Calamine Lotion

279 Reviews

Calamine is either a mixture of zinc oxide (ZnO) with about 0.5% ferric oxide (Fe2O3) or a zinc carbonate compound.

The list of ingredients above is provided for informational purposes only. Always check the actual product label in your possession for the most accurate ingredient information due to product changes or upgrades that may not yet be reflected on our web site.


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May 23, 2008


Its amazing i just take a cotton swab an dab it onto the areas and next morning its all flat and dried out without over drying my skin I will no longer buy acne treatments seeing as calamine works best !!



it dries whiteheades right outt!
April 29, 2008


Within 3 hours, all of my blemishes lost color and went flat. Acne marks literally vanished within about 9 hours of wearing it. It's really amazing stuff.


You can only wear it at night.

I've been on Accutane twice, so obviously I tend to have problematic skin. After using Accutane, acne will be non existent for a year or so but will then come back. Mine came back about 2 years after this time, and it spread from my chin to the apples of my cheek. Not cute. Anyway, within a few hours, everything dried up and all the redness disappeared. I was literally about to pick up the phone and make a dermatologist appt. the same day I tried this..I would have spend hundreds. TRY IT! It's so cheap anyway.
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March 20, 2008


Cheep, Clears Pimples and Acne MARKS TOO!


Runny, leaves a white residue.

WOW! So, for the past three years my skin has been acne covered and acne red mark covered! I normally wear a mud mask at night to help it, but I ran out last week! Randomly I decided to use calamine lotion on my face as my night mask. I woke up the next morning amazed! REDNESS 40% GONE! Pimples 60% GONE! I did it again the next night, REDNESS 70% GONE, Pimples 90% GONE! The night after that, REDNESS 90% GONE! Pimples 100% GONE! Then last night I had to exfoliate my skin cuz it was getting really dry. So it set me back a little. It made my face get to about 40% Redness, Pimples still gone. Now tonight I have a mask on, and about to go to sleep. Hopefully a big improvement tonight! :D I'll write again tomorrow to update!
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March 11, 2008


Very affordable and immediate results


Only can where at night due to pink color.

I am 27 and have had acne problems and blemishes periodically for the last few years. I have spent so mucjh money on face products and makeup to clear my skin up. My mom told me to put calamine lotion on my face at night and I thought to myself, that's crazy. But after purchasing my last product(Murad), I decided to give it a try hoping for some type of relief. Well it has been a week and my skin looks great.I would recommend calamine lotion to anyone that is frustrated with their acne issues.
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March 4, 2008


available in clear or pink.
there is a good brand that is not runny and thick which is better.


nothing since there is a clear kind.

cleared my face.. wear it all the time..
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January 21, 2008


Simply put: It clears up zits! I dab some on individual spots that come up and it dries them out without irritating my skin.


Can only use it at night due to the pink tone.

Try this, it really does work!
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January 15, 2008


stops me from breaking out and gets rid of acne scars its great! .better than anything prescibed to me by a doctor.


turns into a pinkish color when dry so you might want to apply at night.other than that its great !

this is a great product i would recommend it to anyone!
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January 14, 2008


It works fast and is great for sensitive skin


None so far

I have tried everything, and when I say everything, I mean it! I have been on Accutane 3 times since aget 19. All three times it worked for about a year, then the acne came back. I have tried every antibiotic and prescription strength skin cream/gel/liquid. Nothing so far compares to the use of calamine lotion. I could have saved hundreds of dollars if I had been aware of this little known "secret". I have very fair skin and it has become sensitive in the past year, so I have been limited to what I can now use on my face. I am 32 and have been dealing w/ acne since age 12. I highly recommend anyone having problems with acne to try calamine lotion!
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October 18, 2007


It works quickly and effectively. I dabbed it on my pimples last night and when I woke up this morning I was stunned! I can't believe it works so well, but both the size and redness of my pimples were reduced with only one application.


-I wish I knew about it sooner! So many facial disasters could have been avoided!
-My face was a little dry where I applied it, but not too bad.

I wasn't sure something so simple as calamine lotion could work, but so many people praised it on here that I decided to give it a whirl. And I'm really glad that it did. It's meant to bring out the oils from poison ivy, so it makes sense that it brings out the junk from pimples. Real calamine lotion also has zinc oxide in it, which is one of the main ingredients in ScarZone, so it may also help reduce scarring from pimples. I'm defintely going to keep using it.
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July 25, 2007


- prevents/treats existing zits
- oil production seemed to decrease
- fragrance-free, made my skin soft and left a milky after-glow


- it's not clear, leaves a white residue
- a bit runny

I absolutely love this stuff! It's cheap and you can find it at just about any grocery store... I slather on some before I go to bed and in the morning my skin feels so soft and has a nice milky glow! I can't believe how well it works and how cheap it is. I'm never wasting my money on expensive skin products ever again. Calamine lotion is the best!
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