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What is up with my chin? (pic)

Well, what you're describing is just like what I have had for over 2 years. I thought they might be seb hyperplasia as well, but took accutane and they didn't budge. At this point, Im ready to give up...

In forum General acne discussion

13 years ago
What is up with my chin? (pic)

Are you a dermatologist? I really appreciate the insight, but can you be sure this problem is scarring? I can see a plug when I stretch the skin. I've looked closely at my skin, and it really does loo...

In forum General acne discussion

13 years ago
Small, hard, skin-colored bumps on my chin

I refuse to believe these are scars. I've got smaller ones, but I'm convinced these are just really deep clogs. With mine, when I stretch the skin, I can see really small white bumps. If this phenomen...

In forum General acne discussion

13 years ago
What is up with my chin? (pic)

Here are some links on this site of posts involving similar problems. Let's figure this out!!!              

In forum General acne discussion

13 years ago
What is up with my chin? (pic)

Unfortunately, creams and antibiotics will not help in treating your raised hypertrophic scar formations on the chin area. The only treatment that will significantly reduce the size of your scar clust...

In forum General acne discussion

13 years ago
What is up with my chin? (pic)

Wow i think I have the answer to what i 43 and in the last two years these small white bumps in my chin area have gotten worse...Heres my story: June of 2009 had a bout of perioral dermatits...

In forum General acne discussion

13 years ago
What is up with my chin? (pic)

I went at these damned things with a bobby pin today, to see if i could extract anything. No luck. What the hell else can I do at this point? I've tried everything.   Siouxsie,   Hate to br...

In forum General acne discussion

13 years ago
The bumps on chin. Are these acne?

hey strangeskinbumps, just curious, but did you take oral antibiotics for acne? Did these oral antibiotics cause these skin bumps?   Which oral antibiotics did you take and how long did you take ...

In forum General acne discussion

13 years ago
The bumps on chin. Are these acne?

hey strangeskinbumps, just curious, but did you take oral antibiotics for acne? Did these oral antibiotics cause these skin bumps?   Which oral antibiotics did you take and how long did you take ...

In forum General acne discussion

13 years ago
The bumps on chin. Are these acne?

I have these bumps in my chin that won't go away. I've been applying burt bees 0.75% salicylic acid spot treatment for several months now but nothing happens, the bumps are still there. I tried squeez...

In forum General acne discussion

13 years ago
What is up with my chin? (pic)

Just doesnt seem likely these are scars. The point of origin of all my bumps are at a hair follicle.   I tried apple cider vinegar, but it was too irritating and had no effect on the bumps, excep...

In forum General acne discussion

13 years ago
What is up with my chin? (pic)

Anyone think this could be perioral dermatitis. My bumps are like the pictures on this post, noticeable but not inflamed. Maybe this is just a less inflamed version of pd. Fluoride in toothpastes can ...

In forum General acne discussion

13 years ago
What is up with my chin? (pic)

Okay, yup. That's exactly what I have. They really dont look terrible in indoor lighting, but in my car or in a room where the sun is shining through the window they look really noticeable. I'm at my ...

In forum General acne discussion

13 years ago
What is up with my chin? (pic)

I was on doxy for about 1 and a half years on and off. I would say these popped up about 6 months into taking it. I refuse to ever take antibiotics long term again. I think that because antibiotics lo...

In forum General acne discussion

14 years ago
What is up with my chin? (pic)

Thats awesome for you man. I'm trying the nizoral now, too. Why not, nothing else has worked. Maybe these bumps are fungal. Kinda weird though since theyve been there for years and are in the same exa...

In forum General acne discussion

14 years ago
Raised bumps on my chin - scars?

I've got bumps just like that. I'm at my wits end. They look god awful in the wrong lighting, almost freakish. Otherwise my face is clear. I've tried retin-a, aha, bha, accutane, antibiotics(could be ...

In forum Adult acne

14 years ago
What is up with my chin? (pic)

I've had these pain in the ass bumps for about two years. There is no itch or sensitivity. They never change locations. They vary in size. They are colorless and number about 15 that are noticable in ...

In forum General acne discussion

14 years ago