Honey Mask

709 Reviews

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December 12, 2011


*Clears acne
*Minimizes pore size
*Smooths skin
*Reduces redness


*Application can be messy

Best natural remedy. I've tried all different remedies: potato rubs, aloe, essential oils, lemon sugar scrubs, baking soda (etc...) and I've never experienced results as timely or drastic. Give it a go! It's cheap and certainly can't hurt. Happy healing!
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December 7, 2011


The bacteria cannot live in an enviroment covered in honey; your face, due to honeys antiseptic qualities it does clear spots slowly but surely, it is no miracle cure nothing is, but i use a mask everyday and have been since saturday, its now tuesday and i have for sure seen my hyperpigmentation (browny, reddish flat marks) fade, not amazingly but has faded and im sure will carry on if i keep using it. i also use aloe vera and vit c moisturiser and im on doxy and that doesnt seem to be working..


having acne in the first place!

try it out, ont work for everyone, but its working for me, only 4 active pimples to my usual 20+ so yes, do try it and stick to it, quite literally good luck :)
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November 22, 2011


Dries out pimple
Skin is soft
Fades scars and blemishes
Makes skin soft


Its messy if you cant really use it

I have been using this along with egg whites for the past 3 days and i can see wonderful changes for my acne, my scars are fading, my skin is way softer and it glows, there is really nothing to lose its one of the best♥
November 21, 2011


tastes great



I have sensitive skin that reacts to nearly everything - but not to honey. The honey is moisturizing, soothing and yummy.
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November 20, 2011


- instantly soothes irritated skin.
- (tastes and smells amazing!!)
- Evens out skin tone and helps scarring.
- Softens your face and is great with sensitive skin!
- Leaves your skin looking healthier and happier. ^-^


- The sticky-ness of the honey is a small price to pay when you get such results.(:

I've been using epiduo for my acne, and true to the side effects, my face began to dry out and become terribly irritated. Last night, the irritation and peeling was at its worst, and i couldnt fall asleep because i was in so much agony. I took to the internet so i could find a remedy to soothe my skin, and i'm SO GLAD i found this page. After reading all the reviews, i tried the honey mask... and i have never been so relieved in my entire life. I used pure honey, and the irritation and swelling went down almost immediately. i could almost see my scars going away as i rubbed the honey on! It's 6:00 a.m. right now, and i wish i found this site sooner! I was a bit hesitant to use honey due to my long list of food allergies and annoyingly sensitive skin, but Honey is my new best friend. I recommend this to everyone, and i will continue using this 'mask' with hope that my face will continue to heal and improve! I don't think i will have anymore all nighters' due to angry skin ever again.<3 :3 Thanks Honey!
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November 19, 2011


Makes skin soft
Clears skin
Prevents acne
Takes away black heads
Makes irritated skin more balanced
Makes skin glow
Makes cystic acne and deep pimples go away and/or smaller
Evens out skin tone
Smells good
Tastes Fantastic



I heard about this mask on here along with its benefits so I went out and bought organic honey and organic lemon juice. I needed the lemon juice for my acne and the honey to restore the over all appearance of my skin. The first time I used the mask, I added a bit of cinnamon and it made the mask very streaky (like when I put it on, it just slid off my face) so I would suggest not using the cinnamon. Overall, I LOVE this mask! I went from about 6 pimples on my face to 2 after two uses! All of the acne scars on my face have reduced in redness and are on their way to recovery. Not to mention, my skin looks glowing as if I already have makeup on after the first time I used it! I am so impressed with this mask and my skin thanks me for helping it out so much :D The price I have on here includes the honey and the lemon juice. The honey was $4.00 and the Lemon juice was $5.00. Please remember to get ORGANIC honey and lemon juice because the others wont get you the nutrients that you need for your face. They are filled with preservatives which take away the natural ingredients that make this mask purposeful for us :) Also, the mask will never dry on your skin (unless you leave it on for hours and hours). I usually take mine off after about 15-20 minutes. Try this mask!! Its amazing!
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November 18, 2011


-skin is soft
-pores shrink
-reduces redness


-takes a long time
-you really wanna be alone/around loved ones cause you look so weird

wow! i don't have terrible skin, but my problem is whenever i get a zit or even just a sort of large blackhead, i pop it. sometimes its fine, and sometimes it turn into this mess of a scab that takes forever to heal. i had some of these horrible scabs at once, and i neeeeeded to find something to heal them, quickly. so the day before yesterday, i decided to try the honey mask. i left it on for about 2 hours, took a shower, and applied olive oil for the night (the olive oil part is part of my routine). i woke up to disappointment, there was really no change. but, i had no other options in mind, so last night i tried it again, same exact routine. i woke up, examined my skin, and was shocked. ALL redness had gone down, my skin was soft, glowing, my pores were smaller, my skin just looked 10x more beautiful. i'm going to do it every night from now on, i love honey!!!! problem is, you have to keep it on forrevverrr which is fine if its just a weeknight but if you wanna go out and you really don't want people to see you with it on oh also i just happened to have raw unprocessed honey in my house, but that is the kind you should get and apparently its pricey..
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November 8, 2011


Tones skin.
Clears skin of blemishes and acne.


Sticky and gets in hair.

Instead of spending a fortune on expensive products that don't do what they say will do, the answer is right in your pantry. Forget about all those pretentious brand names that give you false hopes of having clear skin, honey is nature's gift to you:)
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November 7, 2011


Great for all skin types, moisturizes, gets rid of acne so quickly!!!


Can be messy

AMAZING. I've suffered through pretty severe acne for years! I have tried SOO many facial cleansers, treatments, etc. You name it, I've tried it! And little did I know a product I've had forever at home could be used SO effectively. Within the first few applications of this mask, I have seen a HUGE difference! DO IT. TRUST ME, YOU WILL NOT REGRET IT! :)
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November 6, 2011


deeply hydrates
no oil or grease
no harsh chemicals
no drying agents
slightly acidic; will balance your skin pH
soothes redness and pain
relieves dryness and even flaking
evens skin tone
leaves skin radiant
quickly absorbed
reduces puffiness
nearly invisible on skin
slightly astringent
tastes good
feels rich and luxurious


gives skin a shiny look

I mix a small amount of honey with a small amount Burt's Bees willow tree bark and a few drops of witch hazel and leave it overnight. My skin absorbs it. I pick at my skin a lot and often cover inflamed spots or wounds with benzoyl peroxide. If I wasn't using honey to prevent dryness and irritation, the benzoyl peroxide would destroy my face and leave it flaky, red, and cracked. My skin looks radiant in the morning when I wash off the honey, kind of dewy like a celebrity on the red carpet. There is no need to buy hydrating creams or toners. A small amount of honey is perfect. My skin feels baby-soft and cleansed, free of cracked skin or inflamed bumps. I also feel like it makes my face look more refined.
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