Green Tea

536 Reviews

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November 8, 2011


-very cheap and it'll last you a while
-reduces acne after a while
-great for not only body, but your skin


No cons

I found green tea is great for your acne, and i've been using it for around 5 days. Once a week, i steam my face with green tea (put a green tea bag in a facial steamer and let it boil). But daily, i drink around 3-4 cups of green tea and in the morning and night, i rub the green tea bag on my face and let it dry after cleansing. I can see small, but getting there, improvements on my acne. I'm planning on sticking with green tea for a while :D it tastes good too!!!!
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October 26, 2011


soothes irritation
clears redness and cystic acne



I've been using soooo many different products for acne from cheap to high end but none work for me. One day grandma suggested to me to try putting green tea bags after washing my face and OH MY GOD it works for me! been using for 3 days and i could tell the huge difference. Thanks Green Tea! I hope this will last forever. will be back after couple of months for updates. To those who suffered from acne please give this a try! I know how depressing it is.
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October 15, 2011


Clears Acne
Boosts your Metabolism
Clears your digestive system
Super Healthy


Doesn't taste very good

I too tried it all, Neutrogena, Skin ID, Clearasil, etc. Nothing worked, and half of them gave me more acne scars. Green tea works, absolutely. I tried rubbing a tea bag on my face and already it feels much smoother and clearer. I've been drinking green tea for a month now, and no i dont excersise and I've already lost some weight too. I totally recomend this, it's cheap, its healthy, and it works. Plus I'm the kind of person who gets sick A LOT, and the day after i drank it, all my stuffiness and sinuses went away. Helps clear acne, boosts your metablosim, and helps you get better when sick.
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September 25, 2011


Cheap, easy, keeps you healthy and skin great!



I LOVE IT! walmart has like a big pack for cheap
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September 14, 2011


Healthy Glow
Acne reducer
Clears skin/Lightens Scars


I don't like making it everyday

Green Tea is Really good for your skin, and i didnt think of trying it until, i finally got sick of seeing acne and my acne scars. So i bought these Expensive cleansers and acne treatments, they suck. I Ended up using green tea, just warm it up and i drink it up, and then the bag shouldnt be so hot right now, so i get it and glide and slide it all around my face, its a good idea to let the smoke/heat from your tea at first to open you pores. Then it feels nice. Well i normally do that in the day or afternoon, but the best thing is you can do this day or noon, and at night you should use lemon juice:) Which is a really good combination for healthy glowing natrual skin, and its very inexpensive:) and WooHoo Your skin will be Awesome:D ....You should buy teas that are more herbal and not like lipton, countrything, and that. Buy like more...herbal... If you dont know the lemon Trick Look it up:)
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September 13, 2011


Great for overall health and skin
Reduces redness and oiliness
Gentle on skin
Tastes great and acts as a good stress reliever
Super cheap


Can take some time to work depending on diet and skin type

Works great once you find a regimen that works for your skin type. I have never had major acne growing up, and now in my early twenties, I found myself dealing with hormonal, cystic acne. Waking up each day with at least 3 new hard pimples made me not even want to look at myself. I tried lemon juice, apple cider vinegar, bp, and figured I'd try green tea as well, and I am SO happy that I did! I have been drinking and apply green tea for three weeks and I can happily say each day my skin is looking better. I typically drink about 2-3 glasses a day. As for my skin care regimen, I have naturally oily skin and green tea helps reduce that a lot! I shower at night, so after my face is cleaned of make up, once it is cool, I apply the green tea bag all over my face. Then I apply aloe vera on scars to help them heal faster. And as a moisturizer, I apply 100% natural honey so my face does not feel too tight and dry. The next morning I wake up to no new pimples, and can see a major difference in my skin. I also apply a layer of green tea in the morning and let it dry before putting on any make up. Green tea truly worked wonders for me and my confidence but it does take time and you need to be consistent! Don't let acne control your life, and know that you are beautiful.
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September 5, 2011


-Skin much more bright
-Effects visible quickly
-Natural product, no chemicals
-Very effective



Okay... green tea could be called "if I'd known sooner...". Wow, probably the most effective I've tried on my skin and god knows it's not the first! I've been struggling with non-healthy skin for over 6 years and now this could be considered as a miracle. The taste isn't that bad (of course, if you already like the taste of the tea) and it's good for the health! You have nothing to lose! It's been over a week and I can already throw my make up away (or almost). How do I use it: I drink one cup of green tea (the usual one with small bags) - let it infuse approximately 2 minutes - take out the bag and cool it under cool water in order to not burn your skin - slide it smoothly on your skin - Approach your face from your cup (the steam will open your pores) -Apply your cream ( I use benzanoil) -Enjoy your tea (it won't be hot any more ;)
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August 28, 2011


Keeps skin healthy
Prevents new breakouts
Overall good for health

I adore green tea. Not only is it good for the skin, its also really good for your body in general. I usually have a cup of green tea twice a day. My skin hasnt had any recent break outs but I dont know if its reduced my pimples or acne marks since Ive only been drinking it for a few days now but so far so good. c:
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August 26, 2011


Overall health benefits
Easy to use, just drink as much as you can...every day!
Cleared my face up in a few days


I always have to go to the toilet!

I'm not a big fan of using prescribed drugs and pharmacy brands for myself and lean towards natural remedies. I truly believe that to get rid of any external symptoms (whether it be allergies, colds and especially acne) you have to cure from the inside. I used many "natural" products but only after a few hours into the day, my skin was even more oily than before I washed it ... and they were VERY expensive. I started drinking green tea, but because I was hardly at home, the easiest way was for me to drink Lipton green tea bags and I warn you - DO NOT drink it. Its a waste of time, money and effort as it had no effect. When I was on holidays and had a bit more time, I drank my Mum's good quality green tea leaves from China as much as I could and my skin LITERALLY started clearing within days. All my friends started commenting on how good my skin looked and asked what I was using! Before if I rubbed my finger on my forehead (my oily zone) my finger had enough oil to deep fry french fries!!!!! Now my skin is healing so quickly! In addition, I use a gel chamomile cleanser once in the morning and at night. I use aloe vera gel on problem spots at night and drink green tea. I have an inexpensive, easy and as natural as possible regime and its working wonders for me! Please try it!
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August 24, 2011


Doesnt taste that bad
Worked within hours
Other health benefits



I've been drinking green tea for about a week now. I didnt really see that much of results until i used it as a toner and then it worked REALLY WELL!! i was shocked when i went in the bathroom and looked because my scabs were healing so well. i also use salicylic acid which works too. im stickin to this!! :)