Forum Replies Created

I'm Sooo Depressed Because Of My Acne!

I can relate to soo much of this. Acne really puts crazy emotional baggage on you (sometime I think acne should be classified as an mental illness in the fact how much it psychological takes out of yo...

In forum General acne discussion

12 years ago
Oatmeal Remedy

Good thread, I've been having an everyday struggle with a red complexion for about a year after using topical retinoids. I'm off them now and wanna start this oatmeal cleanser coupled with essential o...

In forum Rosacea & facial redness

12 years ago
I'm Sooo Depressed Because Of My Acne!

Hi all, I'm with you all...acne is evil and is stripping soo much joy I could get out of life. I hate myself for letting myself get worse acne when I was younger. Now is suffer from huge dark/red mark...

In forum General acne discussion

13 years ago

^First thing I'd do is get off all those pills before you mess yourself up for a long time. All those pills are only prolonging your acne. Do some research on here about the meds your taking. Appr...

In forum Diet & holistic health

13 years ago

So I've been on duac (AM) + differin (PM) and taking 100mg minocycline for 9 weeks, and I'm thinking of trying this Brewer's Yeast. Two questions: 1) How much should I take? 2) Will I have IB even aft...

In forum Diet & holistic health

13 years ago