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Depressed,acne Sucks


Posted : 01/12/2014 12:18 pm

Hi, my name is Bella and i am 16. I have had acne for about 7 years, it started out as just common acne, a few pimples and such ,getting worse over the years. About 2 years ago I started getting cystic acne which resulted in huge red lumps all over my face. I am now on to accutane for about 3 months on a low dosage and it has gotten better but it is still really bad, plus all the scars covering every inch of my face doesn't help.


I probably have the worse acne in my school and it is bloody embarrassing, I avoid looking at people, I avoid looking in mirrors and when a person comments about it, all I want to do is run off and cry. Some people may not understand this and some may do but I hate it so much, suicide tends to come in to my mind from time to time, doesn't mean I will act on it and I don't believe it's one of the side effects of the tablets. Being the only kid in primary school with acne and them being the worst case of acne in high school can kind of mess you up. I know the tablets are working slowwwwwwly and people say that suicide is no solution to a temporary situation but 7 years is a long time and right now if feels like it will never go away. I admire everyone who has had it longer than me or people with worse cases, you guys are legends.


I just want someone to talk to because I know you guys will understand


Posted : 01/12/2014 2:13 pm

I know how you feel, it's a tough thing to deal with. However you are at the peak of your puberty and you acne could clear up with time. For now you just must do everything possible to control it as best as you can. Eat healthy, exercise, find the cleaner thats best for you, don't touch your face, etc. Have you talked to a doctor about birth control? Sometimes for girls you age, birth control helps clear up hormonal acne. Just remain positive and have faith, because your acne will clear up one day.


Posted : 01/12/2014 2:16 pm

Acne does suck, but please dont feel depressed about it. Acne doesnt make you ugly, but it can be embarrassing when no one around you has it.

People say i fail as i am Japanese and eastern asians are meant to have perfect skin. It used to get to me loads.

Now, i concentrate on other aspects of my life. My degree, my hobbies and friends/family.

I am not allowed to take accutane, so think yourself lucky you have the best acne treatment, you're so young too so im sure it will clear.

You still have many options for scarring etc

good luck,



Posted : 01/12/2014 2:37 pm

I think everyone on this forum has felt the same way as you do at some point, in one way or another. I know I definitely have. Acne sucks, and all we can do is try our best to keep it under control. In time, life only gets better. You are still really young! As I've gotten older, people are much more mature about the whole situation. Don't let other peoples comments get to you. As hard as it is, try to keep a positive outlook on life, and maybe take up some hobbies like bonsai said. As you become less focused on your acne and depressing feelings, you may notice it even clearing up faster than before. And science continues to get more and more advanced each and every year. It may only be a matter of time before an effective treatment is found.

Hang in there!
