Aspirin Mask

675 Reviews

The list of ingredients above is provided for informational purposes only. Always check the actual product label in your possession for the most accurate ingredient information due to product changes or upgrades that may not yet be reflected on our web site.


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October 21, 2009


Even after one use it does work, Try not to use cheap aspirin though!


It can sting depending on the person

Very Goooooood
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October 16, 2009


seriously ive used it a couple times this week, my acne probs went down like. 75% already, i recomend it



use all the timee:D
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October 14, 2009


smooth skin, no dead skin cells left if used as exfoliater and not just mask


no clearer than before

use aloe vera with honey and the 3 aspirins with water, rub in circle motions onto your face, avoid eye area. rinse of after 15 mins orwhen you feel your skin is drying out and the mask tightens
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October 13, 2009


soft face, clearer, more even skin tone, reduction of scar color, reduction of pimple size


none so far

My recipie: 3 uncoated asprin (dollar tree store- $1.00 for 175 tablets) a few drops of honey (to make it stick and to give it a nice smell) a few drops of aloe vera gel (to moisturize) ^^ the aloe gel can also be subbed with extra virgin olive oil or jojoba oil Mix and leave on for 15 minutes. Wash off in circular motions. You could also use OB powder asprin. OB contains caffine which helps skin rejuvinate. Use a spf 30+ sunscreen after using this if going outside at all. The asprin speeds up cell turnover but also contains bha (beta hydroxy acid) or salicylic acid. This acid causes the skin to be sunburnt faster. If you dont wear sunscreen after using this, you can severely damage the emidermis and it may lead to premature aging. Good luck!
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September 19, 2009


Fresh looking glow to face, even skin tone, smaller zits, reduced redness


A little messy and a pain to make but whats a lil pain for good skin?

So I moved to the tropics, and my skin started breaking out like CRAZY. Literally had angry red bumps all over my cheeks with blotchy red scars that would not go away. But recently it started getting a little better, but the scars were still terrible and my face looked so dull. I started using the aspirin mask again after having stopped for several months and the results were almost immediate. Month-old scars faded almost immediately. They're still visible but definitely not what they used to be. new zits have not popped out yet (and i used to get them almost everyday). My skin feels a lot smoother in just three days. I use raw forest honey (completely unprocessed) and two drops of tea tree oil along with the aspirin and water. Hopefully this will work again for me!
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September 18, 2009


can give skin a glowing appearance


tends to bring pimples to the surface; cause small pimples to get larger and come to a head

the aspirin mask didn't do much for me. I tried using it on a consistent basis for 2-3 months and I found that it kept bringing pimples to the surface. Sometime it would give my skin a glowing appearance to make it look like I had a facial, but it didn't prevent pimples from coming. The mask can also be drying. Perhaps it works for other people, but really didn't do much for me. There was no overnight change or a very noticable decrease in redness.
September 16, 2009


feels soft and first time in a long time I've felt I've had my baby-soft face back. reduces redness for my hormonal acne and you instantly see results. works wonders to your money maker



I'm 17 yrs old and about only 3 months ago, i started to break out with hormonal acne, i've used dermalogica cleansers and duac gels recommended by doctors and by far, this home remedy is the closest i've gotten back to perfect skin ;), im currently thinking about stopping the duac gel use and just using an aspirin mask every night instead. cheappp as and will last you long time.
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September 13, 2009


Leaves face feeling baby soft* Makes skin glow and look less red*
Takes pain of inflamed pipmles away* Reduces size of pimples in very little time* Gets rid of oily spots


Will be drying if Not used correctly* Smells wierd

I use this as an exfoliator and mask and i have to admit...Thist Stuff is WONDERFUL! My chin used to get breakouts (nothing serious a couple of whiteheads or an inflamed one once in awhile) But since usin this i have to say that my chin, forehead, and nose have cleared up wonderfully! It also made my skin extremely soft! If you have dry skin though you have to have the right mixture that will work for U... This is my own little recipe for my dry skin: *3 aspirin tablets *1 tsp of honey (makes it stay and has antibacterial properties) *A couple of drops of green tea and water *2-3 drops of EVOO (Great for makin skin soft also lessens redness or u could use jojoba oil) *2 pumps of cerave (Great stuff i <3 it!) Then i leave it on my face for 15 min and lightly rub off for the exfoliation Bottom line is you have to try it! Im soo glad i did:)
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September 11, 2009


soft, smooth glowing skin.


not the most pleasant smell....but it is bearable.

It makes skin soft and gives you a healthy glow. It also helps pimples heal much faster.
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September 11, 2009


Flattens Pimples, Smooths, Tightens, And Some What Softens.


Kind Of Crumbly.

Get A Small Bowl, Crush Up Four Or Five Asprin, Put A Little Warm Water In, Mix It And Put On Face For About Fifteen Minutes. After An Hour My Pimples And Zits Were Flat. Still Had The Color, But It Really Helped The Pain And Texture! Not To Mention The Tightened Cleanly Feeling After Wards.
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