Green Tea

536 Reviews

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December 3, 2010


-reduce redness
-reduce zits
-makes the skin glow and look healthy


none (might make your skin a lil' dry but oily skin gives more zits, so it's not a bad thing)

I started it 2 or 3 weeks ago in order not to reduce acne but to make my voice smoother and i started to notice that my acne has reduced as well as the redness, a lot! oh, and for those who dont like the taste, just add 1 or 2 spoonfulls of honey which is also good for voice and skin as well. And if you dont like honey either, then just be patient with the taste, it's nothing compared to getting rid of acne!
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November 7, 2010


-Clears acne
-It doesn't make skin itchy
-Makes skin soft
-Taste good


-Messy if you're applying it on face

Im Chinese so my family drinks green tea all the time. I don't think drinking green tea help alot with my face. Actually maybe. No one in my family ever got acne, THEN I CAME ALONG. I got pimples here, and there. Then I broke out. My acne is light-moderate. I continue to drink green tea. Its like a substitute for water. I use the egg white mask, then I mix some green tea leaves with water to rinse off the egg whites. It works ! I've been using it for a week now and my skin is not nearly clear, but Its amazing !!
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November 3, 2010


- Makes skin smooth and soft
- Helps out with acne


- None really

Its good and you should at least try it out. Try for at least 3 cups a day. You'll get used to the taste after a while. If you're concerned about staining your teeth, drink it with a straw.
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October 21, 2010


It made tremendous difference in a matter of a week..and I spent months and years trying to figure out clear my skin (many medications)..Only Green Tea and plenty of water..Nothing sodas, juice, milk, NOTHING ..totally detox. I may apply peroxide at night and morning to clean out my pores. I wash with Cetaphil and "origin" mask to open my pores. Even the small pimples went away...A 180 degree difference..Try it..



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September 18, 2010


delicious to drink.
clears my skin.



I love green tea i just started 3 days ago drinking it every day and my skin looks good. i have 2 small pimples on my forehead and some scarring which is fading. I drink it every morning with my breakfast and sometimes at night. it works great so far but the hardest thing to do is to remember to drink it.
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August 1, 2010


Works wonder, it clears up all my acne and also the scar. Amazing!!!



It is the best thing ever and it is not expensive at all. I didn't buy green tea bag instead i bought green tea powder. A lot of people find it quite trouble to make a cup of green tea or some ppl complain about the bitter taste. For me, I only make green tea once a week, the supply will last for 5 days. I boiled a pot of hot water then add in 3 big tablespoon of green tea powder then wait for the tea to cool. Then use a strainer to filter out the green tea powder. Remember, the green tea on the bottom of the pot is the best for your face, so i put it into a bottle and store it in the fridge (last for 5 days). The rest i will pour it into a jar and store in the fridge. Bottle green tea is for applying face and Jar green tean is for drinking. If i ever want to drink a cup/glass of green tea, i will pour a bit of the green tea from the jar and pour some water to mix it (it is not bitter at all). Everytime after shower or after i clean my face, i will take out the bottle and apply it to my face and neck. You can also apply to your eye bag. I have done that for months now. It works great. My face is no more oily. I feel great :)
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July 30, 2010


reduces pimple size
calms redness
makes skin soft
works quickly
Not expensive
Scars seems to being fading quickly too


sort of messy
need to clean up area where you were leaning over (or wherever) while putting it on face immediately or will stain

I am reviewing green tea as a mask (as opposed to a drink). I use organic full leaf green tea. I put the tea bag in a coffee mug with only a quarter of the way filled with water. I do such a little amount of water so the water will be super concentrated. Then after I heat it up in the microwave, I let it cool a little and pat the tea bag all over my face. Also I use a cotton ball to distribute the tea water all over my face that way too. I clean up any of the tea water that has spilt on the sink/counter immediately after. I have been just keeping the tea bag in the small amount of water to continue to get it very concentrated and putting the mug bag in the fridge. I use this at night. Every morning when I wake up my pimples have been reduced in size, and others have been cleared completely. I always have a couple of cystic acne on my face and they have also reduced in size and redness, or haven't even hit the surface because I was able to catch it in time with this regimen. Redness is reduced and even scaring has faded dramatically. I am very happy with the way it works and want to continue using it. I highly recommend this. I have also been drinking only a cup of green tea/day. I have a hard time with the taste - but I may be able to work up to 3 cups/day after a while of getting used to it... One last thing - I have been using egg white mask in the morning too (and been exfoliating twice a week with st ives invigorating) just in case anyone was wondering.
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July 26, 2010


omg green tea is truly amazing!



From my experince eating a healthy diet and drinking green and black tea almost everyday and applying green tea to my face every night has worked amazing results. My overall skin experience is glowing! diet makes a big difference for my acne.
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July 24, 2010


It actually helps with acne, no more new break out, and if yes, only little pores that can't draw attention.
It's very cheap indeed. You should buy the type with small bags b/c it's more convenient


You have to make it in hot water and wait for it to cool down so that you can take it with you in a bottle

I've been drinking green tea for nearly a week now and I love it. It definitely helps with your acne and inexpensive. If you use it alongside with the Reginmen, better results will be observed
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July 15, 2010


makes skin less red, tightens pores


stains teeth

actually i put cold green tea directly on my face, as if washing my face with it. drinking it really didnt make a difference, and ive been drinking green tea for years now. my face doesnt feel super tight after the gt wash - it feels just right. my skin takes on a glow, and i feel amazing. give it a try!
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