Green Tea

536 Reviews

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June 2, 2011


Clears acne, period.
Works, better than pills or creams.
Different flavours available, cheap $3
The only thing that has ever worked for me.
Decaf available but I need the caffine! :)


None, I like the taste of tea :)

You have to give it at;east 1-2 months! I've read here people didn't see improvements and they only tried it for a week? I honestly can't believe it, my friend said 'ugh this is horrible, do you want it?' A box of lipton caffinated green tea, I said 'sure, i'll try it'....amazingly within a week I really noticed more energy/ alertness, better sleep, so i googled green tea and people said its good for acne/ digestion (which we all know the insides are linked to the outside). Its been a month now of atleast 3-4 cups a day, yes I use the same tea bag twice, I like it! I also like yogi green tea. For some reason it just works, I usually breakout like a 12 year old 1 week before mother nature starts and WOW! I saw maybe 3-4 tiny things that resemble hope and not a crying spell that I usually get, don't want to leave the house and feel so ugly and I really cannot believe it, my face is actually acceptable! no new fierce breaouts, no big horrid blotches, my skin in slightly less oily, its some kind of miracle. Ok, I will honestly give it another month, if the before and during my cycle I am this clear (70-80%) I will jump for joy and update you all!!!! I do use BP at night every other night now, whereas before I used it x2 daily, and only lightly. Please I beg you all, go and buy a box for $3 and try it!!!!! Please! If you hate the taste, take it weak at first, or chill it in the fridge (no need to boil, just put the bag in cold water and poke it!) But try and drink it 3-4 times a day because I have seen results. Don't give up !!!!
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May 15, 2011


Clears skin
weight loss aid
Caffeinated, so great for early starts!


Taste can be slightly bitter, just don't leave the tea bag in for more than 2 mins.
Acquired taste, which I now love!

Cannot express how much I love green tea! I encourage everyone to drink it! It helps you lose weight too. Clear skin and slim? what could be better!
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May 3, 2011


Leaves skins soft
fades pimples
clears skin:)
healthy not only for face but for your whole body
No harsh chemicals:) all natural



Green tea really can help to clear up acne. It really clears up your face and leaves your skin with a nice healthy glow. (or at least it did that for me) it also leaves skin soft. Of course, everyone's skin is different. This also takes redness away. oh, and it helped with my acne scars. You should really try it! It is also very healthy to drink too:) I totally recommend it! Drinking it too can help improve your acne. It also isn't expensive:)
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April 30, 2011


smells great
reduced redness



I had a really red spot on my face I needed to get rid of. First, I put on an oatmeal mask with yogurt and green tea. (oatmeal to dry up the zits, yogurt to moisturize, green tea to reduce redness.) After I took it off, I got another green tea bag, wet it with warm water, and applied to the red spot for about a minute or two. It was barely noticeable anymore! This is so easy, cheap, and effective. I love this! If you have green tea, warm water, and a minute to spare, your redness is gone :)
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April 23, 2011


~reduces the inflamation of acne when used topically.
~increases the GABA in your brain, ie: NO ANXIETY!!!


none, green tea is amazing for you!(unless your preggers, then please avoid!! it affects the way they body uses folate, something very important in a pregant womans diet to preven neural tube birth defects in babies)

my acne i know is brought on by stress...and im one of those mega stressed people...IT SUCKS! however, once i started drinking green tea it has brought my stress levels down MAJORLY! and green tea is like super high in amino acids which acts as a brain "balancer".so i know if i continue on this track stress levels down, acne gone!!! plus i get acne on my arms, and i chuck a bunch of green tea bags in the tub and have a good long soak and the inflammation on my arms is down so much, the acne is barely noticeable!!
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April 22, 2011


- completely cleared my skin!!!
- cheap and natural
- works quickly


None what so ever.

I suffered from acne for over 20 years. I have tried everything i.e: Accutane, BP, Retin A, antibiotics, spent hundreds on skin care products, birth control pills, ACV, accupuncture etc. But I have finally found something effective for glowing acne free skin! I have been drinking 1-3 cups of decaff green tea daily, for about 2 weeks. But I suspect the thing that has really helped is a toner I made myself, using green tea with a few other added natural ingredients. I apply to my skin with a cotton pad every morning and night after cleansing. I make the toner with: green tea (leave a green tea bag in hot water for a few minutes then add the tea) fresh lemon juice, aloe vera gel (the clear not green one), witch hazel, honey (the best kind is Manuka + UMF 10 honey) and a few drops of tea tree oil. Shake up in a bottle and try leave on during the day or overnight alone. It does make your skin slightly dry and tight, so you can put a few drops of Jojoba oil or moisturiser on afterwards. It makes me very happy to wake up and not find a spot on my face for the first time since I can remember. Something else that has helped is an aspirin mask a couple of times per week: Try honey, aloe vera and 2-3 tabs of aspirin crushed then leave on for 15 mins (plus try tea tree or rosehip oil added) I think eating well and using products that are not full of chemicals keeps your skin clear too, but this has definitely worked amazingly well for me!
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April 12, 2011


Clears skin right up and keeps it clear!
Lose weight
Feel healthy and energised


None whatsoever!

I used to suffer from very bad acne in my senior year of High School. Coming up to the end of my senior year, my friend recommended I drink green dea to help me lose a bit of weight (for my formal). I'd drink 2-4 cups a day and found that not only was I losing the weight, my skin looked was crystal clear! At the time, I wasn't aware that it was the tea that was doing this. At the end of my senior year, I stopped drinking tea. As the months progressed, and I entered University, my skin returned to it's acne-ridden state. Recently, I've discovered why my skin was so clear - green tea. As soon as I realised this, I rushed off to the shop and bought green tea! Drink it, guys! This stuff is amazing not only for acne, but your health in general!
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March 28, 2011


Taste (for some people), helps reduce redness/scaring and acne. Works fast, doesn't take much time out of the day. Easy to incorporate into daily routine. Gives me energy throughout the day.



I've had annoying acne for about 6 years. I wouldn't mind just having no acne and scars, but I would get new breakouts everyday. And not just one or two. Many at a time. I've tried the works; Proactiv, Clearasil, Neutrogena, etc. They stopped my many breakouts and reduced it to only 1 or 2 a day. Green Tea has stopped my breakouts, so I had little to no new pimples. I've had about 3 new pimples since drinking and applying green tea topically. 3 in a few weeks is very nice. The green tea is even fading my acne scars. Overall I give this treatment a 10/10, because it's fast, cheap, and easy. I highly recommend this.
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March 28, 2011


Easy to make.
Very straight forward.


Maybe the taste?? But for me it tastes fine.

Ok I've had acne since I've been 15. I can remember the first pimple I got back when i was in Freshman in High School, all the way up to just a few weeks ago. I tried Just about everything. Prescription medication, different facial washes, Retina A differen etc...there all junk to me, in my opinion. Than I stumbled upon this whole green tea thing. I've been drinking 3 cups a day for about a month or so. At first, I broke out from it? Figured it was just another wasted attempt at beating acne. But I stuck with it. After about a month I can't believe the results. I usually break out with acne on my chin, and whiteheads across my mouth and cheek areas. That is COMPLETELY stopped in its tracks. I have had 2 microscopic whiteheads in the last 3 weeks, and they were right along my sunglasses line. I also drink a TON of water, eat tons of fruits and veggies, and stay away from Pop, Candy, Junk Food etc. Enough rambling. If you haven't tried this. PLEASE do. You have nothing to lose but a few dollars if you absolutely dislike it. I drink the non decaffeinated version as well. I will drink this stuff for the rest of my life. I only wish I could have stumbled upon it sooner. Good Luck Everyone.
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March 15, 2011


All natural, inexpensive, works quickly, tightens skin , great toner, and easy to find. Useful for both drinking then putting on your face.


messy sink :)

Very impressed, read quite a bit of reviews before trying. I drink 4-5 cups a day , half of them decaff the other regular. I think Japanes green tea tastes better than Chinese and is supposed to be higher quality. My pimples have gone down DRAMATICALLY, my skin has a more even color and it is reducing the old blemish scars, AND NO NEW PIMPLES ! Those that say it doesn't work may not be using it consistantly enough or not on both the face and drinking it in enough quantity. Diet plays a role as well , No dairy, gluten sugar,coffe, peanuts or soy has helped, but the Tea added in has really kicked my face into recovery, truly amazing !!!!! Nothing to lose but a few $ for trying it, don't forget the good diet too :)
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