Duac : Clindamycin (1.2%) and Benzoyl Peroxide (5%) Gel

1815 Reviews

Active Ingredients:
Clindamycin Phosphate (1.2%) and Benzoyl Peroxide (5%).

Inactive Ingredients:
Carbomer 980, dimethicone 100, disodium lauryl sulfosuccinate, disodium edetate, glycerol, silicon dioxide, poloxamer, purified water, sodium hydroxide.

The list of ingredients above is provided for informational purposes only. Always check the actual product label in your possession for the most accurate ingredient information due to product changes or upgrades that may not yet be reflected on our web site.


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November 2, 2010


Works for a while (A year for me)
Quickly reduces pimples.


After a little over one year i've developed immunity.

At first i when i got this product i loved it! I would get the hormonal pimple from that time of the month and it would clear it within a day. Now it takes 5 days to clear a pimple. Also i've noticing it's causing lots of little small pimples (just like when i first started using it) almost like an initial breakout but this time i think it's from a dependency. It's a good cream, but it will not permanently cure acne. . . Going back to the dermatologist in a month, going to try accutane for my mild persistent acne. I've tried everything else.
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October 31, 2010


Made a big difference in clearing my acne after the first time I used it.


After the second time I used it I became severely allergic with a red rash over my entire face, very dry, itchy and bumpy. It's even under my chin and on my eyelids where I didn't put the gel. It's really horrible and I look freaky.

If you are allergic to any creams or lotions on your face, you will be allergic to this - don't use it. I am allergic to any moisturiser or sunscreen that has perfume in it, and I've had same reaction as that. It's really disappointing because I have a massive (I'm talking really huge) spot on my forehead that has practically vanished after using it only twice so I can see that it would really work, if I could use it. But now I look worse than I did last week because of this hideous rash. I have to use cortisone to get rid of it. It's a bit expensive too, cost $45 although I will get some back on my health insurance (not sure how much).
October 26, 2010


Worked well for a time, better than any other product. Free on the NHS. Simple and easy to apply


Took 8 weeks to begin working, eventually stopped working, made face red.

After trying countless Oral antibiotics and Zineryt with no success, my doctor put me on Duac Cream. When I first used it it burnt my face (stinging, bright red), but after that first time never again. After 8 weeks (and almost giving up) it started working. It really cleared up my acne better than anything I had ever used before After around 2 years though, it has just stopped working for some reason, which is upsetting. The only other downfall is that it did make my face go very red and sensitive to washing/sunlight.
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October 16, 2010


Works well
Doesn't make skin oily
Short initial breakout


Makes skin feel weird
Goes on sticky
Stops working after a while

It works and well makes your skin pretty clean...I was prescribed this with Tazorac and a antibiotic. Works well all together.
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October 13, 2010


Pros -Clearer skin no red or spots
-less oil on my shoulders, back and face
-still working and it s been over 2 months
-reduces size of pimple faster


Cons -Dry skin depending what shower gel you use
-Takes about 3 to 4 weeks to see improvement
-slight redness at first
-flaking at first you must exfoluate in shower or bath to stop this
-didnt fully clear my skin it takes time

I have been using this duac gel on and of for afew months. It didnt work doing this I found. So I use it every night for the last 2 months and its cleared my shoulders and face 99% now. My back is about 75% to 80% clear now. I have to use it every single night before bed or even after a shower at night time. If I miss 1 night I can have spots or redness starting in places. But if I use it every night I dont have a problem. So simple terms it has to be used regular with out missing it using duac gel. One other thing I use gloves in the shower that exfoluate my skin to scrap of any dry or flakey skin this solves the problem. This is the best gel I have used but for it to work you need the right shower gel not to dry your skin before to much. Also exfoluate your skin when having a shower. If you have redness cover the hole skin and spots and if you have any big spots put a small blob of duac gel over the spot and leave it there. The next morning it clears up far faster 50% faster with bigger spots this way. My skin is oily on my back, shoulders and face so the gel stops me producing to much natural oils. But the same time not stopping it all togeather because it will age all your skin and the way you look. Not to be used in 2 times a day its to much and damage your skin. I rate this 4 stars cause I havn't finnshed yet or seen it clear up fully yet. But so far so good my girl friend can see a big diffrence now. I also get mine of the doctor due to my condition. But I know it costs abit to buy but it would be worth it. You have to get things right for it to work otherwise you never fix the problem. I will come back and rate Duac gel again after the new year then it will be 6 months. Then give anther review to show how 2 months went to 6 months. I will keep you up to date with the progress. So far so good so I cant complain.
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October 11, 2010


It Works for me.Skin not perfect, but i look normal teen with very slight acne now.
Pimples,bumps, and even Blackheads all visually reduced within first week.
Skin feels smooth and soft, Not like a Brail book.
When used as directed, faithfully,it cleared skin.
Do not notice the bleaching like what other BP products caused on clothes and pillowcase.


First week Skin very dry and redness increased (Both Faded Past Week Two).
Refridgeration required.If not followed faithfully as directed (Skipping treatments for weekend ; 0 ) acne flares up close to pre-treatment stage.YIKES.
Cost without insurance is high.

I have been using this for almost three months.I feel great now. My skin was covered with zits, bumps, and huge blackheads before.I still have maybe a zit a week but that is great compared to what it was! My acne was horrible! Had people teasing me about it.Now they ask what i'm using cause they want clear skin also! Do not miss treatment, learned the hard way. Wonderful product for me.The cost with insurance is affordable, without about $170 monthly.
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October 9, 2010


Pimples less severe if any at all
Reduces redness and scarring


Gets a little worse before it gets better...much better though!

I'm 39 and still get quite severe acne around my chin. It's hideous and completely embarassing. I'd been using Differin before the birth of my second child, but had to stop as you can't use it whilst pregnant. Not that I needed it though as my skin totally cleared up whilst I was pregnant...must have settled all those hormones!! I only use Differin at night in combination with Eyracne and it works!! The only other treatment I found that worked other than Differn was the pill and as I don't want to take hormones just to control my acne, this has been the perfect solution. I find my acne is very hormonal and this this is a fabulous solution.
October 8, 2010


Inexpensive with insurance


Did not work, although did not necessarily make things worse.

I had high hopes based on the positive reviews and my dermatologists' testimony to me that he would "give this product to his son". however, i was thoroughly disappointing as it did nothing for acne, redness, etc. The combination treatment was a disappointment to me personally. I give it a 2 because it did not cause me an initial breakout nor did it help a thing.
October 4, 2010


Cheap with insurance
Seemed to absorb well


gave me a yeast infection after 2 days!
Can lead to bacterial resistance

I was super reluctant to use an antibiotic, as I am very sensitive to the way they screw with my internal flora balance. My dermo said that I should just use this for a few weeks to settle down my recent, out of the blue, flare up. After 2 days, I had yeast infections symptoms. That's not worth it for me. I read up on it, and it seems that even topical antibiotics are risky for digestive problems and candida. I am sticking to slower tea tree oil, clay masks, ACV, and finacea for red marks.
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October 1, 2010


Clears acne within the first few days...the pimples that were forming start going away..
Stops OILY skin!
smooth skin
i think it might be lightening my scars.
Removes scars(ill get to this later.)


Dry skin! --read below to solve this problem

you must exfoliate like every 2-3 days after the first week....certain parts of your face will stop peeling as they get used to it..my chin and mouth area peel the most but not like full our all my skin is coming off..lol...i am able to control it with moisturizer and exfoliating carefully with a toothbrush. u must MUST wear sunscreen!!! before you leave the house...i do cross country and i spend A LOT of time outside so make sure if you cant to put sunscreen on before you leave for school/work idk what i paid for this stuff cause my mom bought it but i think it was lik 30$.cause of insurance and stuff... i use this twice a day morning and night...if you have less oily skin either put a thinner layer on or just at night... You will no longer have oily skin...yea you hear about oil decreasing products blah blah they never work! one sat. morning i didnt wash my face so it went back to normal oiliness and my mom said...your face is SO OIL(gee thxs mom! >:P ) but seriously ive tried proactiv, neutrogena etc...i even tried UT ...this cleared my skin and then kept it clear...since i started on benzaclin in one week ive had like 2-3 VERY SMALL! pimples and they were on my chin cause of the dead skin, but i think theyre just cycling out cause after week 1 i am CLEAR!!! and i used to have the underskin pimples AND whiteheads...this stuff like flattens the underskin ones soooo fast its rediculous...like OVER night if you spot treat it with this stuff! make sure to exfoliate and moisturize..and also DO NOT! use harsh products with this stuff...i use clean n clear wash then i was with SOME baking soda for no more than 30sec. then witch hazel and then benzaclin...im also a teenager...like smack dab in the middle of puberty so this hormonal acne was not fun and i just entered hs so im glad im clear now :D hope this helps all those who've lost hope...just ask your doc for a perscrip. and if you can tell one of your parents...for me its my mom, about gett
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