Aspirin Mask

675 Reviews

The list of ingredients above is provided for informational purposes only. Always check the actual product label in your possession for the most accurate ingredient information due to product changes or upgrades that may not yet be reflected on our web site.


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September 1, 2009


clears up your face .


makes you feel like your gonna puke , but thats it .

i'd say do this . it works really good .
September 1, 2009


I am 15 years old with alot of acne and this really worked! most of my acne pretty much vanished within 3 days.The only thing that didn't leave were my scars.


I always sneeze when its on my face....mabey I'm allergic?

AWSOME! My face is like a baby's butt (whatever that means)
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August 29, 2009


Reduces the red. Reduces inflamation. Smooth if u add honey.


It made my face really dry once when I did it wrong. And I scratched some of the peeling skin and it feels Like a sunburn. Stinks when u put it on.

After I get out of the shower and my face is washed at night I dissolve 4 aspirin in a little plate with a little warm water. Then I scoop some honey up with my finger. (it has to be pure honey). And I mix it. It will look like a crumbly cream with a yellow tint. And put it all over ur face for 10-15 minutes. NO LONGER than 15. I lost track of time yesterday and left it on for 25 min. and that's wat caused my skin to try. Then I wash it on. And go to bed as soon as possible. The more sleep the better. I only get like 4 hours of sleep which sux.
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August 22, 2009


It shrinks the pimple with a few applications. Makes the life of your pimple shorter.


smells a little if you keep it in a container

Crush a few asprin tablets mix with a litle bit of water and use as a mask or spot treatment.
August 22, 2009


Ummm. I dont know


It made me feel nauseous..for some reason

It didnt do anything
August 20, 2009


makes acne inflamation go away fast over night.


it made my skin more sensible.i am 15 years old suffering from medium acne.My skin is now so sensible it made it alergic to hair dye.Yes it's because of the asprin i guess.I adedd it with lime juice like it said on a website and now my skin is dry

My skin got drier,tighter,sensible-never was.I cant dye my hair!I cant use alot of acne cleansers because my skin cant take anything now.DO NOT USE MORE THAN TWICE IN A WEEK. PLEASE! it will kill your face!!!!!
August 12, 2009


Easy, cheap, effective



I mix uncoated aspirin with honey powder and instead of water I use aloe juice or colloidal silver (antibacterial). Really great for reducing redness and inflammation. I like to use it after a high frequency session.
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August 2, 2009


- Aspirin has the natural form of salicylic acid, a potent acne fighter
- can be used as a face scrub!


- messy & tedious to make

There are many ways of making an aspirin face mask, my 'recipe' includes crushing 5-6 lightly coated pills with the end of a chopstick in a tiny dish with a few drops of green tea (better than water, & helps the aspirin dissolves faster) and after that adding a few drops of natural honey (helps soothe the skin and acts as a glue to keep the aspirin powder from falling off when its dried) I use this 2-3 times a day, sometimes more, sometimes less depending on how much I need it. I leave it on for 20-30 minutes, then rinse off and during the rinsing process I scrub the powder against my skin for natural exfoliation. I don't reccomend doing this every single day since over scrubbing can dry the skin which leads to the sebaceous glands to produce more oil, leading to more acne. This treatment leaves my face feeling fresh and soft, and in the long-run helps keep acne at bay.
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July 24, 2009


Works great! I ger these big red bumps on my forehead. I tried everything, and it wouldn't get rid of them. I tried this earlier today for the first time, and applied it for 15 min. And it reduced the redness, and the size of it shrunk!



Works great, fast and affective! And also very cheap! I crushed 2 Aspirins mixed it with 4 drops of water, mixed and applied on the troubled area. Waitied 15 minutes and washed it off. The redness and the size of the bump reduced! I think after a few more tries, it will be gone (cross my finger). I wish I would of known about this earlier!
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July 17, 2009


I felt like it reduced the size of my pimples within one day. I really believe and i am hopeful that this product will work :)


just that it smells bad

it is very cheap to make and works amazing !
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