Baking Soda

1345 Reviews

The list of ingredients above is provided for informational purposes only. Always check the actual product label in your possession for the most accurate ingredient information due to product changes or upgrades that may not yet be reflected on our web site.


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March 6, 2008


Cleared Acne, smoothed skin, evened out complexion, cheap!
And effective



I have used baking soda with hydrogen peroxide for the last few weeks at night only as a short face mask right before I apply my toner and use my spot treatment. As of far it has been effective in removing my acne! At the moment I have one small pimple and thats about it! I am very pleased with the result and will continue using it :)
February 29, 2008


Cheap, Really Works



Baking Soda is turning out to be a best solution for all common problems. Try Googling Baking soda on "Teeth Cleaning", "Hair Cleaning" , "Face cleaning". I have already tried Face Cleaning, and Teeth Cleaning, and it has been great. will try with Shampoo this weekend :) I am very happy, got finally that WORKS !
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February 27, 2008


my face has never felt this clean and smooth. my pimples calmed down immediately after i washed it off. they were still there just not inflamed and painful


it burns a little but i like it because i know its WORKING! :)

i've wasted money on so many different things to make my skin look good. this even smoothed out my coloration. hopefully i won't have to wear a ton of powder and foundation anymore. baking soda is the cheap and easy way out! for real!
February 24, 2008


great exfoliator, cheap, easy to find, smoother skin, less breakouts


stings a little, can be messy to work with

I use 1 tbsp baking soda mixed with Cetaphil cleaner on my face 3 times a day. At first I tried mixing it with water but it gets too crumbly. With Cetaphil the baking soda mixes uniformly and is easier to apply. The Cetaphil also helps to moisturize the skin and keep it from burning too much. About 10 min after washing, I apply 50% diluted Bragg ACV as a toner. I have mild to moderate acne, usually on my chin and behind my ears. My acne has cleared up tremendously after 2 days using baking soda and ACV.
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February 23, 2008


Clears acne and blackheads; softens skin


dries skin

Use moisturizer and your kool. I started using this in Nov of 07 along with other stuff. After my face cleared up mostly I stopped using the BS and continued using BP cream. Well long story short I had a flareup that reulted in a lot of acne marks on my face. I have given up on EVERYTHING EXCEPT BP! It's the only thing that will help me! Well, except for a few visits to the derm; $$$ for numerous products just to see what works, only to stop treatment and have more acne. LOL I love Baking Soda, Lemons, and that's all there is to it.
February 23, 2008


Cheap, affordable, and great results! It made my skin real smooth with no side affects and no fragrance at all. Truly all natural. ;)


Do not rub too hard when its dried, especially for sensitive skin but it's not drying at all. Don't worry. ;)

Just mix 2 tb. of baking soda with 1 tb. of water and bam!, you've got a miracle cure for your acne and blemishes! & it also gets rid of blackheads. Leave it on for 20 minutes. Try it, it worked for me. Good luck. ;)
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February 22, 2008


My face feels smoother. Cheap to get and great for a gentle yet deep clean. Moisturize afterwards! My boyfriend loves it as well!



This stuff is great for removing oily buildup not only on the face, but on the back (and in hair) as well. It unclogs pores like a dream. = Cheap and good
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February 21, 2008


Cheap, Gentle, clears skin and doesn't scratch to hard


tastes a little bad if you get it in your mouth

I make a scrub of Baking soda, little lemon juice and honey. Mix it all together to form a thick paste, apply in the shower scrub lightly for about 30seconds and then rinse with cool water..LOVE IT. The BS is a great gentle exfoliant, the lemon juice adds some glow to the skin and the honey adds some moisture. What more can you ask for! May not work for everyone, but for me, it's awesome :-)
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February 18, 2008


Gentle,affordable and natural



I have tried EVERYTHING including different prescription pills, creams, gels, face washes, special soaps and NOTHING has worked as well as using a baking soda paste on my face every morning and before I go to bed at night. My skin has cleared up more in 2 days than it ever has with anything else. I rub in on and work it into my skin for a few seconds and rinse it off right away. Face feels smooth and soft!
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February 17, 2008


it burns as of now

i just applied it like five minutes ago and its burrning! im hoping itll work! :)