Isotrexin : Erythromycin (2%) and Tretinoin (.05%) Gel

140 Reviews

Active ingredients:
Erythromycin (2%) and Isotretinoin (0.05%).

Inactive Ingredients:
Hydroxypropylcellulose, butylated hydroxytoluene and ethanol.

The list of ingredients above is provided for informational purposes only. Always check the actual product label in your possession for the most accurate ingredient information due to product changes or upgrades that may not yet be reflected on our web site.


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November 23, 2009
I'm using it for a week and three days. Too early to come to a conclusion, since my dermatologist told me I won't see any results before 6 weeks. My case is maybe a little different. I've no acne all over my face. I have a single cyst on my right cheek. This thing appeared out of the blue and has been there for almost two months really messing with my nerves. The doctor told me it was a acne cyst. Ok, so far, a week after initializing the treatment, the area is reddish and started to peel. I'll be persistent and I'll use this at least for 3 months. Lets hope it works!! I'll be back to share my experience. Until that, good luck to you all.
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November 23, 2009


gets rid of most acne, makes my face oiler when i wake up in the morning, faded a random freckle, smaller pores


takes a while to work, flakey skin, difficult to use only pea, and irritation if i use too much, blackheads still havent faded.

I've been using it for 3 months.I have light acne. Whiteheads and blackheads. Here is some advice: -Do not pick your acne. it will take longer to go away and might scar for a few weeks, like mine did. Thankgod it went away. - Applying a pea sized amount is diificult. Just try to spread it as far as possible and only do small sections of the face at a time. with small amounts. -make sure the lid is sealed tight!!! -oil moisturizers - jojoba oil, olive oil, argan oil... dont work well with isotrex. Try cetaphil, kiels...etc instead. I highly recommend graftobian oxyderm. It took ages to find, but i had 0 reaction. and wait for at least 30 minutes before you apply moisturizer. -be patient.give this medication at least 3 months.
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November 3, 2009


Smooth skin, less black heads and spots, clears up most of the acne.


irritating, makes skin much dry after applying

It seemed to work straight away (well within a week) with the skin appearing clearer and as other say more 'radiant'. It does however have its downsides, most significantly for me is the way it seems to dry the skin, causing unsightly flakiness if i don't apply sufficient quantities of moisturizer. but over all its better than hundreds.
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October 24, 2009


arrrghhhhh, people read this review!


none of yet

My dermatologist told me that in the first week of the roaccutane/Isotrexin your acne is likely to get worse! This treatment takes 2 months for you to start seeing results. You will find all the bad reviews are from people who have taken it for a day or two, up to about 2 weeks. Few of them have tried for a month. Isotrexin is the strongest treatment we have, although it has a few potential side effects, its the best option for those people with more severe acne. For 70% of people this treatment gets rid of acne for the rest of their life, this is because it reduces the size of your oil glands in your pores (which takes time) also it attacks 3 other primary reasons for your acne! It takes 6 months to finish, so if you have just started don't expect any results yet!!!
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September 22, 2009


Quickly decreases oil production and dries out current spots. Flattens out larger spots and generally prevents new spots from forming.


slightly drying and can only use at night

Very impressed with this product. I finished a full course of roaccutane 9 months ago but was starting to have oily skin again and small spots (though still much better than before). This has completely sorted me out and makes my skin look lovely and fresh. Since it has the same active ingredient as roaccutane, I kind of feel like it is a bit of a top-up of the original effects. Also, it appears to be helping with scarring from past spots since it has a peeling effect.
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September 5, 2009


Works pretty quickly - only a few days and my spots are already flat and smooth.


Very drying and quite harsh to the skin - have to rub alot of vaseline to eliviate the peeling and drying effects.

I would really recommend it - working quickly and i already feel much better - prevents pimples from forming and smooths out all the skin on your face. Probably better for moderate acne, maximum though.
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September 3, 2009


Clears skin, smooths skin, reduces blemishes and blackheads, makes skin brighter and nicer


Have to use for at least 3 months, brings out tons of small spots along jawline, stings a little at first, dries skin, doesn't smell great

I tried this last year and it worked pretty well but then I never went back for a 2nd prescription. My acne flared up again recently so I went back and got some. I've been using it about three weeks so far, it seems to be working pretty well. Don't expect to see results in like a day though, wait a month or two.
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August 9, 2009


Good to clear blackheads.Boils.Whiteheads


stings and flakes off if applied to much makes make up look patchy if applied underneath

good for teenage spots .. free from the doctors if under 16
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August 1, 2009


clears up most of the acne .. reduces the red iritation.


needs abt 4 weeks to show results, u have to keep on using it every night .. gives the effect of pealing

overall its a great and affordable medication,... for better results dont forget to wash ur face well with soap.. and dry ur face well before using it. dont apply alot in one spot (read the paper in the box) .. they say that the amount that fits from the top of ur finger to the first top joint of ur finger is enough to cover ur whole face .. so distribute fairly. wash ur face well in the morning bc ur skin needs to breath ..
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June 11, 2009


Some areas of skin looking better.


Has brought out some really nasty looking spots that dont look like there dying down yet.

It's early day's, this is my second week and so far some parts of my skin look fine and maybe slightly better but it has brought out some horrible sports around my jaw and chin area. I will stay strong though and keep on trying as i know it takes longer than a week to clear up acne! Im also going to try what someone earlier mentioned which is moisturize first then apply. Also id like to add im only using it at night. I will be back in a month to update on how im getting on.
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