Forum Replies Created

Topiramate for Scars

it says all the patients had discoloured or raised scars. Most people who have acne scars have indented scars. Maybe it would help people with red scars but i wouldn`t take an anti seizure medicine ...

In forum Scar treatments

18 years ago
Vitamin B5 Information

I dont think B5 can have any kind of contraindication with penicillin. If you are worried just phone up your pharmacy and ask them.

In forum Diet & holistic health

20 years ago
Why do scars revert back to normal after x months

Does anyone have an opinion as to why one needs to have constant peels or dermabrasions to keep the skin looking good.. I mean, once the scars have diminished what reason is there for them to go back...

In forum Scar treatments

20 years ago