Duac : Clindamycin (1.2%) and Benzoyl Peroxide (5%) Gel

1815 Reviews

Active Ingredients:
Clindamycin Phosphate (1.2%) and Benzoyl Peroxide (5%).

Inactive Ingredients:
Carbomer 980, dimethicone 100, disodium lauryl sulfosuccinate, disodium edetate, glycerol, silicon dioxide, poloxamer, purified water, sodium hydroxide.

The list of ingredients above is provided for informational purposes only. Always check the actual product label in your possession for the most accurate ingredient information due to product changes or upgrades that may not yet be reflected on our web site.


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February 10, 2012


REALLY GOOD. Clears skin maybe takes a few weeks to see the results & most importantly works like a magic cream!


No bad cons whats so ever.
But I reckon the worst thing is you need to discard it after 2 months.
Being in a bigger tube and a cheaper price would be good.

I'm 16 years of age. I have had acne ever since I was 13. and trust me I know the last 3 years of my life, suffering from acne have been the worst. I HAD SPOTS ALL OVER MY FACE. I was so shy to even clip my fringe up cos of how much acne I had on my forhead. EVERWHERE on my face, Yes I have tried all the face scrubs out there all the home remedies literally popped everything that apparently 'got rid of pimples' onto my face. I followed almost every single tip that was on the net written by professionals! NEVER wearing make up. Caring like Moisturising, toner, masking exfoliating 2-3 times a week. I DID IT ALL. But nothing ever worked no progress whats so ever. Until I met Duac. Duac was reccomended by my doctor when I first started using it, I could feel that my face was getting lighter. less red patches and less spots, but it took awhile but I maintained applying every night. After 2 weeks my face imporved so much! IT WAS A MIRACLE I have never ever seen clear patches on my face and it was the best feeling. Going to school getting so much compliments about how my skin changed. And I had the confidence to clip my fringe up! I've stopped using duac, probably been two months now. I just wanted to see what it is like if I stop using it. My pimples actually came back. BUT. no longer severe I dont have red patches its just little spots that you can't barely see. I guess they will go away after time. BUT if you want your pimples to settle down? GO AHEAD AND TRY IT !!!!!!!!!!!!
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February 1, 2012


Clears up cystic acne


Creates some mild redness
Dries skin

I'm in my early 40s and have battled cystic acne all my life. Since having kids 10 years ago, I've ignored all prescription treatments for my acne (basically gave up). Last week, my dr. gave me this "new" gel (I'd never tried it) and I've been using it as prescribed for 5 days now (twice a day, after cleansing). The cysts I had that were healing are much better - scarring is much less than it would have been. The cysts I had that were starting to appear never emerged. I have had one new cyst appear but it's definitely greatly reduced than what it would have been. I have had some flakiness/dryness around my skin and after a couple of days, I noticed my skin looks redder than normal (it's always somewhat red). A small price to pay to avoid getting the cysts to begin with! I'll be sticking with this lotion, although I may start to use a bit less each time. I only rated it a 4 because of the dryness and redness, but I'm hopeful that will go away after using the product for a while.
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January 23, 2012


Clears skin of pimples and acne scars
Reduces oily skin


No cons!

I, like most acne sufferers, had tried most everything. I was prescribed Duac and Retin-A. What I found from those two products was that Retin-A was stronger for use on zits, which I didn't have much of. Duac was a miracle on the smaller pimples and scars. Only use it at night and in the morning, use a moisturizer with sunscreen. A good brand is Eucerin or Advocare Definite Difference.
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January 19, 2012


no strong smell
gets rid of most acne
easy to apply


slight irritation
dries out skin

It is okay. It gets rid of most of my acne, but not all. Duac dries out my skin a lot. Every night I apply it, but in the morning I have to use witch hazel to get rid of the dry skin. I would recommend this for those who have lighter acne.
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January 12, 2012


Prevents Acne
Good spot treatment


Can be a little drying but use lotion after it dries

I have had acne since my freshman year in high school (i am now in my second year of college) and it has been mostly moderate. i have tried all the over the counter products and finally gave up on them a few months ago and decided to see a dermatologist for the first time. I was prescribed Benzaclin and it has been the best acne product I've ever used. i thought that lotions and creams would never work but this stuff really has worked for me, and i had really stubborn deep pimples. i started seeing results after about two to three weeks, i still got a couple pimples but i wasn't breaking out like i used too. Now i have been using it for two months and my skin is almost completely clear, i just have a few acne scars but i have no active pimples! I have read sooooooo many reviews of products on this site and read so many success stories, and i promised myself if i ever found a product that works i would write a review on it. if you are like me and feel that acne makes you self conscious and all those horrible emotions that come with acne i hope you go to a dermatologist and give this stuff a try cause it really does work.
December 23, 2011


Easy to use


Drying, irritating (itches), didn't improve acne (it worsened), inflammation associated with use

I started using this medication after I was successfully clear for nearly a year with minocycline and was prescribed this by my family practice doctor. I am a teenager so maybe my hormones affected my skin but within 2 weeks my face flared up with new red and peeling acne that was quite painful. After applying the medication for 4 weeks total, it only further exacerbated the acne. Never again...
December 19, 2011


Eliminated almost all blemishes after about 2 months.


Only kept my skin clear for about a month and a half, and now, several months later, it is worse than it has ever been.

It did wonders for a couple of months, when I first started using it, but after that "honeymoon stage" it all went downhill. I have continued to use it, in the hopes that maybe it will help again, but to no avail! Of course everyone's skin is different, but it certainly hasn't been worth the money to me for the past several months.
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December 13, 2011


-Begins to start clearing acne immediately
-After 2 months dramatic improvement
-Helps with scarring
-Clears blackheads
-Overall appearance and texture majorly improved


-Dry Skin
-May bleach clothing or pillows
-Discontinue use, acne comes back

I had suffered with acne breakouts most of my life and after trying several products the dermatologist prescribed, I finally found this wonder topical! I have been using it now for over a year and it is the only thing that has helped. It helps improve every type of acne and it works rather quickly, many even disappear over night! Other then the dryness there are no other downsides to this topical, and the dryness is really only a issue in the winter months. So just make sure you moisturize and you'll be fine! Benzaclin can be expensive, the generic product is just as good and 10 times cheaper, so keep that in mind. If you discontinue use, expect it to come back. There have been a few times where I stopped hoping I was "cured" and within a month my face looked horrible. So stick with it.. Don't stop just to start the whole process again. If you have the opportunity to try this product I definitely would! It literally gave me my life back and I even get a little anxiety when the jar gets low! haha Good Luck!
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December 13, 2011


Definitely helped decrease my overall number of active acne spots


Brought a lot of my spots to a "head", dried out my skin (expected this with the BP), and didn't completely clear my acne is just reduced the amount of it.

Works pretty good, but wasn't my miracle product. I alternating using it every other night, with retin A and lotioning my skin to death to keep it from flaking up on me.
December 13, 2011
ive just started using this cream and so far it has cleared up my acne a little bit my whole face is actually clear apart from a patch on my cheek of a few redish spots/acne and i hate it and just want it gone.am going to use this product for a month and if nothing hapens iam going to try a different product, i will write anova review in 3 weeks time and let u all no how im geting on x