Carley's : Clear and Smooth Skin Treatment

1006 Reviews

Active Ingredient:
Benzoyl peroxide (2%)

Inactive Ingredients:
Reverse Osmosis Purified Water, Liquid Natural Soap, Shea Butter; (Butyrospermum parkii), Vegetable Glycerin, Walnut Shell Powder, Propylene Glycol, Apricot Kernal Oil; (Armeniaca vulgaris, Prunis armeniaca), Stearic Acid, Cetyl Alcohol, Aloe Vera Extract, Corn Meal, Mango Butter, Emulsifying Wax, Hemp Seed Oil, Macadamia Nut Oil(Macadamia integrifolia), Xanthan Gum, Evening Primrose Oil(Oenothera Biennis ), Elder Flower Extract(sambucus nigra), Chamomile Powder (Chamomilla recutita), Natural Essential Oils – no artificial fragrances-, Sodium Citrate, Citric Acid, Germall plus (4/10’s of 1%) (diazolidinyl Urea, 3-Iodo-2-propylbutylcarbarmate).

The list of ingredients above is provided for informational purposes only. Always check the actual product label in your possession for the most accurate ingredient information due to product changes or upgrades that may not yet be reflected on our web site.


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April 8, 2010


The bottle lasts especially for the price!
Excellent customer service


It did not work
Caused more breakouts than normal
Extremely drying

I usually will not write a review about anything but I felt the need to express how bad this product was for me. Before anything, everyone should know I gave the product plenty of time: 8 weeks! At first, the product felt amazing on my skin and I noticed less blemishes appearing but with continued use, the product became less effective and more troublesome. I followed the instructions exactly but my skin kept worsening. Looking in the mirror became difficult! B aware that the treatment is not for every individual. So I contacted the seller and shipped the product back. By the way, the owner Steve Wills holds true to the money back guarantee! I will stick to using Purpose soap, witch hazel toners, and the complex 15 moisturizer for my skin. I just started this routine yesterday, so wish me luck!
April 7, 2010


can send back


made my skin break out so bad I had to stop using it.

My skin was pretty good and now I have the worst cystic acne. Please be very careful! I cried for days. As soon as I stop my skin started to clear but I think it may scar from this.
April 4, 2010




Too harsh, broke me out like crazy

I bought this due to all the positive reviews on here. Apparently it works great for a lot of people but definitely not for me. I used this for 9 weeks, yes over 2 months and my skin just got worse and worse and worse the longer I used it. It broke me out in TONS of tiny little pimples all over my face and about 5 weeks in I started to get lots of big tender, puss filled zits too, my face was a absolute nightmare. I didn't want to go anywhere or do anything, I was so embarrassed and self conscious. I had myself believing this was the "purging phase" and mine was just taking longer because I used BP and AHA prior to using this. But after 9 week of hell I threw in the towel. I have been back on the regimen for almost 2 weeks now and my skin already has cleared up quite a bit. It was stupid of me to ever go off the regimen but this stuff just seemed like a miracle product because of all the great reviews and I liked the idea of just washing and using a moisturizer (no BP gel to apply then wait for it to dry and so on) this just seemed more simple and faster. Getting this stuff was a HUGE MISTAKE, I'm still paying for it. I think this was just WAY to harsh on my skin. My skin was used to being treated super gently from the regimen then went to scrubbing with a harsh scrub then scrubbing it with a wash cloth right after. I followed the directions exactly for the 9 weeks. This stuff was a HUGE disappointment BEWARE!
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March 25, 2010


-Natural Ingredients
-Money Back Guarantee
-Love the bar soap
-Lots of free samples with order


-Made my face took TERRIBLE!

I soooo wanted this to work for me. Now looking back, I wonder, "What was I thinking?!?" I had been using Dan's regimen for about a year, and my face was pretty much free of breakouts. But, I'm kind of lazy at night, and I wanted to get Carly's so I could do all of the "work" in the shower in the morning, and then just wash and moisturize at night. So I ordered about six weeks ago. It had so many great reviews, I had to try! Every single day I used it (for over a month) I followed the instructions to a tee. It was just "okay" in the beginning, but then after about a week I started to notice that I had little red bumps all over my face. So I thought maybe the lotion I had ordered from Carley's was too much with the treatment. So, I stopped using it and went back to my regular moisturizer. It didn't get any better. Then I starting getting cystic acne on my chin, and that feeling of clogged pores on my chin and nose. I also had cystic acne right by my ears...It was so weird! The last straw was when my forehead started breaking out. That NEVER happens to me, in the 15+ years of my skin struggles. So that's when I threw in the towel on Carley's. I'm glad it works for some people, but for me...NO! So I'm back on Dan's regimen as of three days ago, and my skin has already started to clear up again. I'm going to give the rest of my bottle of Carley's to a friend and see if it works for her.
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March 25, 2010





made me break out in severe cystic acne. everything thing the website said it would do didn't happen. this is a lie. i was so embarrassed to go out of the house that i couldn't do anything or go to parties and lost all of my self esteem . i was really hoping that this product would work, but it didn't, and i really suggest not using this product.
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March 18, 2010


-Easy to apply
-Very affordable
-Simple directions
-Awesome customer service
-Supply last a very long time


-Simply a 30-60 seconds wash is all it is
-Shipping is expensive - but fast

I have tried Proactiv, all the treatments found at Walgreens, even the cons like ProNexin and AcneTix... This product seemed to have the most hype but it broke me out little by little. I thought it was just my skin adjusting to the medicine - but i never stopped breaking out. I broke out in places I usually do not. My breakouts become very big and painful leaving many scars. I discontinued the product because I didn't think it was going to work. I used it for a little over a month with no results. I emailed the company asking if they had any tips... They suggested I stay with the treatment because with time it works. I just think a simple facewash, with the same ingredients most BP face washes have, wasn't going to do the trick... I switched to the regimen 2 weeks ago with good results.
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March 4, 2010


Fast shipping


Soap and cleanser were too harsh and made my acne so much worse

I am 35 years old female who have been suffering from acne since 12 years old. My acne got really bad when I was in my early 20's and even went on Accutane after trying so many products, antibotics, gels.. you name it! Although my acne calmed down as I got older, I always had a few pimples on my face, only around my mouth. I used to use Dan's BP for a few years, but it stopped working. So after seeing great reviews on Carley's, I gave it a try. I completely regret about the decision I made. This product did not clear my acne at all but made it so much worse. I started noticing some bumps on my chin and above my lips after a few weeks, and they ended up becoming huge painful cysts! I had more than 10 large red cysts which turned to yellow puffs (yuck!!) There were still more coming out too. I could feel my pore were clogged and skin was getting soooo dry! Everytime I wash my face with their soap and cleanser, I could see my skin was almost peeling and completely dried up like sand. Although the company told me to be patient, (since it's an reaction after going off BP and AHA), I could not risk my skin (my face!!) any more. So I completely stopped using it. There were some nights I could not sleep because my face was so itchy and also in pain... You acne may get worse before getting better, but come on, this is not normal. I got so depressed using this product... Some days I did not even leave the house because of the way I looked. In my opinion, this product ruined my skin. It's way too harsh and too irritaing for me. Carley may work for some people, but I learned that it doesn't for me!!! Whoever wants to give it a try, use it with caution please.
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March 2, 2010


Free samples.


Broke out with cystic acne all over my chin which was never a problem before using this product.

Despite all the great reviews, I believe this product only works for people who have dry skin that is not sensitive. The exfoliants in the scrub are harsh, as is the bar soap, and the oils are too heavy for oily skin. Although my skin felt clean, my acne got much worse and changed from regular papules to large, painful cysts. The regimen is really the way to go for me and I'm happy I switched back. Many reviewers cite the money back gaurantee as a reason to give Carley's a try, often saying "you've got nothing to lose" but if you've suffered from cystic or moderate to severe acne you'll understand that you really do have a lot to lose and it can take months to get the break-outs back under control. I caution you to think carefully before trying this product.
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February 28, 2010


Smooth skin, not necessarily pimple-free though
All natural
AMAZING customer service
Great pricing


Everything else
Scars your skin
Bigger cysts begin to develop under your skin
Doesn't feel like it, but scratches your skin and damages

Honestly, all the bad reviews that people left seem to be the only ones that are valid

I broke out even more after using this, and though it may have gotten rid of pimples, where the pimples once were, were dark, deep scars that wouldn't go away even after 3 months. It was as if it just scratched it off. I did give it time, as they told me to be patient over and over, but just didn't work for me. Hoped for the miracle everyone promised it would be, but good luck to you if you try it!
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February 25, 2010


The customer service seems good. Free samples.


Ruined my skin.

I was very excited to try this product after reading such positive reviews. In the first week I noticed my skin was a lot less red, but nothing was happening to my pimples. Then I started breaking out terribly, I was getting huge, cystic pimples on my chin, and smaller pimples in places I never normally got them. I continued to use it hoping this was just my skin 'purging' - boy was I wrong. I woke up one morning with my skin in agony, all of my breakouts suddenly had a really bad reaction to Carley's and became painful, red, raw, pus-oozing mounds of crust. I couldn't continue using it, I couldn't even leave the house.. and now I'm still trying to recover from the hideous red marks (one is over an inch long) and the remnant breakouts it left on my chin. It could work for some people, as demonstrated in the other reviews, but it certainly didn't work for me. I normally never have bad reactions to BP so I don't know what it was. My skin was so much better before I used it. If you're thinking of using this, be more cautious in your expectations, it's not a miracle product for everyone.
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