Aspirin Mask

675 Reviews

The list of ingredients above is provided for informational purposes only. Always check the actual product label in your possession for the most accurate ingredient information due to product changes or upgrades that may not yet be reflected on our web site.


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July 22, 2016
awesomeeee... fastest method... everyone must try
I have been applying aspirin mask just from last 5 days... and not even a single popup is there.... i have never reviewed anything on internet... but when anything helps you this way... its a sin not to appreciate it... Go ahead frndz... mix 6-7 aspirin tablets (disprin in india..just rs5 for 10 tablets) with one tablespoon of water and apply the paste(some may call it a peel) on your face evenly..let it dry for 10 mins... then wash it off... You can see the results even in 12 hours off application.... Thanks everyone....have a try..
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August 29, 2016
Actually I made the paste of almost 10 tablets and lot much paste is left so can we use it the nxt day or have to make it new its colour is smewat change frm white to light pink
July 11, 2016
I have been using an aspirin mask for the past 5 days and the results are truly wonderful. I have tried every product under the sun for my oily/acne prone skin and this is far and away the very best investment , not only is it dirt cheap-it works! I think the reason the previous reviewers didn't like it was because they used it with vinegar,which I think is way too harsh to mix with aspirin. After a bit of experimentation I've found that yoghurt is the best base, (vinegar, too drying) aloe vera is ok, but yoghurt (has lactic acid) counterbalances the slight astringent effect of the aspirin and is nicely moisturising. More importantly it is hard to make a decent "mask" with water and vinegar, you need something gloopy that will stay on the skin, water based aspirin masks flake off rather messily. instead crush 5 or so tablets into a powder with the back of a spoon or dissolve them in a few drops of water, and then add a little natural yoghurt,(maximises the efficacy of the mask) massage on in circular movements (it feels grainy,like a scrub) and leave on for 15 mins . When you have rinsed it off you should have really soft & smooth,fresh-looking skin. It also calms redness & heals acne scars ,and overall balances tone.
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June 6, 2016
Really helps bring down inflammation
Aspirin masks have treated me so well! Have done this (crushed up a few aspirin and mixed with water to apply to face) for like 3 years now. It's not some kind of cure, but it takes down inflammation quick and quite effectively, so when I get a breakout and my face is red and irritated, I love doing this mask to calm my skin down. It is drying, so afterwords use your regular toner and moisturizer or whatever you typically would do.
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May 17, 2016
home made mask
works pretty well as a toner/mask combo! Aspirin is actually a exfoliator when it is crushed up and used on the skin.and excellent for reducing whiteheads too.
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May 16, 2016
This is great if you have breakouts and you are looking for a cheap and effective way to treat your skin. i use one pill mixed with a little water & abit of honey to keep it gentle enough for frequent use. Doesn't dry my skin out this way, and I'm not worried about overdoing it on the aspirin.
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May 10, 2016
I love it for overnight spot treatment
This is honestly great for upcoming big breakouts, or pimples that may be really red or painful. My birthday was the other day and about 5 days before I felt a painful pimple on my cheek coming up. I used this mask on it before it came to a head, and everyday just on the pimple and within the 5 days it came, formed on my face, and left. The aspirin helped it to not be painful to the touch, and it also dried out the pimple and it was flat and pretty much completely gone by the time as my birthday came. I love this stuff. I usually just use one pill and like a couple of drops of water just so i can crush it into a slight paste for spot treatment overnight. Or if I feel like it I may mix about 7 aspirin with water or an oil and apply it as a full mask.
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March 22, 2016
good to try
It works. I dissolve it in 2 drops of water and apply it on blemishes. It really helps inflammation and helps them heal. I really like it.
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March 21, 2016
Great For Swelling
If you have cystic acne this is a great treatment as it helps to ease swollen or irritated skin. It also helps with other forms of acne, it just seems to do the most good with cystic acne. It's great if you're travelling and don't have access to other facial treatments as it's simple and easy to whip up. By the way if you don't have any aspirin I found that ibuprofen works too. For my aspirin mask I take 1-2 aspirin and dissolve them in some lemon juice then mix in a bit of tea trea oil. I apply it to my face with a cotton pad and then leave it for as long as possible (if I'm short for time 20 minutes will be sufficient). It isn't the strongest treatment in the world but it's effective enough and I like that it's all natural.
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March 10, 2016
No problems here!
I have a terrible habit of popping pimples for too long. I just sit at my mirror and pick away at the smallest blemishes and then all of the sudden my whole face is red. This is obviously my fault lol. So at night, after my pimple fest is over, I only crush up one Aspirin with a few drops of water & do a spot treatment on my redness. After about 30 minutes, I rinse it off with hot water and then again with cold water. If anyone is expecting Kim Kardashian skin afterwards, you're a silly goose. In conclusion: for me, the redness goes away completely, and my pimple is usually gone/tamed by morning.
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February 27, 2016
good overnight spot treatment
an aspirin mask is actually a great overnight quick spot treatment when crushed and mixed with water. I recommend applying this paste directly onto the spot and leaving it overnight. an aspirin mask is good for spots as it actually contains a high amount of salicylic acid in its ingredients, this is great for unclogging the pores temporarily and getting rid of the spot. however do not rely on this as a cure to acne or an acne treatment as salicylic acid has to be used continuously over a course of time for best results because it only unclogs pores it does not get rid of bacteria/acne so once the salicylic acid is removed off the skin it leaves the pore open again to acne causing bacteria and infection. I would only recommend this if you are trying to get rid of a spot for the next day or a big event. for a more long term treatment for spots and acne try using other methods.
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