Baking Soda

1345 Reviews

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August 25, 2009


clears oily skin,hyperpigmentation skin and reduces pores


it kinda stings at first so u have to use one finger to rub it in lol

i have oily hyperpigmentation black pigmentation skin and i read reviews and started to use it for the past 5 days i use it twice a day due to how oily my skin is its great i have had great compliments and now i can actually save money instead of buying exspensive chemicals oh yh lol i actually use bicarb soda havent tried bakin soda but i will is there a diff ???? cz it seems to b doin what they say baking soda would do but yh im happy plus ive been drinking 2litres of water a day and going sauna
August 17, 2009


Cheap!!! and so far easy to use.


A little stinging at first use. I was a little worried that I was having an allergic reaction, but it turned out fine.

Baking Soda is inexpensive and seems to be working well so far! I keep the box sitting just outside of my shower on the shelf and use it on my washcloth with my regular soap. My skin over all my body seems smoother and cleaner. I use the "paste" mixture as a facial scrub after I clean my face with my usual face clean (as the box recommended). So far so good! I'll post more as I continue use. Oh, I almost forgot...if you live in the south like I do and have problems with those pesky mosquitoes, I seem to have had less trouble with bites the past few days! ;-)
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August 16, 2009


Reduced a lot of my redness and the size of my pimples and the marks are lighter



It seems to be working my face looks way better than it did 2 nites ago.
August 12, 2009


Has some effect.


Very messy and difficult to apply.

It won't work in the long term, but if you put some on before you go to bed, when you wake up you'll notice a difference. It makes your acne spots lighter and smaller.
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August 11, 2009


It does make your skin feel smooth.


Just a bit of redness

I tried this today, its alright, im gonna continue this to see if it works. the other peoples reveiws are great. so i think its worth a try. Its obviously cheap sooo yea.
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August 7, 2009


Amazing!!! My Pores were virtually invisible and it cleared up my blackheads with twp uses


It did not clear up my long term acne very well, I may have to see a dermatologist for that but other then that no cons:)

USE IT!!!!!!!!!!!! THIS DOES WONDERS FOR YOUR SKIN edward cullen would lovee this too:) Team Edward
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July 30, 2009


cleans very well, cheap, fast, easy


stings a little bit

I used a baking soda "mask" for the first time today, so I can't say too much about long term, but i loved it! I have always had larger pores that were often visibly dirty, and no cleanser or treatment had ever cleaned them very well, but one treatment of baking soda and my pores were invisible! my face feels so clean!
July 29, 2009


Cheap. Cleared up pimples along my forehead.Left my skin very smooth.


A little bit of redness. A little bit of stinging. I have sensitive skin so it was a little dry,but I dabbed on some cocoa butter.

I love it. it was my first time trying the treatment. I will most definately tell my friends and continue to use it myself. As I mentioned before I have sensitive skin,so I will use it every other day. But overall I love the effect and I am randomly rubbing my skin as I'm typing it feels so smooth.
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July 26, 2009


dries up pimples, gets rid of dead skin, and has even gotten rid of some of my blackheads!


leaves skin red and a little dry, but the redness only stays for a few minutes, and putting on moisturizer after keeps skin from getting to dry.

It works! Does more then I actually expected it to. I say only do this every other week, because its pretty strong stuff and might irritate your skin. My skin gets extra dry in the winter, so i do it every week then, but only every other week in the other seasons. And, it's super cheap!
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July 25, 2009


It takes awwy acne within a few days


It burns yur face like heck!!

I use Baking soda, grapefruit seed extract and water to make a paste and use it every morning.
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