Forum Replies Created

Accutane And Reoccuring Fungal Infections?

Hey Everyone, I'm 7 months post Accutane and I was wondering if anyone has had problems with fungal infections during and after Accutane. I got a BAD case of Bolus Tinea (blistering athlete's foot) a...

In forum Prescription acne medications

10 years ago
Will Accutane Cure My Hormonal Acne Or Will It Come Back?

I had really bad hormonal acne plus the typical acne before going on Accutane. Even up to the last month of treatment I was still getting hormonal acne. Now since finishing Accutane towards the end of...

In forum Prescription acne medications

10 years ago
Accutane Advice? (Mild Acne)

I can't tell you how long I've dealt with acne. I tried like 4 or 5 different prescription topical and oral treatments and countless over the counter regimens. There are several dermatologists at the...

In forum Prescription acne medications

11 years ago
Accutane Round 2

I recommend DML for your moisturizer. Most pharmacies have it behind the counter. Your derm. may even have samples of it. Aquaphil is the equivalent in the cleanser I believe/

In forum Prescription acne medications

11 years ago
Insurance Pay For Blood Work?

my insurance that has pretty high copays for regular visits and specialist visits covers my bloodwork completely and I don't have a copay

In forum Prescription acne medications

11 years ago
Accutane Causing Breakouts In Places I Never Had Acne Before?

I would call your dr. and ask about a cortisone injection for the larger cysts.....that is supposed to help with the inflammation and make it subside faster

In forum Prescription acne medications

11 years ago
Does Accutane Help Get Rid Of Red Marks?

I've found that Accutane really reduced and rid my skin of the red marks

In forum Prescription acne medications

11 years ago
Just Started Accutane. Advice?

the swelling of the brain is supposed to be a very rare side effect according to my derm. I've been on Accutane(Myorisan) for 7 months and I got maybe one or two headaches when I started Accutane. M...

In forum Prescription acne medications

11 years ago
Accutane... Next?

I know exactly where you're coming from! I'm 28 and have been dealing with acne for years! Not necessarily a lot of cystic (although some of it is) but lots of pimples, white heads and hormonal acne ...

In forum Prescription acne medications

11 years ago
Moisturizer Reccomandations For Very Sensitive Skin?

DML Forte is great too

In forum Scar treatments

11 years ago
Minocycline Vs Accutane

I was on Minocycline (100mg once a day) and Differin for 2 did make a big difference in my skin but eventually stopped being effective. I'm on my 4th month of Accutane and I've had some ...

In forum Prescription acne medications

11 years ago
Corneal Ulcer While On Accutane?

So i'm a little over 3 months into my first course of Accutane(lost count of the day because I had to go off of it for three weeks due to a vesicular form of athlete's foot that required a strong med ...

In forum Prescription acne medications

11 years ago
Did Anyone Out There Get A Bit Scared Before Starting Accutane?

it took me over 2 years to get over the fear of going on accutane with all the potential side effects. I'm really glad I went on it though because it's made a huge difference so far and i'm just start...

In forum Prescription acne medications

11 years ago
1 Week Break From Accutane

i had to take a little over a 3 week break from accutane due to getting a vesicular form of athelete's foot(huge blisters and a secondary bacterial infection on my foot) and the med they put me on to ...

In forum Prescription acne medications

11 years ago
1St Week On Accutane: Is This Normal?

My acne seems to be better.... I did have a little bit of a flare up on 40mg and my lips go drier and my skin flaked a little bit more so I has to moisturize three times a day. I also got a random pat...

In forum Prescription acne medications

11 years ago
1St Week On Accutane: Is This Normal?

that's really normal....I started out on 20mg for my first month (just finished my second month on 40mg) and by about day 7 or 10 of my first month, the skin on the top of my nose started peeling like...

In forum Prescription acne medications

11 years ago
Will Stopping Accutane For A Few Days Decrease My Dehydration, Flushing, And Sun Sensitivity?

I had to stop Accutane about a week and a half ago due to getting a vesicular form of athlete's foot. My derm started me on oral anti-fungals for two weeks which are really harsh on my liver so i'm no...

In forum Prescription acne medications

11 years ago
Blisters On Accutane?

So I went to my derm this morning and I have a fungal infection (bullous tinea-blistering form of athletes foot) and a secondary bacterial infection in my foot. i'm on an oral anti-fungal, topical ant...

In forum Prescription acne medications

11 years ago
Blisters On Accutane?

Has anyone ever gotten big water blisters on their feet while on Accutane? in the last week or so I have developed a few large water blisters on my left foot and I don't know why!! I called my dermato...

In forum Prescription acne medications

11 years ago
Dry Nipples On Accutane?

it's happened to me occasionally and i'm just into my second month....i just use cetaphil for the dryness there

In forum Prescription acne medications

11 years ago
28 And I Still Have Acne! Finally Resorted To Accutane After 3 Other Options

Sounds like we're very similar! Of course i said in my post I hadn't broken out at all and now I think I have on my chin but that's ok!

In forum Prescription acne medications

11 years ago
28 And I Still Have Acne! Finally Resorted To Accutane After 3 Other Options

So just a quick background. I'm 28 years old and I've had acne since high school but it was very mild (mainly hormonal) until after I graduated high school. Once I hit my 20's i started to get pretty ...

In forum Prescription acne medications

11 years ago