was 14 (now 18) and now I can classify my acne as LIGHT. And at the rate, I could be acne free very soon!! I actually use lemon juice in my routine too and I really reccommend them together! My daily routine: Usually in the evening, I'll wash my face with a normal cleanser (no crazy acne meds in it), then I apply lemon juice (I use bottled lemon, but of course real lemon works) to my face with my fingers. I then apply the honey to my face and rinse it after 20-45 min. Throughout that time, I'll massage the honey on my face a few times. This routine works greattttt and it's so cheap and easy! Thank-you honey and lemon!!
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July 10, 2011


skin is soo softer afterwards
skin glows
tastes yum


sticky and messy
haven'e seen any improvement in my acne yet but i mite need to be more patient

try it!! its natural so it must be good for the skin and makes ur skin soo soft afterwards!!
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July 3, 2011


Cleared up my acne
Worked fast
It's helped my blackheads
Makes my skin look great!!


It's kinda messy but not that big a deal

I'm so glad I tried this natural remedy! I slather it on my face about 2 hours before bed and rub it in around my nose. I usually leave it on for the whole 2 hours, but that's not necessary. My skin is smooth and glowing! I've even started having plugs come out of my nose which is amazing since my blackheads are like cemented in. Can't recommend this enough! Btw- I used raw honey.
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June 13, 2011


Nice smell
Nice taste
Skin is gowing and smooth
Reduces acne


Needs privacy to use it
Sticky and messy

Honey is a miracle. I have used a mixture of honey and cinamon for about 3-4 week daily for about 1-2 hours before sleeping. (I've tried to sleep with the mask but I gave it up when I woke up with my face stuck on my arm after first night :D). My skin was smooth and glowing. After loooooong time, my acne was finally reduced!!! I looked amazing as never before. I just had to apply it when I was alone coz I looked like a monster with that stuff on my face :D It really helps. I reccommend it to everyone. You can also add some lemon juice.
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