Honey Mask

709 Reviews

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April 21, 2011


Really Works, makes pores smaller, signifcantly reduces inflammed acne, makes less red, and seems to help with post acne marks


should use raw organic honey, or even manuka honey which can be very expensive

Sticky and messy

I really cant believe something that has been in my cabinet all along could be this good for acne and red marks I have only written one view before on ZInc, and have tried so many products to help heal my acne, most with little success. I have moderate to light acne mostly forehead and some small ones on cheeks, but my problem is when i get a pimple it usually stays red for awhile and takes foreverrr to go away. For the past couple months my acne has pretty much cleared, with the help of zinc and just eating healthier (lots of fruits, vegetables and fish oils) but i still ocassionally get a pimple. I had heard about honey before and tried some on some pimples i got that were pretty inflammed. All i have to say is wow. this stuff really works. I'm the first one to doubt things but i left it on overnight and i woke up and it had significantly reduced and my skin looked more even. Been using it for couple weeks and it is still working well. I even sometimes add turmeric to it because that is suppose to be good for fading post acne marks. Trust me and try it, honey is very antibacterial and will not clog pores. But definitely get the expensive raw honey, it can be pricey but you definitely get what you pay for. I hope this works for others because for me it really does work wen other products don't do as much and work as fast. Its not a miracle cure but it def works very well. Hope this helped!
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April 17, 2011


Moisturizes without breaking me out
'calms' my skin
reduces pore size


annoying to apply

While it hasn't cured my cystic hormonal acne, it has calmed the smaller other acne I get, it makes lesions heal faster and my skin looks healthier overall. I am going to continue to use this even if I get my hormonal acne sorted out.
April 12, 2011


- 100% Natural
- 0 Chemicals
- Cheap
- Easy to Store
- Long Shelf Life
- Easy to Make (in relation to some other homemade skin care products)
- No Side-Effects
- Tastes and Smells Great!
- Moisturizing
- Natural Astringent
- Non Irritating (for most)
- Anti-Inflammatory


- Requires a bit of preparation.
- Sticky.
- Doesn't dry so gets on pillow overnight.
- Messy

I mixed CINNAMON powder with HONEY and used it as a spot treatment overnight. My Results: I was very pleased by the results from the honey and cinnamon treatment last night. I applied it on a couple of pimples I could see coming as well as a few old pimples that had just left some marks that were still healing. In the morning, on the new pimples, the honey was completely absorbed and the pus/etc had been brought completely to the surface. It had basically been cleaned right out. There was no progress on the old pimple marks. However, this evening (about 24 hours after original application) I noticed one of the marks on my forehead had almost completely disappeared. I've heard it takes a bit of time for the honey (and cinnamon) to do its magic, but I'm already seeing a few instant results! I'm excited to continue my spot treatment. What I Used: The honey that I used was what I had on hand, which was natural honey from Austria. However, I went out and bought 100% natural and organic Canadian Honey today for $6, mixed that with cinnamon tonight, and am trying it again as a spot treatment. I have heard of Manuka honey but I am not willing to spend the large amount of money right away. The Canadian honey is still 100% honey and 100% organic, with no chemicals or additives. The Canadian honey is not runny, but thick, and requires a bit of effort to scoop out of the jar. Then, to mix it with the cinnamon, it must be kneaded with a knife or stirring stick so it can reach a more gooey consistency. This is the only real challenge. It can then be safely stored in a glass jar and, like regular honey, does not need to be refrigerated or thrown away. Save some on the side too for a snack or on your toast, is tastes great, and has many other health benefits!
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April 8, 2011


Non irritating, Natural, Anti inflammatory, Anti bacterial


Messy, packaging

I have never, NEVER had results like this so quickly using anything and I have used about everything. I wash my face w/ a mild cleanser and then apply a layer of honey (Get raw, organic, unfiltered honey and not the crap in the honey bear.etc) as a mask...I leave it on for as long as I want and then rinse off. Redness and Inflammation is instantly reduced Give this a try!
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April 2, 2011


smells good


did not get rid of the pimple

I used natural honey as a spot treatment. (put a little warm saltwater on the zit to dry it up then a dab of honey on it overnight) First of all...I'd tried to (stupidly, haha) pop it before because I saw some puss. Nothing came out, but I didn't want to wash my face with anything harsh, so I decided to try honey because I needed it gone fast. I heard this was supposed to be an overnight zit zapper. However, when I woke up the next morning, it was even redder and worse. BUT! Even though it didn't get rid of the zit, it brought the bacteria/oil/puss to the surface, so I barely had to touch it to get all of that nasty stuff out. Bottom line, it was a great, natural way to bring everything to the top, but it didn't quite cure it.
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March 1, 2011


very cheap
tastes good
skin feels soft WHILE it's applied


didn't do anything
no glow
no softer skin afterwards
i got 3 big red pimples

been using it every night for a while and no results. I'm not allergic to honey.
March 1, 2011


my pimples got smaller by lik 75%
best thing i ever tried!
Definitely use pure honey, i used Kraft Natural Honey, and it workd very well
I don't know how long you should apply for it
but I apply for the whole night, and so far I havent been gettin any pimples
Smells rlly NICE I love it!


Sticky, it got in my hair which was very disgusting

Natural is the best. This is like the BEST product I've tried, it's much better than clindoxyl gel or Proactiv
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February 27, 2011


-Clears up skin
-Nice smelling
-Makes skin soft



I use this almost everyday and it has really cleared up my skin and made it super soft. At first I was using processed 'honey' and it ended up drying out my skin and not clearing up much of anything. Then I started using natural honey which comes straight out of the beehive and immediatly I started seeing results. I would highly recommend this.
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February 3, 2011




doesn't work as well as i'd hoped

I used regular organic grocery store honey once or twice a day for about a week. In that time, it managed to clear up some stubborn under the skin bumps on my cheek and made my skin glow. then I switched to manuka honey which is about three times as expensive and honestly did not do as much as the grocery store honey did. Also, I left it on overnight once and it seemed to clog my pores and erase the good that the regular honey did...so i'm starting today with the regular honey and will give an update in a week. overall, if nothing else it is a very good hydrating mask for sensitive dry skin.
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January 29, 2011


-by far THE BEST spot treatment I have ever come across
-you can just lick it off when it drips down your face :)


-sticky, messy
-sucks to sleep in if you sleep on your side, gets all over your pillow..but I do it anyways, it's worth it!

**For this post, I am referring to the honey as a spot treatment, not as a whole face mask.** I have tried pretty much EVERY spot treatment there is out there. Nothing comes close to how good this natural remedy is!! I found it works best on pimples that were "just popped" Every single time I have popped a pimple and put this on overnight, when I wake up in the morning it is at least 75% reduced in size. Has only worked a couple times for PREVENTING pimples, but if you catch one early enough and apply this consistently every night, it should stop it from coming to a head. **Make sure to get PURE, UNFILTERED, RAW honey, for best results. I have also heard Makuna honey works well also. ***DO NOT microwave it!! Microwaving or heating any food up will decrease it's natural nutrients by at least 50% (learned this in nutrition class) same reason why eating raw vegetables is better and healthier than eating cooked veggies. For best results, don't heat it up! Usually your body temperature will melt it on contact with your skin. Some people don't like the fact that it drips, so they will put a piece of tissue paper over it. I have found that every time i've done this it's not as effective. It's almost as if the blemish "drinks up" the honey, because everytime i've put some tissue over it, in the morning the tissue is "sucked" into my pimple. therefore when I take the tissue off, it starts to bleed! not good :/ I just leave it alone and let it drip! Hope this helps...has worked for me :)
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