Carley's : Clear and Smooth Skin Treatment

1006 Reviews

Active Ingredient:
Benzoyl peroxide (2%)

Inactive Ingredients:
Reverse Osmosis Purified Water, Liquid Natural Soap, Shea Butter; (Butyrospermum parkii), Vegetable Glycerin, Walnut Shell Powder, Propylene Glycol, Apricot Kernal Oil; (Armeniaca vulgaris, Prunis armeniaca), Stearic Acid, Cetyl Alcohol, Aloe Vera Extract, Corn Meal, Mango Butter, Emulsifying Wax, Hemp Seed Oil, Macadamia Nut Oil(Macadamia integrifolia), Xanthan Gum, Evening Primrose Oil(Oenothera Biennis ), Elder Flower Extract(sambucus nigra), Chamomile Powder (Chamomilla recutita), Natural Essential Oils – no artificial fragrances-, Sodium Citrate, Citric Acid, Germall plus (4/10’s of 1%) (diazolidinyl Urea, 3-Iodo-2-propylbutylcarbarmate).

The list of ingredients above is provided for informational purposes only. Always check the actual product label in your possession for the most accurate ingredient information due to product changes or upgrades that may not yet be reflected on our web site.


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December 12, 2010


absolutely none


made my acne worse
gave me cystic acne

I can't believe I fell for the all the good reviews and got this! This took my mild-to-moderate hormonal acne from bad to much much worse! Within a week of using, I started getting small hard red pimples on my cheeks and chin. A month later, hard painful cystic acne. I still have a picture from my birthday party where I'm trying to hide my face behind my hair, that's how bad it was! After about four months, I looked in the mirror and just threw the bottle away (I should've saved it to get a refund). In short, this stuff is HORRIBLE! What saved me was Dan Kern's benzoyl peroxide lotion. With that, within two months my skin cleared up - but I still have red marks from the cysts from Carleys treatment. Beware!!
December 5, 2010




Did not work at all. Made my acne worse then it's ever been. I contacted Carleys through email and they told me to keep using it. I used it for 3 horrible months and it never worked. I really do think that they do some of their own reviews. I used all their products too.

Didn't work for me at all. I had high hopes for this product but it only made my acne worse.
November 20, 2010


If you like clogging your pores and having horrible painful acne you should buy this. If you want normal clear skin stay away!!


It gave me cystic acne and white heads something i never had before. I went from having mild acne to my face being really red and covered in these deep red acne marks. I can't believe i got scammed into buying this product.

I read all the positve reviews and thought this would be a miracle cure. I can't believe people can sell/use this product it's the worst ever. Completely dried out my skin, gave me cystic acne, and not my face is all red. Do not buy this!!! From reading around it turns out these guys are making up fake stories. I wish i figured that out before being tricked into buying this. I mean they tell you to rub a shea butter soap on your face...shea butter is horrible for acne...I can't believe these people have the nerve to write fake reviews and completely take advantage of us real acne sufferers. Do not buy!!!
November 20, 2010




Oily skin.
Pustules galore.

I have had moderate acne for quite some time but have been able to keep it under control with the help of BP. I became a little too confident considering I have not had a beak out in months and decided to order this miracle substance called Carley's. Worst. Decision. Ever. This product broke me out tremendously. I was useing exactly as directed, and my skin continued to get worse and worse. After three months, I gave up. I have not used Carley's for about a month and my face is finally starting to recover. To those this has "worked for," there is no need to put those down who it has not worked for stating "we must be doing something wrong." The fact of the matter is this product does not help everyone. And to those considering buying, I would like you take a moment to carefully read all positive feedback. There is something very similar between many replies. Almost seems info-mercial esque, and how the "whole family will only use Carley's now, and how this is the ONLY PRODUCT that worked." You'll catch on, ideally before you actually purchase it. Buyer beware. Just saying.
November 20, 2010


smells good
soap leaves face feeling smooth


it made me break out
left my face really dry

i bought this product because of all the good reviews that I found here, but it made my face even worse after a couple of months
November 19, 2010




Will make you breakout like crazy!!!!!
Won't want to leave your house!!!

I bought this product after reading all the great reviews about it and let me warn was the worse thing that happened to me. The morning after I first used this product, I was shocked to see myself in the mirror. I had broken out all over my face and not only did I breakout but I had horrible redness as well. I asked a personal friend of mine who sells beauty products and they said you would have to be crazy to put this stuff on your face. All it does is clogs your pores. DO NOT BUY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
November 16, 2010


none it's cheap but 20 bucks for something that's going to destory your skin isn't worth it. I honestly can't think of anything positive about this


-makes your skin break out worse
-is filled with butters and other pore clogging materials
-doesn't clear up acne
-if you read all the reviews for this product they all say the same thing because the people selling Carley's are writting fake reviews.
-not gentle

Don't bother with this product. If you search about it on the forums you'll realize that this product is fake and does not work. THEY ARE WRITING FAKE REVIEWS SO YOU BUY THIS. BUYERS BEWARE
November 5, 2010


If you like having clear, acne free skin, then NONE


Terrible breakouts, Cysts, Oily skin, Blotchy skin, embarrassment to go outside, rude customer service, 1000 fake reviews on this website and around the web

I used this product a couple of months ago and had very high hopes. I followed their regimen to a tee, and saw my face slowly die. If you actually do your research about this product you will see that there is no way in hell this product can is irritated, the method is highly ineffective, and there are massive pore clogging ingredients in it. Also, please take some time to actually read all the amazing reviews. They sounds extremely fishy to me. I have never heard of an actual person from the message boards getting good fact, everybody seems to breakout terribly. I hope this review deters at least one person from buying this terrible, non effective and manipulative product.
October 18, 2010




So I read all these raving reviews and yeah I went out and bought some on ebay, I followed directions perfectly but this product was NOT for me. I've never had cysts before, NEVER EVER like this but after using this product instead of the surface acne I was getting deep horrible zits on my chin and cheeks and foreheads and several have scarred. I saw a lot of negative reviews exactly like what I had experienced mixed in before the positive ones. This did NOT work for me.

I thought maybe I'd try it on my back too since I have some body acne that isn't too bad, but NO i got freaking painful CYSTS on my BACK, ARGHHHH after I stopped using this they went away after a while. DO NOT USE THIS SCAM PRODUCT, soaps are bad bad bad bad. Completely disgusted.
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October 8, 2010


BEWARE, fake product!!!



Do not be fooled! Read the other beware reviews of this product!!!