Baking Soda

1345 Reviews

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October 23, 2009


it makes you skin smooth as ever..and soft..makes ur complexion lighter.


it tingles a little bit and dries quickly..and flakes wen its time to remove

wen you mix baking soda and water a paste..about 3-4 times a makes skin smooth and soft and turns your complexion lighter..wen it begins to flake and turn white..rinse wit warm water..
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October 22, 2009


Helps reduce size and redness of cystic acne, leaves skin soft, makes skin matte looking, when applying makeup after using makeup stays on better and looks great


Stings, taste horrible, can over dry, flakes off everywhere if you happen to move your face at all while it is on

I mix baking soda and a cheap sea salt (mortan's) into a thick paste and let it sit on my face for about 10-15 minutes. It really stings where the cysts are but everywhere else is ok. I rinse it off with warm water while rubbing it in a circular motion to scrub off any dead skin and once it is off my skin feels great! I have had cystic acne for years and have tried all kinds of topical medications (over-the-counter and prescribed) as well as numerous prescriptions including accutane and nothing has been this safe and effective! It helps with current flare ups as well as reducing the coloration of my scars. Give it a try, it will help. If your skin gets irritated make a thinner paste (more water) or if you feel it is not helping try a thicker paste (less water). Don't forget to use an oil free moisturizer after you remove the face, it can really really make your skin dry if you don't.
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October 22, 2009


clearer skin!


burns sooo much but not so much you cant handle. def. worth it!

try it...dont have much to lose.
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October 22, 2009


It didn`t get rid of my pimples but it did reduce the sixe i used it everyday and it went away in about 2 weeks.



October 20, 2009


it worked great on my skin, it even got rid of most of my blackheads!!!


none for me :)

i heard that baking soda would help so i tried it out, within the first day of useing it, my skin looked healthier and i had a better complextion. It reduced my redness and the size of my pimples and my skin looked much better. The best thing is that it didnt even burn my skin or make it dry. i hope it continues to work for me. :)
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October 18, 2009


left skin feeling less oily- skin feels a bit smoother in areas- seems to help some with hyperpigmentation as well


acne is still there- made skin red

give it a shot you dont have anything to loose but your dreadfull acne! trust me i know how your feeling right now. i continuosly research acne blogs online hoping to find a miricle cure but i think the main thing to focus on is having patience. try not to stress out about your acne and do something fun with the girls for a night to get your mind off of it! -oh and give things time to work. if you use it for a week and see no results dont give up. it takes a while for your skin to adjust to new produtcs! :)
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October 17, 2009


cheap. easy to get. it works but need patience.


sting but not so much in my case. leave my skin red for half a day.

i used sodium bicarbonate occasionally.. like once in 3-4 weeks. i used it as mask. i try to be as gently as possible while applying to my face and removing from my face because sodium bicarbonate contains crystal particles that can damage skin texture (thats what i believe).it won't make skin perfect but it does help to reduce my acne and scar.
October 15, 2009


makes skin smooth and tight, eventually evens out complexion. dries up pimples.


a little messy

very cheap. if you have a pimple that has just formed, wash your face, dry it, then wet that pimple alone and put the baking soda on it . Leave it on over-night. it will eventually bring the pus to the top, just as if it were about to burst. . I know you shouldn't squeeze a pimple, but if you are tempted (like myself) squeeze it till it gets flat and blood comes out. wash face and put baking soda on it again for overnight. you will see how it dries it up quickly. I can even wear make-up over it and nobody notices.
October 14, 2009




BURNS! It burned like cfrazy the second time I used it ( I did it two days in a row) I will probably only do it 2-3 times a week but not on consecutive days.

It works pretty well for my under the skin bumps they are clearing up after the first time of use. I also wash with black soap after and use clean and clear spot treatment (which did NOT work by itself before using the baking soda). I never had problem skin so i think I am just getting a mild case of adult acne but all of it is uder the skin (those suckers are hard to get)! Anyway TRY IT! You have nothing to lose but acne...or a dollar or two.
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October 14, 2009


Very effective!


Turns face red for about 30 minutes- 1 hour. I use it as a daily morning/night scrub

Works! Definitely. At least give it a try. I have super pale, sensitive skin and have had acne for about 14 years now--absolutely NOTHING i've used has worked this well. it cleared all of my existing acne and is lightening and fading my old scars more and more each day. Use it in combination with an apple cider vinegar toner and you'll never have another breakout. seriously. i've never ever been this clear! Even through the lady times when the hormones are usually crazy producing acne, i had maybe ONE small pimple; hardly remember it. doit. use it. be happy.
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