Duac : Clindamycin (1.2%) and Benzoyl Peroxide (5%) Gel

1815 Reviews

Active Ingredients:
Clindamycin Phosphate (1.2%) and Benzoyl Peroxide (5%).

Inactive Ingredients:
Carbomer 980, dimethicone 100, disodium lauryl sulfosuccinate, disodium edetate, glycerol, silicon dioxide, poloxamer, purified water, sodium hydroxide.

The list of ingredients above is provided for informational purposes only. Always check the actual product label in your possession for the most accurate ingredient information due to product changes or upgrades that may not yet be reflected on our web site.


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December 9, 2011


-Within weeks your acne will go down dramatically
-Not time consuming to use
-One bottle lasts you 7-8 months if you use it rationally (very small dabs on select areas).
-$25 with insurance for me
-My skin adapted to the initial extreme dryness and now I don't even need lotion (been using it for four years now)


-Takes a couple weeks to really start working
-EXTREME dryness and stinging during the first weeks-months of usage, ESPECIALLY during winter months. Apply lotion as necessary.
-After prolonged use (1+ year), it will start to lose its effectiveness. Where at one point you may have been 100% acne free using the product, it will plateau you into 75% acne free. If you stop using it altogether you WILL get all of your acne back, so keep using it.

I've used this for four years now, from the beginning of high school to now the beginning of college. It has truly helped my self esteem so much that I don't really need to care about what little acne I have left. When I started using the product my forehead was like a minefield. Since the first few months I've been using it, my forehead has been smooth as silk. However, as I aged my cheeks and now my upper neck started becoming prone to acne. This product does keep the acne in those spots to a minimum but it has a hard time clearing it away completely. Nevertheless I still use it religiously. It must be noted that it is very possible for your skin to overcome the dryness after prolonged usage (years) so much that you won't even need lotion when you are using the product, even during winter months.
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December 6, 2011


Clears acne fast
Gets rid of everything, blackhead, whiteheads.
Skin look amazing


Dry skin

I used to average 40 blemishes per week, on average, most likely on the low side, now I maybe have three. After one week I had cut my usual 40 in half, and by week two I started to ask myself "What blemishes" my pimples were large sore swelling under the skin, and a ton of small little whiteheads on my forehead. My nose was covered in black heads, and that number to has decreased drastically. This is amazing, I found a $10 coupon online after my first prescription was purchased, but it would still be expensive, either way I definitely would recommend it! I have T-zone oil so my cheeks get really dried out from Benzaclin, but I use Olay Beauty Fluid, or the Equate stuff if I don't have $25.00, and it really keeps the dead skin soft and easy to remove! Best acne medication I have ever used!
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December 4, 2011


Clears skin


Extremely drying
Expensive (brand name)

This is the last benzoyl peroxide-containing product I tried. It was extremely drying to my sensitive skin, though it was effective on the difficult cysts. I continue to use a clindamycin topical which is less drying.
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December 2, 2011


Clears ALOT after just a day !
Spots go away .
Tones skin .


Alittle drying , but if your desparate for clear skin , you'll deal with it .

My acne was BAD . It was EVERYWHERE !! It got bad about 7 months ago . & i have every in store product in my house , but none of them worked . Forreal , i gave each of them 2 weeks . & if anything it got worse ! It became a self esteam issue . So i went too the dermotologist . BEST THING I EVER DID ! Trust me . They gave me Duac gel , Retin-a , & a pill called doxycycline . Its amazing ! It has cleared my skin like nothing else . It is VERY reccomended .
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December 1, 2011


i like the consistency, somewhat gel-like


over drying
causes severe redness

Personally, I didn't like this stuff. My Dr prescribed me it and retin-a. This stuff stung like crazy for me! I think the 5% bp is too much for my skin maybe? And it was not because of the retin-a, because i did a bit of a test and used only benzaclin for the 1st month and i couldn't handle the stinging(maybe im a wuss), but it never subsided until i wiped it off. Very irritating! So anyways, i've heard great things about this stuff, but for me personally didn't work. (hence the no recommendation) everyones skin is different! retin-a did wonders tho if interested :)
November 26, 2011


Clears acne (pretty much what we're looking for)
Fantabulous spot treatment


Dries skin
Bleaches clothing

Benzaclin is basically benzoyl peroxide with a topical antibiotic (clindamycin). It works pretty great, especially as spot treatment, and *especially* if you use it with another product. I was prescribed this along with tretinoin and it's worked wonders. Benzaclin in the AM and tretinoin in the PM. I do believe that benzaclin was the reason I didn't really experience an initial breakout with tretinoin. The only downside really with benzaclin is that it tends to bleach clothing and pillowcases. I've actually lost a couple of shirts to this product, but it's a small price to pay for clear skin, as many, many acne-sufferers will agree. I don't really know at this point if benzaclin loses its effectiveness over time (although common sense suggests it might, due to the fact it contains an antibiotic). At this point, I am reluctant to change my regimen.
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November 24, 2011


-Doesn't burn that much
-absorbs into skin well
-does help acne a little


-helps acne, but barely. I've been using it for 1 month and a half and i've only seen very minor improvement.

I think it's not worth the time.. It works a little, but so do a LOT of creams. You might as well look for other options because, at least for me, it didn't do much more than a regular benzoyl peroxide treatment. If for some reason it magically starts working for me then I will re-post, but as of now, I've seen little to very little improvement.
November 21, 2011


Reduced mild/moderate breakout
Prevents new breakouts
Helps existing acne somewhat
Dries clear
Easy to apply makeup over
Feels lightweight
Lasts longer than label claims
Definitely worth it


Doesn't work super fast on existing acne, though it helps
Takes a few weeks to kick in to begin with
Can be expensive if you don't have insurance Have to go through doctor

My pediatrician gave me a few little sample tubs to try for free over a month and a half ago. I wasn't noticing a difference. I was being super careful to use it on only each individual spot and applied it twice a day like she instructed. I finally got super frustrated and decided I might as well just use it up, and that's when it started working. It has steadily cleared up my breakout and it still working. I just finished the sample and am going to get a prescription, because it was totally worth it, even if it is a little pricey. The bottles look big though, and with insurance I think i'll actually spend less money than I was on useless over-the-counter stuff. All in all, it's worth a try, it seems to work for most people and you have nothing to lose. It really works for me, I love it so far!
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November 18, 2011


Clears most acne


Doesn't clear everything
Can cause dryness
Takes a while to work.

Duac definitely works to clear up acne better than anything else that I have ever tried. If you are struggling with your acne, go to the derm and ask for this. I have another review on here about this item that I wrote three weeks into use. Now, months later, I can change my opinion a little and say that Duac definitely works. At least for me it did.
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November 14, 2011


Does work, no doubt about that
Best for mild acne
Clears big bumps


Does not get you completly clear
Does not get rid of mature acne,
Does not get rid of whiteheads

By far something that has worked well for my acne, after skinoren, I have used everything you name it I review it, better then isotretion. Been a sufferer from 6 years