Forum Replies Created

Please give me your TAZORAC EXPERIENCES

this taz thing is sooo fustrating! i swear i went through an initial breakout 2 weeks ago, and now ANOTHER initial breakout!!! lately ive been getting more cystic types too--and in places where i do...

In forum Prescription acne medications

18 years ago
MSM Cream!!

i hope you get it loofery!!

In forum Scar treatments

18 years ago
Apple Cider Vinegar

maybe ill retry this since people have been having such good results. i tried the whole acv thing a little over a year ago (straight from the bottle) and it did squat for me!! are your marks very r...

In forum Scar treatments

18 years ago
Did Clindamycin work for you?

it did not work for me. actually, it really didnt give me an initial breakout either. i dont like it b/c it was watery. this is the one in a small bottle?? i like thick stuff on my face. its only ...

In forum Prescription acne medications

18 years ago
Any women tried Spironolactone?

question about "hormonal acne". when you say you have hormonal acne and breakout along along your jawline, is sthat the ONLY place you break out on ??? I break out about a week before my period (if i...

In forum Hormonal acne

18 years ago