Baking Soda

1345 Reviews

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June 24, 2011


It cleared my face
I started noticing that my scars were becoming lighter



After reading a lot of reviews on here, I was actually afraid to try it but I'm so glad I did! I have periods where my acne can get really bad and this cleared it right up. I've been using a mask for about a week now and I am very happy with the results. I put olive oil on my scars to soften them for about 5 minutes. Then, I take a wet wash cloth and heat it up as hot as I can stand it (for me, about 45 secs in the microwave) and put it on my face until it becomes cool to open my pores. I like to put baking soda in a small bowl, add a few drops of fresh lemon juice (note, if your skin is very sensitive you may want to forego the lemon) and then add water until it's a little softer than a toothpaste consistency. I put it on my face for a minimum of 10 minutes and then wash it off. The hardened baking soda exfoliates your skin as you wash it off. Make sure you moisturize a lot afterwards and that's it. Note: when the mask hardens it can begin to flake so be aware of your facial expressions!
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June 20, 2011


clears acne
good for multiple ireasons
makes skin tingle
feels nice on skin
good for all skin types



works really goooooooooodd!!
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June 10, 2011


clears up acne
makes skin soft (it can be a great exfoliator)
cheap (I get mine from the dollar store)
helps with skin discoloration



Baking Soda is an amazing little acne fighting ingredient which I sometimes add to my face washes but most often use on my own. On its own, depending on how you want use it as (a face wash or as a mask) I either add a lot or little water to make to it. I use it most often as a mask. Here's what I do. -I put some in a little bowl/or cup and add water to it until it becomes a toothpaste texture -I put it on my face and leave it on for two minutes (I take this time to brush my teeth) -I rinse it off, tone, and moisturize I would recommend that you get it. Why? its so cheap and unless you have super sensitive skin (some people complain about it reddening and burning their skin, problems which I haven't really had) you really have nothing to loose.
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May 27, 2011


Cleared my moderate acne
Makes skin baby soft
Makeup goes on better
Super cheap!


Use carefully if u have sensitive skin

I use the baking soda as a scrub three times a week mixed in with y usual cleanser. At first i used it only once a week but when i realised that ky acne started getting better I thought I would try using it three times and now my acne is tons better, it has gone from moderate bordering severe to light and I am v happy with that! Try giving it a go but do not scrub too hard!
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May 26, 2011


Amazing! Shrinks Pimples right away. Saw a major difference in 4 days!



Amazing. It dries out all pimples. I use it twice a day as a mask. If it works this well after 4 days can't wait to see what will happen in a month!
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May 18, 2011


clean, matte look
really works


tingling/burning feeling

I don't have very bad acne, just some bumps on my skin that aren't too visible but very annoying. This was so good, my skin felt really smooth and even almost instantaneously. :)
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May 13, 2011


clears acne
really works



really works but uncomfotrable
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May 10, 2011


works fast, simple, easy, actually works


none :)

i tried a bunch of different things but none work as well as this, i wasnt sure it would work at first but i know firsthand that it work great
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May 3, 2011


*great for exfoliating
*dries up pimples
*can be used as a wash, mask, or spot treatment


*have to use oil free moisturizer
*give it some time to work!

After having allergic reactions to several different acne medications, I was looking for something that would get rid of my acne and not irritate or cause an allergic reaction. I had heard about using baking soda but was a little sceptical, to be honest, but decided I had nothing to lose. I made sure to test the wash (a tablespoon or so of baking soda mixed with a tablespoon of water) on a small part of my face to make sure I wouldn't have an allergic reaction. The next day, I tried the wash on my whole face. I did this for a few weeks and combined it with two other things. I washed with a salicylic acid wash, then exfoliate with the baking soda, then use an astringent pad. I also used the baking soda as a mask every few days before bed. It works great! It gently scrubs off all the dead skin and leaves my face very smooth. It tingles to let you know it is working, and it got rid of my oily forehead and chin. The only con is you have to use an oil free moisturizer (I only use it in the morning) or your face will get dried out. Also, you have to give it some time to work and allow your skin to heal. I have tried so many different things and nothing has worked for me the way this has! I have incredibly sensitive skin and have had allergic reactions to so many things, but this works great for me. If you are looking for something new to try, I would definitely recommend trying it!
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April 28, 2011


-Exfoliates my skin
-Soft matte skin afterwards
-Feels very clean


-Looks subtly dried out, but in a few hours my natural oils will balance this out. I'm not sure I'd even call this a "con"

Today I used baking soda on my face for the first time. I'm very pleased and even surprised with the results! I used about 1/4 teaspoon and ran the water enough into my palm to get a good paste going (note: this was a very thin paste--I didn't want to over do it) and gently rubbed it around my face with my fingers. When I noticed skin balling up and literally just peeling off of my face, I got a rag with cold water on it and gently rubbed my face. Then I rinsed. I had no idea that baking soda would exfoliate my skin! My skin looks and feels beautiful. And clean! Baking soda is now a permanent part of my beauty regimen.
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