Fish Oil

301 Reviews

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August 13, 2011


Improves Mood


Made Acne Worse =(

Fish Oil is said to be good for your skin, your heart and a lot of other things. I took it being 18 and having acne since about 6th grade, and because diabetes and heart problems run in my family. But I couldn't take the bad effects of it on my skin. It gave me severe cystic acne on my face chest and back. But it did boost my moods!
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April 2, 2011


good for cardiovascular health


might be bad for acne in men, at least at doses of epa of 1000mg (1g) or higher daily

1g of epa/200 mg dha seemed to make acne worse. found this study showing why high doses of epa (one of the two main fatty acids comprising omega 3 fish oil) may actually exacerbate acne in men. basically, epa lowers platelet aggregation (makes blood less sticky) which is a good thing for avoiding heart attacks, but RAISES testosterone levels as it does so (that's what is meant by the last line about an inverse relationship between testosterone & platelet aggregation. [link edited out]
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November 22, 2010


Hair become softer, probably helped my heart/internal organs although, of course, I can't say that for sure


Increased whiteheads and clogged pores

Consumed 4g a day (5 800 mg capsules) for about a week after having taken one a day for about a year. May be good for overall health, but certainly didn't noticeabley help my skin. Although it may be a coincidence, I also did get far more clogged pores (some of which became inflamed and moved to whiteheads) than before ramping up fish oil consumption.
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November 14, 2010


-Made skin/body healthier


-Remembering to take them
-Caused stomach problems

It didn't make any difference to my acne, though my health did get better. If you would like to improve your body, I recommend this, but if you're looking for a over-the-counter oral acne medication, then I suggest not wasting money on this.
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August 10, 2010


Made my hair shiny, my nails grew like crazy, and my skin softer.


It made my acne worse, although I had soft skin, it made me break out with cystic acne, LOTS!

Had some helpful effects, but overall was horrible for my acne. Before taking this product I had only had probably 2 Cysts in my entire life, and this made me get them like CRAZY! And they are such a pain in the butt.
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May 30, 2010


No acne in the first few days


Lots of whiteheads after a few weeks into the product

If your looking for something temporary then use it, on the long run I wouldnt recommend it because you will get a lot of whiteheads
December 11, 2009


I heard it was good for your skin, heart, and overall health


I have not seen any acne improvements as I was hoping.

Since I started taking the fish oil about a week ago, I have broken out even more on my face. Not just regular acne...big ones. I hate those. They hurt. I have also broke out on my shoulders and back. I will continue to use fish oil for another week or so hoping I will see the results everyone else has seen.
December 7, 2009


Makes skin glow



I always had beautiful skin, I started taking Fish oil for my dry eyes and my face broke out horribly.. I also developed greasy hair/dandruff. Is a shame it didnt work out for me
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October 25, 2009


good for your heart


significant increase in oil production, thus resulting in more acne

Alright, I have been taking fish oil supplements for about two and a half months. I read so many great reviews and was so excited to try them out. About a week in, I began experiencing huge cystic pimples on my chin. By the way, I don't think I have ever had a "cystic" pimple in my life. I just can't understand what I am doing wrong. I have been using oil blotting sheets like crazy. It looks so gross. I used to only have an oily I have oil all over my nose, entire forehead, chin, and cheeks. It's absolutely unreal. I'm a biology major, so I'm just completely astounded that fish oil could give you anything but positive benefits! I'm going to quit them and see what happens. I know that there is documented evidence that fish oil is very effective, I just can't understand why it doesn't wok for some people.
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October 6, 2009


Seems to help me focus better at work.


Deep deep painful pimples develop.

Every time I read another article about the stellar benefits related to fish oil, I go back to my bottle and decide to try them again. About a day or 2 later, painful sores begin to develop. I have moderate acne which has been pretty calm lately. The only time I seem to have flare-ups are when I resume taking fish oil capsules. Was taking about 2000 mg/day.
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