Forum Replies Created

Its A Never Ending Cycle....

I cannot even comprehend how frustrated I feel about acne, and it's persistence to negatively affect my life. I've been dealing this shit since elementary school, and it never seems to fully go away. ...

In forum Emotional and psychological effects of acne

10 years ago
I Need Help ( Pictures )

If most of your red marks are smooth then you probably have hyper-pigmentation more than anything. These red marks will fade in time, but you can also try exfoliating if your skin can handle it to spe...

In forum General acne discussion

10 years ago
Depressed,acne Sucks

I think everyone on this forum has felt the same way as you do at some point, in one way or another. I know I definitely have. Acne sucks, and all we can do is try our best to keep it under control. I...

In forum General acne discussion

10 years ago
When To Stop Icing A Cyst?

So I had a pretty bad cyst a day or two ago, which I was able to drain for the most part. The area where the cyst formed is no longer painful, but is still slightly elevated. Should I continue to appl...

In forum General acne discussion

10 years ago
Which Type Of Acne Scar Is The Easiest To Get Rid Off?

From your experience or knowledge, what type of acne scars are the easiest to get rid off? Icepick, Boxcar or Rolling? I feel like icepick would be the hardest and rolling would be the easiest.

In forum Scar treatments

10 years ago
Cyst Or Scar - Please Help!

I'd say its likely just hyper pigmentation aka a red mark. From my experience, pimples do not scar on my chin unless they are incredibly deep. I wouldn't worry too much about it, the redness should fa...

In forum Scar treatments

10 years ago
I Need "no Picking" Buddies!

So I was able to make it few days without picking, but I just gave in last night. My face was finally looking much better than it had, but I noticed a spot forming under the skin on my right cheek. I ...

In forum General acne discussion

11 years ago
I Need "no Picking" Buddies!

Alright, I'm ready to join you guys in this endeavour. I absolutely hate looking in the mirror and seeing a white head. I don't really get other types of pimples. Especially now that I'm at school, I ...

In forum General acne discussion

11 years ago
Severe Scar And Acne (Help) Updated With Pic!

Hey man, I know things are tough right, but think! We are all in the same boat. Acne sucks, nobody can disagree. You're only 19, and still in the early stages of life. I know its hard to deal with thi...

In forum General acne discussion

11 years ago
How To Tell If I Have Icepick Scaring?

Hey, I was wondering if there are certain "things" i should look for to tell if i have ice pick scars. I have a few spots that definitely look like they could be. Are they supposed to be super deep/ n...

In forum Scar treatments

11 years ago
Why Do Spots Seem To Come In Waves?

Does anybody elese seem to get this? Sort of like you have 3/4 good days where you get no new spots and the ones you already have seem to heal super fast, then you get 3/4 days where you get loads of ...

In forum General acne discussion

12 years ago